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Claudio Grass über Kauf und Lagerung von Gold

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(Sven Hermann Consulting)

Auf der IfAAM Financial Repression Tour 2012 in Kassel haben wir mit Claudio Grass (Geschäftsführer Global Gold) unter anderem darüber gesprochen, welche finanziellen Investitionen für die Bürger in Zukunft sinnvoll sein könnten sowie darüber, was bei Kauf und Lagerung von Edelmetallen zu beachten ist.

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Claudio Grass
Claudio Grass is a passionate advocate of free-market thinking and libertarian philosophy. Following the teachings of the Austrian School of Economics he is convinced that sound money and human freedom are inextricably linked to each other. He is one of the founders of He is also founder of GlobalGold Switzerland ................. Keeping assets outside of the country you live is key. Switzerland remains the best jurisdiction for private property rights. Why? Because of its federalist structure in combination with direct democracy. It assures that the power of politicians is limited and that the people and not the politicians are the sovereign.
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