Blog Archive

Monetary Policy Committee | 19 May 2016 | Interest Rate Review and Outlook

The MPC left the repo rate unchanged at 7.0% at the May MPC meeting following prior increases of 0.75% in Q1 2016. Five of the MPC members preferred rates to remain on hold whereas one member preferred a hike of 0.25%. Tertia Jacobs, treasury economist at Investec, provides some additional context and rationale to the …

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Yanis Varoufakis Guerilla interview – PART I | DiEM25

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Forex Video: I spent my Saturday, working on how I was going to say…

Greg MIchalowski, Director of Client Education and Technical Analysis for, has a different sort of video on Forex and Forex Education. You might say it is an invitation to better forex trading.

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Robots helping cancer patients

Individual transfusion bags for chemotherapy patients have been produced with the help of a robot since last year at the University Hospital of Geneva. Automation guarantees a more precise and reliable way of handling these highly toxic drugs. (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is …

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Yanis Varoufakis on EU Negotiations

Former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis discusses what he believes will happen in the next round of negotiations between the European Union and Greece and explains what he feels is fundamentally wrong with the terms upon which those negotiations will proceed. Watch economist Yanis Varoufakis in our latest RSA Spotlight – the edits which take …

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Forex Trading Education: Take a step back and see what the big picture is saying

In this video, Greg Michalowski of ForexLive demonstrates how to look longer term at forex charts. Sometimes we get caught in the minutia of the shorter term swings. Non-trending periods can tend to do that as the focus is on the break. We as traders have to make sure we divorce ourselves from the shorter …

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RecoVR: Mosul, a collective reconstruction | The Economist

In February 2015, Islamic State militants posted a video online showing the destruction of antiquities in and around the city of Mosul in Northern Iraq. For our first virtual reality project and 360° video, we have built a virtual museum to house those destroyed objects. This reconstruction of the Mosul Museum in Iraq was commissioned …

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Getting gas from solar power

A hybrid power plant in Solothurn can convert electricity from solar energy into gas. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our …

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Börsen-Talk vom 20. Mai 2016

Die Schweizer Währung hat jüngst an Attraktivität verloren. Was sind die Gründe dafür? Und welche Rolle spielt die Schweizerische Nationalbank? Devisenexpertin Ursina Kubli gibt im cash-Börsen-Talk Auskunft.

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[5/20/16] – 61. The War on Cash with Charles Hugh Smith

The show notes page for this episode can be found at: Charles Hugh Smith, proprietor of and author of “Why Our Status Quo Failed and Is Beyond Reform,” joins Adam Camac and Daniel Laguros to discuss the war on cash, negative interest rates, bail-ins, and other forms of financial repression.

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The new banknotes – production and circulation

This film shows the production process for the new Swiss banknotes, including substrate production, printing, inspection, storage and entry into circulation. It shows the special Durasafe® substrate and provides details of the various printing processes used.

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The new banknotes – journey to the public and back

This film shows the journey of the new Swiss banknotes, from storage and quality assurance at the Swiss National Bank to their entry into circulation. It also describes how the notes from the old banknote series are sorted and destroyed.

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The new banknotes – security features at a glance

This film shows the five main security features that can be used to check easily and quickly if a new Swiss banknote is genuine. Additional features are shown in the film ‘The new banknotes – design and security features’.

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The new banknotes – printing process

This film shows how the new Swiss banknotes are printed. The process uses traditional techniques such as offset, silkscreen, intaglio and letterpress printing, together with special processes such as foil application and microperforation. This gives the new Swiss banknote series a unique combination of design elements and security features.

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The new banknotes – substrate

This film shows how the substrate for the new Swiss banknotes is produced. The issuance of these notes marks the first time that the substrate will be used for banknote production anywhere in the world. Called Durasafe®, it is a specially developed, three-layer substrate, comprising an inner polymer layer sandwiched between two outer layers of …

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Investec year-end results 2016

Stephen Koseff on Investec’s 2016 year-end results. For more information and downloads visit:

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Treasury Sales & Structuring – What we do

Investec Treasury Sales and Structuring offers treasury solutions to corporates. In this video we explain how we can assist your company. For more information visit:

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PM Modi Is On The Right Track: Marc Faber

On sidelines of the #TradersCarnival in Thailand, Anuj Singhal caught up with Marc Faber for an exclusive interaction. Faber is all praises for Governor Rajan and says he has a very high opinion about PM Modi. Listen in.

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A Day With Marc Faber – Part 2

CNBC-TV18’s Anuj Singhal gets up, close & personal with Marc Faber at the latter’s beautiful home in Chiang Mai in Thailand. Apart from discussing global markets, central banks’ actions and commodities, the investment guru opens up about his personal a…

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A Day With Marc Faber – Part 1

CNBC-TV18’s Anuj Singhal gets up, close & personal with Marc Faber at the latter’s beautiful home in Chiang Mai in Thailand. Apart from discussing global markets, central banks’ actions and commodities, the investment guru opens up about his personal a…

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