Blog Archive

How free electricity would change the world | The Economist

Imagine if heating and powering homes became free in the next decade. What would that mean for the world? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films throughout the working week. For more from Economist Films visit: Check out The Economist’s full video catalogue: Like The …

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Charles Hugh Smith Is America Approaching Hyperinflation?

Charles Hugh Smith talks about the disparity in the government’s CPI index that states the cost of living is less than 2% per year when reality is different.

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BITCOIN-Verbot: Möglich?

► TIPP: Sichere Dir mein E-Book „Bitcoins: Digitales Gold oder Luftblase?“, sowie wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Bitcoin & Co. – 100% gratis: ➤ Link zum Video “BEREIT, falls BITCOIN CRASHT?”: Ein bekannter Ökonom und Nobelpreisträger aus den USA, fordert das Verbot von Bitcoin. Aber, ist das möglich? Meine Gedanken dazu, im heutigen Video. ——– …...

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Bist Du gerne alleine? ? | Sparkojote

Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible Hörbücher*: Mein...

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Das Börsenwort des Jahres 2017: Risikounbekümmertheit

Früher galt einmal die eiserne Aktienregel: Keine Chance ohne Risiko. Doch heutzutage scheinen die Vorteile von Aktien mit denen des Sparbuchs gekreuzt zu sein: Hohe Chancen bei keinem Risiko. Haben wir es mit einer schönen neuen Anlagewelt zu tun oder droht irgendwann ein böses Ende der Aktienhausse? Robert Halver mit seinen Einschätzungen aus dem Börsensaal …

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Warum die Zentralbanken scheitern werden – Gelddrucken alleine reicht nicht | FH #62

? Börsenbrief: Die Illusion der Zentralbanker. ➜ Hier geht’s zu meinem Buch : ➜ Hier geht’s zu unserem Börsenbrief : ➜ Folge Florian Homm auf Facebook ➜ Unterstützen Sie bitte die Vereinsarbeit:

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Lars Anders Johansson “Kultur i politikens tjänst” Freedomfest 2017

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Vad är kulturpolitik och hur uppstod den? Från 30-talet och framåt har kulturpolitiken spelat en viktig roll för det korporativistiska samhällsbygget, och från 70-talet som en drivande kraft i det kulturradikala projektet. Men måste det vara så? I boken Att dansa efter maktens pipa: kultur i politikens tjänst går Lars Anders Johansson till botten med den svenska kulturpolitiken och sätter...

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Lars Anders Johansson “Kultur i politikens tjänst” Freedomfest 2017

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Vad är kulturpolitik och hur uppstod den? Från 30-talet och framåt har kulturpolitiken spelat en viktig roll för det korporativistiska samhällsbygget, och från 70-talet som en drivande kraft i det kulturradikala projektet. Men måste det vara så? I boken Att dansa efter maktens pipa: kultur i politikens tjänst går …

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European commercial property market rallying

While Europe is bouncing back, Brexit is casting a shadow on the UK’s commercial property market, says Investec UK’s CIO. In an interview at the recent #InvestecWealth Forum in Johannesburg, Chris Hills, Chief Investment Officer, Investec Wealth & Investment UK, said that the European commercial property market is recovering thanks to stimulus from the European …

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Leading growth investor reveals his favourite emerging markets.

Sunil Thakor, MD, Sands Capital, on why China and India are ripe for investment. Talking at the recent #InvestecWealth Forum, Thakor gave examples of the unexpected industries he has found fantastic growth opportunities in. India rising “One of our favourite parts of the world is India,” says Thakor. The country’s attractive young demographic profile and …

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Why the Chairman of Investec’s Global Investment Strategy Group is a China bull

Despite a general dim view of China’s growth, the Chairman of Investec’s Global Investment Strategy Group believes that the Chinese economic miracle is far from over. In an interview at the recent #InvestecWealth Forum, John Haynes, Chairman of the Global Investment Strategy group, Investec Wealth & Investment, UK, said “I would only worry about the …

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Why the best time to buy resources is when people don’t like them

Gold and uranium are favourite commodities of 2016’s Top Performing Global Equity Manager. Unfashionable resources, in particular gold and uranium, are favourite commodities of Dave Iben, Chief Investment Officer of Kopernik Global Investors USA. At the recent #InvestecWealth Forum, Iben, one of 18 exceptional fund managers in Investec’s World Axis Fund, spoke about why “commodities …

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The top three risks on the global investment horizon in 2018

Transition risk, rising inflation and populism top the agenda of Investec’s Global Investment Strategy Group. The Global Investment Strategy Group brings together the finest investment minds at Investec Wealth & Investment across the different geographies, to set the overarching positioning and investment strategy for the investment portfolios of clients. In this video interview at the …

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RUHE vor dem STURM?

Die Schwankungsbreite des Aktienmarktes ist so gering wie noch nie in der Geschichte der Börse. Es gibt Experten die meinen, das ist die Ruhe vor dem großen Sturm. Meine Meinung dazu, in diesem Video. ——– ➤ Hier anmelden und jeden Mittwoch meinen Report erhalten: ► Mein Youtube-Kanal “Tradermacher”: ➤ Folge mir bei Facebook: …

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137: Profiting from Persistent Market Anomalies with Dimitri Speck

Our guest for this podcast episode, Dimitri Speck, first became interested in the markets as a child when he found gold while diving at the beach. And even though trading isn’t usually as easy as just picking up gold off the ground, Dimitri has spent years diving deep into the markets and uncovering hidden and …

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Was ich von Bitcoin, Litecoin und Ethereum halte ? | Sparkojote

Coinbase*: Hier abonnieren: ► Meine Empfehlungen Strategie zum Vermögensaufbau: PortfolioPerformance: ► Social Media & Links Der Blog: Instagram: Facebook: ► Du willst mich unterstützen? Coinbase*: Audible...

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Trump bizarrely claims US has a trade deficit with Canada

Dec 8, 2017 at a rally in Florida, Trump describes a negotiation with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on NAFTA. He wrongly insists the US has a trade deficit with Canada. The US trade report is here:

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Ronald Stöferle: Crypto Currencies Steal Gold The Show

Ronald Stöferle: Crypto Currencies Steal Gold The Show. Interview With Fund Manager Of Incrementum AG. Get our free Newsletter (English) ►: Get our free Newsletter (German) ►: Subscribe to our YouTube channel ►: *Stay ahead of the investment-crowd* Commodity-TV and Rohstoff-TV offer you free interviews and company presentations across...

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Ryan McMaken: Who Prosecutes the Prosecutors?

So far, the federal investigation into Russian collusion during the 2016 election has been a farce. Lawless and corrupt federal prosecutors—and their pet police agency, the FBI—dominate the headlines. Yet, the Constitution never provided for a federal police force, and lists very few federal crimes. So, how and why did federal prosecutors and agents become …

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What you need to know about ICOs

Adam Button from ForexLive spoke to the CBC about ICOs and fraudsters. Originally aired Dec 5, 2017. LET’S CONNECT! Facebook ► Twitter ► Google+ ► Homepage ►

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