Blog Archive

Sebastian Coe part 2 – Mental resilience

How physical exercise can boost productivity, and why drawing on your previous experiences can help you perform at your best. This video was originally published on Investec Focus ( ) on 11 November 2019

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Sebastian Coe part 1 – Tracking success: turning your weaknesses into a strength

Double Olympic champion Sebastian Coe reveals how he gets smarter colleagues to do the best work of their lives. This video was originally published on Investec Focus ( ) on 11 November 2019.

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Reupload 2017: Wohlstandssicherung in einer großen Krise

✘ Werbung: Vorsicht ist die Mutter der Porzellankiste. Ob nun demnächst ein #Crash kommt oder nicht, man sollte sein Wohlstands #Risiko versuchen zu minimieren. Viele Menschen kennen dabei die vielfältigen Risiken gar nicht. Griechenland, Zypern, der IWM (IMF) und die Banken haben bereits mehrfach gezeigt, was der #Staat von unserem Geld in Zukunft alles …

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Bankenpleite, Bankenbilanzen, Verschuldung, Fiat Geld, Insolvenzverschleppung

✘ Werbung: Wissen Sie, wie Geld entsteht? Wie eine Bankbilanz verlängert wird und Banken Geld verdienen? Die Wenigsten wissen es. Geld kommt für sie aus dem Automaten. Heute blicken wir auf das Eigenkapital der Banken, die Kreditvergabe (Bilanzsumme) und das adjustierte EK. Sie kennen das Wort Adjustiert nicht? Keine Sorge ich erkläre alles von …

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Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up – 5.29.20

Eric Sprott discusses the past week in precious metals and looks ahead to what promises to be a very interesting month of June. Visit our website for more news.

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Part 3 – Fani Titi: ‘Investec is distinctive and edgy with a sense of belief’

Fani Titi discusses the importance of ensuring that your people are valued and have the authority to make difficult decisions. With the demerger on the horizon, he reveals his thoughts around how it is progressing and why it will make the business much slicker. This video was originally published on Investec Focus...

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Part 2 – Fani Titi: ‘I’m strongly influenced by a sense of possibility’

How do you define success? Fani Titi reveals who has taught him valuable lessons in life and explores if it’s possible to reach a point at which you have achieved everything you expected to. This video was originally published on Investec Focus...

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How Math Can Save You (5/29/20)

As we continue to assess the economic damage inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic, adjusting household budgets to the reality of our situation will be key to financial survival. RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP w Certified Financial Planner, Danny Ratliff, CFP, expound on household ratios, and what downsizing could look like for …

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Part 1 – Fani Titi: an out of the ordinary story

Fani Titi, Investec’s joint CEO, talks to broadcaster Clare Balding about his extraordinary life, from a farm in the Free State, via a top US university to a City of London boardroom. This video was originally published on Investec Focus...

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The Real Investment Show Best Clips for Week of 5/25/20

Life in these United States these days consists of staying home and finding even more, creative ways to utilize what’s on hand: This week we covered the dilemma of working, or not; received a primer in 2008 GDP drops vs today’s 30% vaccum, how not to be stupid, and another learning experience, courtesy of the …

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Jeff Deist Returns, Science and U with Dr. Yu – A Neighbor’s Choice

A Neighbor’s Choice with David Gornoski airs live weekdays 4-6pm EST. Call in at 727-587-1040. Email A Neighbor’s Choice with a guest suggestion, story tip or question at [email protected]

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Sachdividende – Swatch Aktie JEDES Jahr eine UHR als Geschenk erhalten ⌚?? | Sparkojote

?Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► * Jedes Jahr erhalten Swatch Aktionäre der Namensaktie eine Aktionärsuhr geschenkt. Die Uhr wird an eine Schweizer Wohnadresse geschickt, ich zeige wie man jährlich eine Swatch Uhr kostenlos bekommen kann. Man muss lediglich mindestens eine Swatch Namensaktie besitzen und einige Kleinigkeiten beachten. #Swatch #Sachdividenden …

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Welche Anlageform passt zu Ihrem Mindset?

Mein neues Buch ist ab 13. Oktober 2020 auf Amazon erhältlich! Link: *** Dr. Markus Elsässer, Investor und Gründer des Value Fonds „ME Fonds – Special Values“., Buch-Autor des Bestsellers: „Des klugen...

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Charlie Munger on Negative Interest Rate. | [C:C.M Ep.9]

In this episode, Charlie Munger was asked regarding on negative interest rate. Whether he is for negative interest rates or against them? And does he see 10 years of low interest rates posing a systemic risk to the supply of insurance? In this episode, you’ll learn: – What is Charlie Munger views on negative interest …

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(5/28/20) Why We’re Fed-up with The Fed (Full Show)

Power outages & Cherry Cobbler; Watching the economic numbers as the recovery begins; Michael Lebowitz on Baseball players’ salary cuts, shortened season, optics; What’s happening in America; NFL Status; Initial uptick in economic activity from pent-up demand: Is it repeatable? Amount of outstanding debt & size of Fed response; Pedro da Costa commentaries; the Fed’s …

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Freisicht – Klaus-Peter Willsch (CDU)

In der heutigen Ausgabe (28. Mai 2020) von “Freisicht” habe ich mit Klaus-Peter Willsch über den Recovery Fund, die Situation des Euros und den Umgang von Taiwan mit der Corona-Krise gesprochen. Klaus-Peter Willsch ist Wirtschaftsexperte der CDU-Bundestagsfraktion und hat mit mir gegen die Gründung des ESM gekämpft. Willsch ist außerdem Präsident des Deutsch-Taiwanesischen Freundeskreises. Die …

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Charlie Munger on the Economy

Charlie tells Yahoo Finance the reason for our economic state and discusses his investing views, Coca Cola, and Kraft Heinz. Source: Yahoo Finance United States Wealth Management® ? Website: ? Twitter: ? USWMO channel: ? USWMO News channel: Learn How to Trade & Invest! ? Receive our weekly Options Playbook: …...

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Weshalb der EURO sterben MUSS

Wird der Euro sterben? Die Coronavirus Krise wirkt wie ein Katalysator für die fundamentalen struktuellen Probleme des Euros. Nouriel Roubini: *44% Rendite in den letzten zwei Jahren mit unserem Börsenbrief: ▶︎ ? Mein Buch bestellen: ? Börsenbrief:...

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Charlie Munger explains how Warren Buffett outperforms the market 2020

Hello, Here is the Charlie Munger video how his co-funder Warren Buffett outperforms market every year 🙂

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Life in America (5/28/20)

It’s just scandalous that professional athletes and team owners must accept 50% pay cuts, dropping their income from $300-million to only $150-million. That’s rough. RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, discuss life in America in a post-COVID economy–which will make the 4% GDP drop in 2008 look like a …

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