Tag Archive: newsletter

When Will Markets’ Stampede End? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(9/7/22) Markets always operate in either a buying- or selling-stampede, where prices rise incessantly for a period, and then seem to be in a sell-off mode forever; investors are always asking, 'when will it stop?' Example: The July lows that led to the August highs. The current selling stampede has been running for 13-days. To keep this in perspective, we're still above July's lows...there is a risk of re-testing those lows, certainly, given where...

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Swiss economy slows but stays in the black

Switzerland’s economic output slowed to 0.3% between April and the end of June, compared to the first quarter of the year. The manufacturing, construction, trade and financial services sectors all showed signs of weakening in the face of energy shortages and rising inflation.

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Should You Jump Into an EV?

(9/7/22) September markets are underway with buying and selling stampedes; use any rally to reduce risk. If you're worrying too much about your portfolio, you're holding too much risk! Looking forward, earnings expectations are still too elevated, and valuations have to come down. A side-by-side look at the ISM vs S&P PMI; geopolitical decisions affect markets. Europe is imploding over high energy costs (thanks, Vladimir!) As the US exports...

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LIVE ab 20:45 Uhr | 9,3% Inflation + Russland dreht Gas ab – WAS JETZT?

Russland hat das Gas abgedreht, die #Inflation in Europa befindet sich mit 9,3% auf absolutem Rekordniveau und die #Energiepreise explodieren. Wie wirken sich Inflation, #Gaskrise und die wachsende Unsicherheit in Deutschland, Österreich und dem Rest Europas auf die Wirtschaft und unser Leben in Europa aus? Was haben wir im Winter zu erwarten?

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The Yen and Yuan Continue to Weaken

While the US dollar appears to be consolidating its recent gains, the Japanese yen and Chinese yuan remain under pressure. Officials seem more concerned about the pace of the move than the level it has reached. New and large fiscal initiatives that the new UK government has floated has failed to change sentiment toward sterling, which is the second weakest major currency today after the Japanese yen.

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen? Macht Forex Trading, CFD Handel und Aktien oder der sichere Hafen Girokonto und Gold Sinn?

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Max Otte :auch in stürmischen Zeiten ruhig schlafen lassen #short

Dirk Müller, Banken Deutschland, Sparkassen Deutschland, Wirtschaft Deutschland, Finanzen Deutschland , Geld Deutschland , Kapital Deutschland, Aktien Deutschland , Börse Deutschland , Immobilien Deutschland , Politik Deutschland ,

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When Honesty Is Disincentivized, Don’t Be Surprised That Trickery Abounds

Appreciating cultural nuances is difficult without understanding the stories that provide insight into a society’s soul. Stories reflect a nation’s values, aspirations, and ideals. Songs, poems, and literature illuminate the tastes of citizens and even political and economic preferences.

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Insolvenz-Welle droht! Fachkräftemangel in der Politik! Reaktion auf Robert HABECK

0:00 Insolvenz-Anmeldungen nehmen zu 2:00 Habeck hat kein Plan von der Deutschen Wirtschaft 3:00 Was ist eine Insolvenz 3:30 Insolvenzen sind für den Markt relevanter als für ein einzelnes Unternehmen 7:17 Die Kosten steigen immens 9:00 Die Insolvenz-Quote sollte nicht manipuliert werden 10:00 Die einzige Lösung: LASST ENDLICH DEN MARKT ARBEITEN! 11:30 Strompreisbremse 12:30 Basic Economics oder

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Keith Weiner on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel

CEO Keith Weiner returns to popular radio show Turning Hard Times into Good Times hosted by Jay Taylor. Jay argues that the U.S. government hates gold because its rising price shines the light on the destruction of the dollar caused by the Federal Reserve’s printing press used to finance massive government deficits.

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Trading & Aktien Screening – die besten Signale mit System

Bei diesem Video handelt es sich um einen Live Gig aus dem trading netzwerk (www.tradingnetzwerk.com). Ich zeige dir, wie du als Trader mit kostenfreien Screenern die passenden Aktien auswählst und welche Unterstützung ein Backtest dabei liefern kann.

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Putin seeks closer ties with Asia as tensions with West intensifies | Latest World News | WION

Russian President Vladimir Putin attended large-scale military exercises on Tuesday involving China and several other nations, this comes as Moscow seeks to strengthen its diplomatic ties in Asia amid the ongoing western sanctions.

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China´s Wirtschaftsdaten sorgen für Pessimismus – “DAX Long oder Short?” mit Marcus Klebe – 07.09.22

HIER geht´s zum kostenlosen JFD Livetradingroom: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5477297854855570446?source=marcus-social-media Folge uns auf: Telegramm: https://t.me/jfdbank_de LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/jfd... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JFDGermany/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JFD_Group Webseite: https://www.jfdbrokers.com/de...

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Pilot project tests power backup from electric cars

An innovative pilot project testing the potential of electric cars to stabilise the power grid has been launched in Switzerland.

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Wenn die SCHWEIZ in die EU eintritt… Das wird NIEMALS passieren! ️

Wenn die SCHWEIZ in die EU eintritt... Das wird NIEMALS passieren! Wir haben hier einen sehr wichtigen Wirtschaftspartner der Schweiz, aber die gängigste Frage, die man immer wieder hört, warum sollte die Schweiz in die EU? #schweiz #eu #Finanzrudel

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Weekly Market Pulse: The More Things Change…

I stopped in a local antique shop over the weekend. The owner is retiring and trying to clear out as much as she can before they close the doors so I paid a mere $3 for the Life magazine above. I think it might be worth many multiples of that price for investors who think our situation today is somehow uniquely bad. The cover headline could just as easily be describing today as 1970.

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Yanis Varoufakis about Globalization IFA Summit+ 2022 in Berlin

Yanis Varoufakis Former Minister of Finance Greece about Globalization IFA Summit+ 05 09 2022 in Berlin

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Weekly Market Pulse (VIDEO)

Alhambra CEO Joe Calhoun compares the similarities between today’s bear market and past ones, plus last week’s data on the economy, employment, and whether the new data points to recession.

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Booms, Busts, and Statistics: What the Mainstream Gets Wrong

Per Bylund’s new book How to Think about the Economy: A Primer is now available online, in the Mises Store, and at Amazon. It’s an excellent beginning text for anyone looking to gain a better grasp of sound economics and to better understand what makes the Austrian school method different (and better). I recently asked Professor Bylund about some of the ways economics has been used and abused to support bad policy.

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Max Otte: Bleiben Sie investiert! (1.09.2022)

#maxotte #fiatgeld #zentralbankgeld #ezb #digitalgeld #investmentfonds

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