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Peter Boockvar: Trump Will Perpetuate This Bubble for Political Reasons

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Swiss abroad keep yodelling tradition alive

Some people will go an awfully long way to yodel: the “Wildrose” yodel club, for example, has come all the way from Canada to take part in this weekend’s Federal Yodelling Festival in Brig-Glis, canton Valais. (Julie Hunt, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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All the fun of the yodelling festival

A round-up of the weekend’s events at the Swiss Federal Yodelling Festival in Brig, Valais. (Deganit Perez/SRF)  — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe …

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Will the Chinese dragon swallow more Swiss firms?

Greater numbers of Chinese visitors and investments arrived in Switzerland last year and the trend looks set to continue. The hotel industry is rejoicing, but critics fear Switzerland is selling off the family silver. (SRF/  — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to …

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Highest bridge in Europe opens

The highest bridge in Europe has been officially opened after taking 5 years to build. The Tamina Bridge connects the Swiss villages of Pfäfers and Valens in canton St Gallen. It cost CHF56 million. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to …

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How I survived torture | The Economist

The United Nations Convention against Torture is 30 years old. Kolbassia Haoussou, a torture survivor, shares his story. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Over 160 states have signed the UN Convention against Torture sinces its adoption in 1984. Half of these countries still practice torture. In 2004, a failed coup …

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Charles Hugh Smith On Central Bank Buying Of Equities

Click here for the full summary with slides:

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Stocks to plummet 40% or more, warns Marc Faber

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Svensk skola: 175 år av ofrihet – Rickard Dahlin – Freedomfest 2017

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: ---- Skolan har alltid varit ett viktigt verktyg för staten för att forma det uppväxande släktets åsikter och säkerställa dess samtycke. Rickard Dahlin kommer tala om förstatligandet av skolan. Och hur staten, trots kommunaliseringen, via läroplanerna faktiskt ökat centralstyrningen, med fallande resultat som följd. Slutligen förslag på hur man som förälder kan skydda sina barn. Rickard...

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Svensk skola: 175 år av ofrihet – Rickard Dahlin – Freedomfest 2017

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: —- Skolan har alltid varit ett viktigt verktyg för staten för att forma det uppväxande släktets åsikter och säkerställa dess samtycke. Rickard Dahlin kommer tala om förstatligandet av skolan. Och hur staten, trots kommunaliseringen, via läroplanerna faktiskt ökat centralstyrningen, med fallande resultat som följd. Slutligen förslag på hur man …

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Konsum und Materialismus | Tea Time Talk

Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible Hörbücher*: Mein...

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Dirk Müller – Neues Gesetz führt zur totalen Überwachung der Bürger

Auszug aus dem vom 23.06.2017. Sehen Sie den kompletten Tagesausblick auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Das neue Buch von Dirk Müller – Jetzt überall im Vorverkauf: – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse,...

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An expert’s guide to negotiating Brexit | The Economist

Britain has begun talks on leaving the European Union. The architect of Canada’s recent trade deal with the EU discusses the complexities of Brexit. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: It is crucial for Britain to negotiate a trade deal with the EU before it leaves the bloc in March 2019. …

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Wie ich mit 21 Jahren 100.000 Euro NETWORTH ansammeln möchte | Sparkojote Blogvorstellung

Kostenlos Die Erfolgsformel – In 27 Schritten zum erfolgreichen Vermögensaufbau: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich...

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Mike Amey, Portfolio-Manager bei Pimco in London

Die Brexit-Verhandlungen haben diese Woche begonnen. Pimco-Anlageexperte Mike Amey sagt im cash-Video-Interview, weshalb bis Ende Jahr mehr Klarheit im Dossier herrschen wird und was dies für die Finanzmärkte bedeutet.

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The Economics Behind Music Festivals | The Economist

Music festivals attract 32 million revellers annually around the world. That adds up to an industry worth nearly $10bn a year. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: From the mud of Glastonbury to the blockbusting headliners of Coachella, music festivals have become big business. Annually there are around 800 music festivals …

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Tenacity: Investec Test Series 2017

Cricket is a game of pure tenacity, being fixed to your end goal of taking a wicket or reaching that boundary not matter what the other team throws at you. Investec ambassador Stuart Broad on how being tenacious helps his game

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Performance: Investec Test Series 2017

You have to move with the times to stay at the top of the world stage. Cricket idol, Investec Ambassador Stuart Broad on constantly challenging himself to achieve his goals.

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Vor diesen ETFs warne ich!

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: ETFs sind bei Sparern sehr beliebt und das hat auch seinen Grund. Es gibt allerdings auch ETFs, vor denen muss man warnen. Genau das mache ich, in diesem Video. ——– ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen Report …

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Passion: Investec Test Series 2017

Investec Ambassador Stuart Broad on how passion brings our team together for one common goal – to win Test Matches for England.

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