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How Robert Mugabe wrecked Zimbabwe

President Mugabe’s economic mismanagement of Zimbabwe has brought the country poverty and malnutrition. After 36 years in charge, he’s looking to extend his rule by 5 more years.

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Robert Mugabe has ruled for 36 years, but this despot’s country is on its knees. Zimbabwe is one of the poorest countries in the world. Malnutrition is common and life expectancy is poor.

Mugabe’s regime seized white-owned farms and gave them to cronies, destroying Zimbabwe’s agricultural sector.

When the money ran out he printed more creating the worst hyperinflation in history. The value of the currency plummeted, causing the cost of goods and services to skyrocket. In 2008 inflation hit 500,000,000,000%

Local currency was abandoned and replaced by the US Dollar. Now Mr Mugabe has invented a new currency, the “Bond Note”. His people have little confidence it will hold its value. Fearing more economic chaos will wipe out their savings many thousands have taken to the streets to show their anger.

Some believe the end of his regime is in sight but Mr Mugabe has other ideas. In 2018 he plans to seek office for another 5 years. At the end of which he would be 99 years old.

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