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On September 7th, we announce the winner of the Gold and Silver Starter Kit! It’s not too late to enter! Go to Keep up with all of the contest videos by going to:

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BOC Governor Stephen Poloz gets testy on exports

Poloz is asked about weak non-commodity exports and gets defensive.

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Who is Inflating the Stock Market?

The Fed is doing exactly what other central bankers are doing by creating market bubbles. These bubbles may hold up markets for a short period of time, but when it pops, it’s gonna be scary. Check this out: 00:01 – Audio starts 00:03 – Announcer: “They [markets] reversed themselves yesterday trading and gave back …

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Moving away from nuclear power

Around 130 young people visited Switzerland to take part in camps ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad. Some of them have never lived in the country, and neither has their Swiss parent, or parents. Joining a Swiss abroad summer camp is a way in to the psyche of Switzerland. … Continue reading »

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What is active tourism?

Around 130 young people visited Switzerland to take part in camps ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad. Some of them have never lived in the country, and neither has their Swiss parent, or parents. Joining a Swiss abroad summer camp is a way in to the psyche of Switzerland. … Continue reading »

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Exploring the great outdoors as nomads

What’s it like visiting Switzerland as a young Swiss who lives abroad? Here are some impressions from youth at recent camps run by the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad. Around 130 young people were in Switzerland to take part in camps ahead of the 100th anniversary of the Organisation of the Swiss Abroad. Some of … Continue...

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✨ Who Else Wants Gold and Silver Totally FREE?✨

You still have time to enter to win FREE gold and silver. Go to Keep up with all of the contest videos by going to:

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Investors Mostly Shrugged Off Weekend Rhetoric from Fed Officials

It seems investors are ignoring what officials SAY and are waiting to see what they’ll actually DO. We believe the awareness of the Fed’s credibility problems are going mainstream. Read our latest article: 00:01 – Audio starts 00:03 – Announcer: “U.S. stocks and precious metals finished higher yesterday. 10-year Treasury bonds also rose, that …

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 30.08.2016 – Steuernachzahlung für Apple

Weitere Themen des heutigen Tagesausblicks: – Ausblick für Apple / Neues iPhone am 07. September vorgestellt – Frankreich stellt sich gegen TTIP – Dieselaffäre: “Alle Hersteller haben getrickst – und Berlin wusste es” – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Werner Rutsch, Leiter institutionelles Geschäft bei AXA Investment Managers

Die Schweizer akzeptieren eine Reform der Altersvorsorge, lehnen aber Rentenkürzungen ab. Das zeigt eine neue Umfrage von Axa Investment Managers. Deren Vertreter Werner Rutsch äussert sich im Interview mit cash.

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Börsen-Talk vom 30. August 2016

Cash-Guru Alfred Herbert wird heute Dienstag 80 Jahre alt. Im Börsen-Talk hält er Rückschau auf sein bewegtes Leben als Börsenhändler. Und er wagt eine Prognose auf die nächsten Börsenjahrzehnte.

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Börsen-Talk vom 30. August 2016

cash-Guru Alfred Herbert wird heute Dienstag 80 Jahre alt. Im Börsen-Talk hält er Rückschau auf sein bewegtes Leben als Börsenhändler. Und er wagt eine Prognose auf die nächsten Börsenjahrzehnte.

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Yanis Varoufakis | Buch: “Das Euro Paradox”

Yanis Varoufakis und sein neues Buch: “Das Euro Paradox” ttt 28.08.2016 Quelle: Das Erste Brillanter Theoretiker, radikaler Träumer, berechnender Zocker, Wirtschaftsmathematiker, Motoradfahrer: In seinem neuen Buch tritt Griechenlands Ex-Finanzminister Yanis Varoufakis für eine Rettung Europas ein. ABO NICHT VERGESSEN weitere interessante Links: Konsumterror vs Konsumverzicht Konsumterror vs Konsumverzicht Nico Paech & Co...

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Michael Pento Exclusive: Low Yields High Inflation to Force People into Gold

Read full transcript here: Interview starts: 6:27 Pento Portfolio Strategies: Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies and author of the book The Coming Bond Market Collapse: How to Survive the Demise of the U.S. Debt Market explains who’s behind the latest stock market rally, the truth about the economy’s health despite what the …

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Two Unlikely Presidential Candidates May Have a Chance to Stand Against the Establishment Juggernaut

Thanks to the alternative media, Donald Trump and Libertarian Gary Johnson may have a chance to win this year. Here’s a look at how precious metals could be impacted by this year’s election: 00:01 – Audio Starts 00:05 – Announcer: “Geo-political events that drove up previous metals prices in recent months are fading into …

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Avoid Losses – 014

Dr. Markus Elsässer, value investor and founder of ME Fonds – Special Values: “Avoid Losses”, July 29th, 2016

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‼️ 12 DAYS REMAIN ‼️

We announce our #Gold and #Silver Starter Kit winner on September 7th! Enter to win at Keep up with all of the contest videos by going to:

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Video of the purported Yemen attack on a Saudi oil facility

This video was originally posted to Facebook with the caption: By the grace of Allah, Just about an hour ago, a video from inside Najran city for #Aramco oil company burning by a Yemeni ballistic missile “Zelzal-3″, Friday 26-8-2016. The video shows a huge fire on the oil tanks .. Note the oil tanks at …

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Something’s Coming That is Going to Take Peoples’ Minds off the Economy

This forecaster isn’t the only one predicting an inevitable occurance. Michael Pento also predicted that something big is coming. Listen here: 00:00 – Audio Starts 00:03 – Announcer: “The bad news for silver bulls this week – the near-term trend has turned down. The good news – the longer term uptrend that commenced off …

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