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Greece -The Depressed Victim of Europe – Professor Yanis Varoufakis – Feb 2018

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The Effect of Trump Tax Cuts – Professor Yanis Varoufakis – Feb 2018

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Hans-Werner Sinn über Hartz-4 und Armut – 26.03.2018

Sehr angenehm neben den ganzen irrationalen weinerlichen Ausbrüchen der eingeladenen Frauen auch mal ein paar klare und auf Fakten basierte Gedankengänge zu hören. Herr Sinns Aussagen machen Sinn.

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Switzerland Using Crypto to Regain Banking Privacy, Says Claudio Grass

Mar 30 – FS Insider interviews Claudio Grass at Precious Metal Advisory Switzerland on current drivers in the gold market—real interest rates, the Japanese yen, geopolitical uncertainty—and to also discuss the latest development in…

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How does science fiction influence the real world? | The Economist

Steven Spielberg’s new film “Ready Player One” imagines a future where people live much of their lives in virtual reality. Do science fiction’s predictions of the future ever come true? Yes. And it’s no surprise, given that the tech industry is led by sci-fi fans turning their visions into reality. If you’re watching this on …

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2020 ein guter Zeitpunkt um Krypto zu kaufen?

Hat dir das Video gefallen? Gib mir nen DAUMEN HOCH bzw. TEILE dieses Video um gemeinsam AT, DE und CH #cryptofit zu machen! #Bitcoin #Aktien #Investment ► Kein Video mehr verpassen? ABONNIERE meinen Kanal: UND klicke die GLOCKE – WICHTIG! ► E-MAIL ERINNERUNG beim nächsten Video erhalten: —————— ► Welcher Kryptoinvestor Typ bist …

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Zinsen: Stehen wir vor einem Wendepunkt?

Niedrigzinsumfeld, Schuldenkrise, Trump – die Welt befindet sich in einer Phase grosser Unsicherheit. Professor Hans-Werner Sinn, einer der profiliertesten Ökonomen Europas und ehemaliger Präsident des deutschen Forschungsinstituts ifo, zeigte an den acrevis Anlegerapéros auf, welche Mechanismen zur aktuellen Situation geführt haben und skizzierte Zukunftsszenarien für die europäische Wirtschaft. Sehen Sie im untenstehenden Videomitschnitt des rund...

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Now a great time to buy crypto?

New to cryptocurrencies? You might want to read this book first! If you liked the video, subscribe to my channel, give a “thumbs up” and share this video to make the world together #cryptofit 🙂 ► Subscribe: ————— ► Completely NEW? What is Blockchain, Bitcoin and Co? Get this book from me:...

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Budget Speech 2018 – insights from Investec.

A panel of Investec experts summarises the outcomes of the 2018 Budget Speech, and the effects on business and the consumer. Journalist and political commentator, Justice Malala, chairs the panel consisting of Annabel Bishop, Investec chief economist; David Gracey, head of currency and derivatives trading at Investec Corporate and Institutional Banking (ICIB), and Ronelle Hutchinson, …

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Börsen-Talk vom 29. März 2018

Christian Gattiker, Leiter Research Bank Julius Bär, schätzt die Perspektiven der Schweizer Börsenschwergewichte Nestlé, Novartis und Roche ein.

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Rising yields and inflation expectations in developed nations

Aside from the concern over governance at our SOEs, what are the biggest risks facing SA’s macro environment in 2018? Investec’s Ronelle Hutchinson says that even though the SA dynamic has improved, the global environment is shifting, and a rish factor for South Africa is the change in liquidity dynamic. Annabel Bishop adds: Looking at …

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Budget Speech 2018: Domestic risk assets attractive to foreign investors

Will SA benefit from the increasing popularity of emerging market equities? With emerging markets back in favour, Ronelle Hutchinson, Investec portfolio manager believes South African equities will also see investment. With recent positive developments, she says there is potential for inflows into the local equity market. Get more insights from the Investec #Budget2018 panel discussion …

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Budget Speech 2018 and the sluggish GDP growth in South Africa – insights from Investec

Are we in the losing zone? Celebrating 1.5% GDP growth shows how far we’ve fallen behind, says Investec’s David Gracey. He puts this down to the country missing out on a decade of activity. “1.5% does nothing for us; we’re farming backwards; our population growth is higher than that!” Get more insights from the Investec …

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Budget Speech 2018: VAT and the expected effects of the tax increases on the CPI

What is the impact on businesses and the consumer? CPI inflation is unlikely to drop below the 5% mark for the medium term, says Investec’s Annabel Bishop, so the Reserve Bank is not going to rush into any interest rate cuts. She adds that the VAT increase is a small one, which, on a global …

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Investec insights: Budget Speech 2018 and the president’s “New Dawn”

What’s more impoprtant? Ensuring that the rand is strong, or that we can meaningfully impact people’s lives? Investec’s David Gracey reminds us not to lose sight of what’s key for South Africa’s economy. The behaviour of the rand and interest rates are symptoms of the activity in the broader economy. What we need to hone …

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Charles Hugh Smith on Automation, Robotics and Universal Basic Income

Click here for the full transcript:

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La FINMA s’inquiète de la cybersécurité en Suisse

La FINMA s’inquiète de la cybersécurité en Suisse Le directeur Mark Branson a plaidé en faveur de la création d’un centre national de compétences, soulignant le retard pris par la Suisse. SUBSCRIBE :

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Charles Hugh Smith-No “Free Trade”-Only Darwinian Game of Trade

Charles Hugh Smith, author of, explains what he means by stating, No “Free Trade”- Only Darwinian Game of Trade.

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Zinsanstieg = Aktiencrash?

► TIPP: Sichere Dir wöchentlich meine Tipps zu Gold, Aktien, ETFs & Co. – 100% gratis: Führt ein Zinsanstieg automatisch zu einem Aktiencrash? Diese Frage wollen wir heute besprechen und werden außerdem den Blick auf eine Grafik werfen, die besorgniserregend ist. Los geht´s! ——– ➤ Mein YouTube-Kanal zum Thema Trading: ➤ Folge mir …

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Dirk Müller – The Grand Chessboard: Russland soll völlig isoliert werden!

Auszug aus dem vom 28.03.2018. Sehen Sie den kompletten Tagesausblick auf und erhalten Sie werbefreien Zugriff auf alle Premiuminhalte inkl. Beiträgen und Videos: “Machtbeben” – Das neue Buch von Dirk Müller – Jetzt überall im Vorverkauf: – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse,...

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