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Do boxers’ headguards protect them from concussion and injury? | The Economist

Male boxers will not wear headguards at the Olympic Games in Rio. According to a study by the sport’s governing body, there are fewer cases of concussion when headguards are not worn. However, a new imaging technology known as diffusion MRI could spot signs of potential brain injury at an early stage.

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At the Rio Olympics boxers will compete without head guards. It’s the first time the boxers skulls will be unprotected at the games in over 30 years. A study by the amateur International Boxing Association found that the number of concussions decreased by 43% when head guards were removed.

A direct impact can also stretch and rip tiny microscopic wires in the brain called axons. This kind of damage can progress over time and lead to a long term brain disease known as CTE. Neuro scientists now have the tools to measure this damage more accurately than ever before.

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