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Discovering sustainable fashion in Geneva

In Switzerland's second richest city, there is no shortage of shops offering second-hand clothes or clothes made from recycled textiles. The only problem is finding them, according to researcher Katia Vladimirova, who has been studying sustainable fashion in the city.

When the Russian researcher arrived in Geneva, after living in London, New York and Milan, she found it incredibly difficult to find clear, detailed information on how to shop sustainably for clothes.

Working at the University of Geneva, Katia Vladimirova proposed to the city authorities to carry out a detailed study of the situation. The results of her research, published at the end of April, highlight areas where there is room for improvement and suggest recommendations to improve the consumer experience.

During her research, Vladimirova met various people working in the sustainable fashion business. SWI followed her through the streets of Geneva to discover second-hand shops, recycling centres and boutiques.
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