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Dr. Marc Faber: The Fed Started QE to Infinity in 2008

#Dr.MarcFaber: #TheFed Started QE to Infinity in 2008

While the Federal Reserve still has yet to admit that it’s running another quantitative easing campaign, Dr. #MarcFaber of the #GloomBoomandDoomReport explained how in reality, when the Fed started QE in 2008, that was the beginning of #QEtoinfinity.

Dr. Faber talked about how the Federal Reserve has been following the script of the Bank of Japan for the last 30 years. Which hasn’t created wealth in Japan. And is not going to fix the underlying economic issues that the politicians in the west are doing their best to ignore either.

He discussed the manipulation in the #preciousmetals markets. What’s happening in the #palladium and #rhodium markets where prices have begun to go vertical. And how he’s positioning both himself and his clients for what’s about to come next.

So to discover what Dr. Faber had to say, click to watch the video now!

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Interview by #ChrisMarcus of #ArcadiaEconomics:


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Marc Faber
Marc Faber (born February 28, 1946) is a Swiss investor based in Thailand. Faber is publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and is the director of Marc Faber Ltd, which acts as an investment advisor and fund manager. Faber also serves as director, advisor, and shareholder of a number of investment funds that focus on emerging and frontier markets, including Leopard Capital’s Leopard Cambodia Fund and Asia Frontier Capital Ltd.'s AFC Asia Frontier Fund.
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