Blog Archive

Turkish ex-spy recounts political espionage

In an exclusive interview with Swiss public television, SRF, a former agent of the Turkish National Intelligence Organisation (MİT), confirmed suspicions that political espionage had taken place in the past on members of the Turkish community in Switzerland. On March 24, the Swiss Attorney General’s office announced it had opened criminal proceedings into allegations of …

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Philippe Hebeisen, Generaldirektor der Vaudoise-Versicherungen

Als mittelgrosser Versicherer dreht sich auch bei der Vaudoise vieles um Tiefzinsen, Digitalisierung und Politik. Im cash-Video-Interview äussert sich CEO Philippe Hebeisen zu den aktuellen Herausforderungen.

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The aquanauts who journey to the bottom of the ocean

Ever wondered what it is like to descend in a submersible into the deepest ocean? Check out Economist Films: Check out The Economist’s full video catalogue: Like The Economist on Facebook: Follow The Economist on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on LINE:

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Pictet Perspectives – When headlines start to matter

Alexandre Tavazzi, Global Strategist at Pictet Wealth Management on factors that might hit market valuations.

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Pictet Perspectives – When headlines start to matter

Alexandre Tavazzi, Global Strategist at Pictet Wealth Management on factors that might hit market valuations.

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A century of attracting holidaymakers

The exhibition “Take a Holiday!” looks back at the innovative and colourful ways in which Switzerland has been advertised as a tourism destination. The Museum für Gestaltung in Zurich commemorates the centenary of the Swiss tourism office. (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Operations centre opens Lucerne for commuters

Commuters were getting back to business as usual in the Lucerne area today: the central rail station was reopened after four and a half days of closure due to a derailment. The rail operations centre in Olten dealt with the fallout from the accident. Swiss Public Television visited the centre to find out how they … Continue...

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Bozena Riot

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Brexit: Kurssturz bei diesen DAX-Aktien?

► Update: Nach dem Versand per Mail am 29.03. ist das Brexit-Special jetzt erhältlich unter ► Hier kostenfrei erhältlich: “Brexit-Spezial” + “Erfolgreich Geld anlegen”. Einfach anmelden unter In wenigen Tagen ist es soweit, der Brexit wird Realität. Droht einigen DAX-Aktien dadurch sogar der Absturz? Heute erkläre ich euch, welche Kandidaten gefährdet sind...

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Florian Homm, Universität Mannheim: goldene Ratschläge für junge Berufseinsteiger und Studenten

? Börsenbrief: Abonniere hier meinen Youtube Kanal – Folge mir auf Facebook – Florian Homm ist ein ehemaliger Hedgefonds Manager und einer der bekanntesten Börsenprofis im deutschsprachigen Raum. Nach seinem Studium an der Harvard Business School hat er mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte renommierte Unternehmen und Privatinvestoren in Finanz- und...

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Dirk Müller – Was steckt hinter Pulse of Europe?

Über die Bewegung “Pulse of Europe” liest man derzeit nahezu überall. Was dahinter steckt und warum es heißen sollte: “Europa ja, aber richtig!” anstelle von “Weiter so” Auszug aus dem vom 27.03.2017. – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller Bildrechte: & Anne Mathiasz /...

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Diving down to the deep ocean

Even in the perpetual darkness of the deepest ocean, scientists discover the discarded rubbish of modern life. Check out Economist Films: Check out The Economist’s full video catalogue: Like The Economist on Facebook: Follow The Economist on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on...

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Brexit is here: How to trade the Article 50 trigger

On March 29, Theresa May will trigger Article 50. That sets a two year negotiation period for the UK to leave the European Union — the Brexit is here. The foreign exchange market has built up an incredibly large short position against the pound in anticipation of Article 50. In this video, Adam Button from …

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Florian Homm spricht Klartext #22: Die Risiken steigen auf breiter Front. Passen Sie auf!

? Börsenbrief: Abonniere hier meinen Youtube Kanal – Folge mir auf Facebook – Florian Homm ist ein ehemaliger Hedgefonds Manager und einer der bekanntesten Börsenprofis im deutschsprachigen Raum. Nach seinem Studium an der Harvard Business School hat er mehr als zwei Jahrzehnte renommierte Unternehmen und Privatinvestoren in Finanz- und...

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Central Bankers Are Creating A World Where We Are All Serfs: Charles Hugh Smith

Today’s Guest: Charles Hugh Smith Websites: Of Two Minds Books: Get a Job, Build a Real Career… Why Things Are Falling Apart and What We Can Do About It A Radically Beneficial World Most of artwork that are included with these videos have been created by X22 Report and they are used as …

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No future in forestry

Even though forestry and logging are popular apprenticeships in Switzerland, only a few trainees stay on and join the profession. (RTS, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and …

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Per Bylund: Who Built That?

Our guest this week is Professor Per Bylund, a man who studies entrepreneurship for a living. Why is the role of the entrepreneur—the individual who risks capital, time, and energy to build a business—almost completely disregarded by most economists? Does the Austrian focus on individual human action explain why business schools are far more willing …

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Europa, il terzo spazio tra establishment e populismi, videoforum con Yanis Varoufakis – L’integrale

La situazione in Europa tra la minaccia del terrorismo e il rischio della disgregazione. In politica e in economia esiste un terzo spazio possibile tra la politica delle élites e quella dei populisti: a scriverlo è Yanis Varoufakis nel suo ultimo libro “Il terzo spazio. Oltre establishment e populismo (Laterza). L’ex ministro delle Finanze del …

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What could threaten Amazon’s empire? | The Economist

Amazon accounts for more than half of every dollar spent online in America and is the world’s leading provider of cloud computing. But can the company avoid the attention of the regulators? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: This week we put Amazon on the cover. Amazon is a remarkable company …

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cash-Talk vom 24. März 2017

Die Umwandlungssätze der zweiten Säule sinken massiv. Wie hoch dadurch die künftige Renteneinbusse sein wird und wie diese abgefedert werden kann, sagt Vorsorgeexperte Stefan Thurnherr vom Vermögenszentrum im cash-Talk.

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