Blog Archive

Audio Alert: U.S. Mint Questions Taxation of Gold & Silver | September 7th, 2018

This week, we present an encore of an interview with Steve Forbes. Mr. Forbes shares his tremendous insights on the growing discontent with the Fed and the booms and busts created by their policies. He also makes the case for why he believes the time is now for America to restore gold in our monetary system. (

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Audio Alert: Gold & Silver Attempt Rebound, Pento Issues Warning | August 24th, 2018

Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies describes two scenarios for the Fed that may BOTH result in a day of reckoning for the U.S. stock market and explains why he sees no end to the trade wars for at least several months. ( (   (  ...

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Audio Alert: Metals Market Smashed… Is the Bull Market Alive? | August 17th, 2018

Dr. Lucas Engelhardt, associate professor of economics at Kent State University and well-known Austrian economist and regular guest lecturer at the Mises Institute, enlightens us on some of the major flaws in our current monetary policy and the dangers and economic trouble. ( (  ...

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Audio: Silver Reaching Historical Extremes | September 14th, 2018

Axel Merk of Merk Investments, reveals the one big mistake many investors are making in not rebalancing their portfolios right now, and he explains why he still sees gold as an important asset to own despite its recent weakness. ( (   (  ...

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Audio: Fed Misstep Could CRASH Markets, Celente Warns | September 21st, 2018

Gerald Celente joins us for another explosive interview on the state of the markets. Gerald tells us why he’s not only focused on the dollar but also oil and explains what is likely to happen if the Fed continues to hike interest rates. ( (  ...

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Audio Alert: Your Rising Risk of Being Financially ‘De-platformed’ | October 5th, 2018

Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors, talks about some key developments in the gold community and why he believes a key merger in the gold mining industry could be a good indicator of a market bottom. He also shares his thoughts about Vanguard’s recent decision that leaves many gold investors hung out to dry. (

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Audio Alert: Fed Likely to Play Role of Grinch This Holiday Season as Trump Continues to Criticiz…

Coming up we’ll hear a replay of the fabulous interview we did earlier this fall with Dr. Stephen Leeb of Leeb Capital Management. Dr. Leeb weighs in on what he believes will be a major fly in the ointment for the U.S. when it comes to the trade war with China and also tells us if he’s still holding onto the thought that we’ll see triple digit silver prices sometime during the next decade....

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Audio: More central banks stockpiling gold; David Smith: 3 converging dynamics to boost metals | …

David Smith, joins me to discuss the recent stock market volatility and what the future is likely to hold when it comes to equities, and also lays out three potential market dynamics that may all converge at once in the near future. ( (  ...

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Audio: Certain Precious Metals Go Bananas, Crypto Market Smashed | November 16th, 2018

Part two of an interview Money Metals president Stefan Gleason did with Alan James on the Sustainable Money Podcast. Stefan gives some more advice on what to look for when choosing a precious metals dealer, when and how to sell when the times comes, and also talks about some of the ins and outs of gold and silver IRAs. (

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Audio Alert: Pento Warns of Stock Market Crash, New Fed QE | November 30th, 2018

Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies joins me for a conversation you will not want to miss. Michael weighs in on the recent words from Fed Chair Jerome Powell and why he believes the initial reaction from Wall Street about what the Fed will now be doing on interest rates is misguided, and he reveals the inside scoop on why he’s been blackballed by CNBC and others in the mainstream financial media....

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Audio: JP Morgan Busted for Gold/Silver Manipulation | November 9th, 2018

This week, a fascinating and informative interview Money Metals president Stefan Gleason gave recently for the Sustainable Money podcast. Stefan shares some of the history behind sound money, when and where the wheels came off our monetary system. ( (  ...

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Audio: Trump Bashes “Crazy” Fed; Democrats Justify Incivility | October 12th, 2018

First time guest Dr. Stephen Leeb of Leeb Capital Management, weighs in on what he believes will be a major fly in the ointment for the U.S. when it comes to the trade war with China and also tells us if he’s still holding onto the thought that we’ll see triple digit silver prices sometime during the next decade. (

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Audio Alert: Inflation Rears Its Ugly Head; Stock Prices at Risk | November 2nd, 2018

Dr. Chris Martenson, of and well-known author of the Crash Course and the book Prosper! joins us for a sensational interview on the recent volatility in stocks and what he thinks it means. Chris also reveals some new facts about depleting global oil supply and when exactly he sees the crisis there finally coming to a head (

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Audio: Shutdown Conflict, Roiled Markets Boost Gold & Silver | January 18th, 2019

David Morgan of The Morgan Report joins us for a conversation on a range of topics, including his 2019 outlook for a number of different asset classes, most notably gold and silver. ( (   (  ...

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Audio: Major Silver Price Move Expected on Industrial Panic | January 11th, 2019

Mining analyst and precious metals expert David Jensen joins us to talk about how palladium might just be the straw that breaks the back of the paper market. ( (   (   (,)...

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Audio: Fed Chairman Tells a Whopper of a Lie… | February 15th, 2019

Chris Martenson of and famous author of The Crash Crouse and his latest book Prosper! joins me to dissect what’s behind the Yellow Vest movement in France and why the mainstream media and those in power simply don’t want you to know what’s really going on there. ( (  ...

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Audio Alert: Fed Governors Now Floating Interest Rate Cuts | February 22nd, 2019

Dr. Engelhardt enlightens us on some of the major flaws in our current monetary policy and the dangers and economic trouble it will eventually produce. He also discusses a couple of different ways we could reintroduce a gold standard. ( (  ...

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Audio: Stock Market Wipeout; Holmes Predicts 2019 Gold Explosion | December 21st, 2018

Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors joins me and shares why he believes this past quarter has been a very constructive and encouraging one for gold ( (   (   (,)  ...

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Audio: Gold Now Rallying in All Other Currencies | January 25th, 2019

Greg Weldon of Weldon Financial joins us for a 2019 outlook. I’ll ask him if the thinks the recent stock market rally has legs -- and also for his forecast for gold this year. ( (   (  ...

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Audio: Fed Caves on Rate Hikes, Commodities Gear Up | March 22nd, 2019

David Smith, Senior Analyst at The Morgan Report and columnist joins us and reviews the key reasons why we ought to own precious metals -- and discusses the risks of NOT acting now when the price of silver is still cheap ( (  ...

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