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“Critical Thinking is the Cornerstone of Freedom” – Jayant Bhandari, Libertopia 2013

“Critical Thinking is the Cornerstone of Freedom”
Jayant Bhandari

As American society degenerates, its politics degenerate in direct proportion. Improvement in culture must precede any improvement in the quality of our politics. In a relatively capitalist country such as America, rational people can see what causes what effects. The more socialist a society becomes, the more the path from causes to effects becomes convoluted and difficult to understand.

The minds of those who grow up in such a culture are an entangled web, embedded with corrupted instincts. Collectivism is increasingly present in the DNA of those in the US. Individuals in the US are likely to keep doing more of exactly the same things that created the initial problems, slowly retracing their steps, back to the medieval period. Will the West become another India?

September 2, 2013
The Town & Country Resort and Conference Center
San Diego, CA

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Jayant Bhandari
Jayant Bhandari grew up in India. He advises institutional investors on investing in the junior mining industry. He writes on political, economic and cultural issues for several publications. He is a contributing editor of the Liberty magazine. He runs a yearly seminar in Vancouver titled Capitalism & Morality.
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