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First a European recession, then everywhere else

Adam Button from ForexLive outlines about how a drop in the euro will lead to cascading consequences for the global economy. LET'S CONNECT! Facebook ► Twitter ► Forexlive Homepage ►

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Market Huddle Episode 41: Harry McLovin (guest: Charles Hugh Smith)

To receive our emails with the charts and links each week, please register at: In episode #41, Patrick Ceresna and Kevin Muir welcome Charles Hugh Smith to the show to talk about negative interest rates and Charles explains why the past is not a guide. Then more on the hot topic: GE fraud. Fast …

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First a European recession, then everywhere else

Adam Button from ForexLive outlines about how a drop in the euro will lead to cascading consequences for the global economy. LET’S CONNECT! Facebook ► Twitter ► Forexlive Homepage ►

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Charlie Munger: Bi kịch cuộc đời và ý chí vươn lên thành huyền thoại sống

CHARLIE MUNGER: BI KỊCH CUỘC ĐỜI VÀ Ý CHÍ VƯƠN LÊN THÀNH HUYỀN THOẠI SỐNG Năm 21 tuổi, Charlie Munger kết hôn với Nacy Huggins, những tưởng hạnh phúc với lựa chọn này, nhưng chỉ 8 năm sau, ông và bà Nancy đường ai nấy đi. Charlie Munger mất tất cả khi ly dị vợ. … Continue reading...

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Wie überzeugt man Petrolheads zur E-Mobilität?

✘ Werbung: Es läuft ein harter Bruch durch die Gesellschaft, der so nicht sein müsste. Die #Klimagläubigen sehen die #E-Mobilität als Lösung zur Rettung der Welt und die Petrolheads fühlen sich durch die E-Mobilität in ihrer #Freiheit beschnitten. Dabei muss man weder das Klima noch die Freiheit oder Subventionen bemühen, um die E-Mobilität weiter …

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Why Do I Have to Pay a Premium for Silver Coins? Premiums vary according to market conditions. When demand is soft, premiums may fall, especially on secondary market products such as pre-1965 U.S. silver coins. Secondary market products – items that are being resold rather than sold for the first time as brand new – can often be purchased at a discount to newly minted...

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Why Can’t I Buy Silver at the Spot Price? Retail bullion products including bars, rounds, and coins carry small premiums over spot prices. The premium includes minting costs plus the dealer’s profit. The premium also incorporates any wholesale premiums the dealer must pay to acquire the inventory. Silver Prices FAQ Playlist:...

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Does this line predict America’s next recession? | The Economist

The yield curve has predicted America’s last eight recessions. In March this year it inverted again. So what does it mean for America? Read more about how the yield curve helps predict economic growth here: Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: This graph makes a lot of people nervous. Why? …

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Keith Weiner, ObLEFTivists, et al.

LANGUAGE ADVISORY – if you are an ObLEFTivist, I’m going to swear at and insult you. Gratuitously. ENJOY!!! Support this channel: ADVChina’s video:

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Trendhandel auf Wolke 7 – Automatische Einstiege im Trading mit Ichimoku Charts

#ICHIMOKU KINKO HYO – was hier so kompliziert klingt, ist eine Wunderwaffe für Trader. Oft unterschätzt und noch viel öfter missverstanden, zeigt dieser Traum-#Indikator für trendfolgende Trader nicht nur erstklassige Einstiegslevel für #Swingtrades. Er liefert gleichzeitig noch eine Einteilung der Signale in „stark“ „neutral“ und „schwach“. Doch damit nicht genug zeigt er dem Trader auch direkt noch die wichtigen Unterstützungs- und...

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Userfrage zum Wohlstand und Sozialismus. Es fällt auch das böse N-Wort.

✘ Werbung: Ein User befragt mich zum #Zins und #Zinseszins und wie der Machthaber im #3.Reich damit umgegangen ist. Meine Standortbestimmung ► Zins & Zinseszins ► Kapital & Kapitalsammelbecken ► Schuldgeld & Zins ► Wie wir zu den Sternen Fliegen ►

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 8.16.19

Rick Rule of Sprott USA joins us this week to discuss the precious metals, the mining shares and his investment strategies for the remainder of 2019 and beyond.

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Börsen-Talk vom 16. August 2019

Ökonomen warnen vor einer Rezession. Mojmir Hlinka vom Vermögensverwalter Agfif sieht das aber anders und nennt im Börsen-Talk Schweizer Aktien, die in den nächsten Jahren «definitiv» zu den Gewinnern gehören werden.

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Börsen-Talk vom 16. August 2019

Ökonomen warnen vor einer Rezession. Mojmir Hlinka vom Vermögensverwalter Agfif sieht das aber anders und nennt im Börsen-Talk Schweizer Aktien, die in den nächsten Jahren «definitiv» zu den Gewinnern gehören werden.

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So verdiene ich mein Geld online! ?? | Sparkojote

Seit einigen Monaten geht es mit dem Einkommen durch die Decke, es wächst monatlich um mehrere Tausend CHF. Zum ersten Mal habe ich die 5-stellige Marke geknackt, ich möchte weiterhin Transparent meine Einnahmen mit euch teilen. #OnlineGeldVerdienen #Business #Finanzrudel ? Finanzrudel Podcast für Unterwegs ►► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ?? Der BLOG zum YouTube-Kanal ►► ? Finanzrudel …

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How is the Silver Spot Price Determined? Traders determine silver and gold spot prices on futures exchanges. Metals contracts can change hands in London and Shanghai when U.S. markets are closed. But the largest and most influential market for metals prices is the U.S. COMEX exchange. The quote for immediate settlement at any given time is effectively the spot price. Silver …...

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What is Ag on the Periodic Table? The symbol Ag on the periodic table stands for silver. Silver’s atomic number is 47. Its density is 10.5 g/cm3, making silver denser than copper and most base metals but not as dense as platinum or gold. Silver Prices FAQ Playlist: ? SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON...

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Charles Hugh Smith Parallels Between The Decline of the Roman Empire and America

Here’s an excellent analysis for any history enthusiast on the comparison between the Roman empire in decline and the American empire.

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The Paradox of the Creditor Debtor Relationship: Germany the Debtor Nation – Heiner Flassbeck 1/2

Former German finance minister, Heiner Flassbeck, on the unbearable debt imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles after WWI, the subsequent debt forgiveness & restructuring of Germany’s external debt after WWII and Germany’s position today as a European creditor nation. Two part series. Originally published June 26, 2013 at TRNN with which Lynn Fries is no longer associated.

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The Paradox of the Creditor Debtor Relationship: Germany the Creditor Nation – Heiner Flassbeck 2/2

Heiner Flassbeck: In Germany, unfortunately, the historical lessons are not even discussed.We’re asking debtor countries to repay their debt, but at the same time we are preventing them being able to do so. Originally published June 30, 2013 at TRNN with which Lynn Fries is no longer associated.

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