Blog Archive

SOT Sommergespräche 2015: Prof. Dr. Heiner Flassbeck – “Mut zur Verhandlung”

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Do you believe what you see in your forex charts

In this webinar, Greg Michalowski, Director of client education and technical analysis, discusses the importance of believing what you see in your charts. It does require having faith in what you see though. See what Greg believes in and has faith in and why in this webinar. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL LIST!… LET’S CONNECT! …

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Energy Policy | Robert P. Murphy

Recorded at the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama, on 23 July 2015.

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Börsen-Talk vom 28. August 2015

Cash-Guru Alfred Herbert über die aktuellen Börsenturbulenzen.

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Markus Graf, CEO Swiss Prime Site

Swiss Prime Site erhöht nach positiven Halbjahreszahlen die Guidance. Im cash-Video-Interview spricht CEO Markus Graf über Einmaleffekte im Gewinn, eine mögliche Dividendenerhöhung und die Lage am Immobilienmarkt.

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Zero 2015-08-26

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures - more details at

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Zero 2015-08-26

EvilSpeculator is dedicated to identifying trends in the financial markets. To that end, we post market updates several times a week and engage in pertinent discussions. Risk Disclosure: Zero indicator running against the ES futures – more details at

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Gary Galles on the Minimum Wage and Inflation

Gary Galles explains how the minimum wage affects immigration and why he thinks a wall would not help US workers. Catch the very first episode of our brand new series, Scotch and Scholars!! This week we’ll welcome Gary Galles, the author of Faulty Premises (, to share his thoughts on the minimum wage.

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China faces a delicate rebalancing

China is going through a transition phase, and the Chinese authorities face a tricky challenge to avoid a crash, explains Christophe Donay, Chief Strategist at Pictet Wealth Management.

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Statens ovänner, Valter Wierzba | Radio Mises #059

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Humor är ett klassiskt effektivt vapen i kampen mot parhästarna ondska och dumhet. Radio Mises gästas av Valter Wierzba, mannen bakom den underfundigt regimkritiska Statens Ovänner ( Dessutom nya avsnitt i följetongerna Hagamannen och Allt Gynnar SD. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT:...

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Scotch and Scholars — Gary Galles — Minimum Wage

Catch the very first episode of our brand new series, Scotch and Scholars!! This week we’ll welcome Gary Galles, the author of Faulty Premises (, to share his thoughts on the minimum wage.

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TDV Interview Series: Marc Faber on Market Collapse and the Stupidity of Central Banks

Jeff interviews investment adviser Marc Faber of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, topics include: central banking and inflation, commodities decline, QE4?, natural market adjustment, precious metals, China is the largest trading partner of 124 countries, interest rate hikes to small to have any influence, cheating the savers, massive government debt created by central banking …

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Marc Faber: Markets have become very oversold near term

‘Gloom, Boom and Doom Report’ Editor Marc Faber on the market selloff. Watch Dagen Mcdowell and Maria Bartiromo talk about Investing Basics and Stocks on Mornings With Maria.

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Heinz Karrer, Präsident Economiesuisse

Economiesuisse-Präsident Heinz Karrer äussert sich im cash-Interview zum Verhältnis Schweiz – Europäische Union, zur SNB und zu den Folgen der Frankenstärke. Bei einem Thema des Wahlkampfes 2015 macht er sich Sorgen.

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Simon Hughes Ashes Report Fifth Test Day 4

Simon Hughes reviews the fourth days play at the Oval

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Simon Hughes Ashes Report Fifth Test Day 3

Simon Hughes reviews the third days play at the Oval

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Guy Miller, Chief Market Strategist Zurich Insurance

Laut Guy Miller, Chief Market Strategist bei der Zurich, sollte die US-Notenbank mit dem Zinsschritt noch zuwarten. Im cash-Börsen-Talk sagt er auch, warum kein Währungskrieg droht und was Europa anders machen sollte.

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Simon Hughes Ashes Report Fifth Test Day 1

Simon Hughes reviews the first days play at the Oval

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Investec ashes press conference.

Cook talks to media ahead of the final test at the Oval today

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Marc Faber – Sermaye Piyasaları Kongresi Dr. Kıyamet adıyla bilinen ünlü yatırımcı Marc Faber, Sermaye Piyasaları Kongresi için İstanbul’a geliyor.

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