Tag Archive: newsletter

Max Otte: Wirtschaft leider nicht immer rational

#maxotte #fiatgeld #zentralbankgeld #ezb #digitalgeld #investmentfonds

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4 Millionen Euro in der Rente? Für meine FREUNDIN klappt es! Depotupdate von Diana

0:00 5 Millionen zur Rente? 1:44 Seit 3 Jahren dabei 2:15 Wie hat sich Dianas Depot entwickelt 2:50 Die aktuellen Aktien im Sparplan 4:10 Mehr Geld verdienen mit Nägeln 6:00 Prognose für die Rente 6:40 Verhältnis zwischen Verdienst und Investition

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The Dollar Heads into the Weekend Well Bid

Overview:  The dollar is well bid. It has risen to new two-year highs against the dollar bloc and Chinese yuan. Aided by worse than expected retail sales, sterling, on its anniversary of leaving the European Exchange Rate Mechanism fell to its lowest level since 1985. This fits into the broader risk-off move. The S&P 500 fell to new two-month lows yesterday, and FedEx warnings after the bell yesterday add to the string of worrisome comments...

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Insatiable Government

In the minutes of the Chicago City Council, May 12th last, is the perfect example of how commonly we regard public credit. From bad taxation, reckless borrowing and reckless spending, the city of Chicago had so far prejudiced its own credit that for months it had been unable to meet its municipal payrolls either out of revenues or by discounting its notes at the bank.

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The many perils of “Stockholm syndrome” politics

It’s been a tumultuous couple of months in UK politics. After a troubled time in office, plagued by scandal, internal party frictions and much public embarrassment, Boris Johnson exited the stage leaving behind a big old mess for his successor to clean up. An economy in tatters, inflation at record highs and an energy crisis the likes of which this generation hasn’t seen before.  It’s a miracle that anyone in the kingdom could be found that...

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Presentation of the Oswald-Spengler-Prize 2022 to Jordan Peterson on Aug. 30, 2022 by Max Otte

Award of the Oswald-#Spengler-Prize to Jordan B. #Peterson, Aug. 30, 2022. #jordanbpeterson #oswaldspengler #maxotte

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Switzerland braces for winter energy crunch

Despite being one of the world’s richest countries, Switzerland also faces the threat of an energy shortage in the coming months. The authorities are scrambling to prepare.

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WION Fineprint | Putin to Xi: Russia values China’s ‘balanced position’ on Ukraine

Russia's President Vladimir Putin told Chinese leader Xi Jinping that Moscow backs Beijing's "One China" policy, opposes "provocations" by the United States in the Taiwan Strait and values China's "balanced position" on Ukraine.

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„Putin ist nicht schuld an der Inflation!“ – brisantes Interview mit Dr. Marc Faber

Dr. „Doom“ Marc Faber – Euro und Aktien rauschen nach unten – was jetzt? Europakongress: https://europakongress.com/ Geldsicherheit LIVE: https://thorstenwittmann.com/geldsicherheit-garantiert/ Freitagstipps abonnieren: https://thorstenwittmann.com/klartext/ Marc Faber: https://www.gloomboomdoom.com Dr. Marc Faber: "Frau Lagarde ist eine Verbrecherin!"   Dieser Mann polarisiert, ist bekannt für kritische Aussagen und hat renommierte...

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Frugalismus macht dich arm

💰Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► http://sparkojote.ch/swissquote * (only for swiss residents) Frugalismus macht dich arm Macht Frugalismus reich oder arm? Diese Frage stellen wir uns heute und erklären auch die Bedeutung von Frugalismus. #frugalismus #reich #Finanzrudel 👴 Früh in Rente gehen? ►► https://www.sparkojote.ch/frugalismus-frueh-in-rente-gehen-schwachsinn-oder-humbug/ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ☛ Die...

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Swiss parliament okays purchase of F-35 jets from US

Switzerland’s House of Representatives has approved the purchase of new F-35 fighter jets from the United States. The decision clears the path for Bern to sign the purchase contract, even though an initiative to prevent the deal has not been voted on by Swiss voters.

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August’s Price Inflation Soared, and That Means Earnings Fell Yet Again

The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics released new price inflation data today, and the news wasn’t good. According to the BLS, Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rose 8.3 percent year over year during August, before seasonal adjustment. That’s the seventeenth month in a row of inflation above the Fed’s arbitrary 2 percent inflation target, and it’s six months in a row of price inflation above 8 percent.

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Silver Fever, or Silver Fading?

We finally had a resolution, of sorts, in silver. Since April 13, we have had a falling price of silver (indicated as a rising price of the dollar, as measured in silver). And along with this price trend, a growing scarcity of the metal to the market (i.e. the cobasis, the red line). Indeed, the price (of the dollar) and silver scarcity move with uncanny coordination. Almost as if they are linked.

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Entscheidungsfindung bei wichtigen Situationen – STANDORT

Neue Website https://www.elsaessermarkus.de/ _ Dr. Markus Elsässer, Investor und Gründer der Value Fonds „ME Fonds - Special Values“ WKN: 663307 „ME Fonds - PERGAMON“ WKN: 593117 _ 1.📚 "Dieses Buch ist bares Geld wert" *https://amzn.to/3wr2Vq5 Als Hörbuch *https://amzn.to/3xnT6rW 2.📚 "Des klugen Investors Handbuch" *https://amzn.to/38UCXQg Als Hörbuch *https://amzn.to/3nAM7IU _ 00:00 - Einleitung 02:25 - Amerikanisches Modell...

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Inflation kommt nicht runter, die Märkte schon!

Überraschend starke Inflationszahlen haben am Freitag zu einem enormen Abverkauf in den Indizes geführt. Der Euro lief erneut unter die Parität als der Dollar Index sich zur 110 aufmachte. Die Zinsen auf US Anleihen steigen wieder! Was das alles zu bedeuten hat und was wir nun erwarten müssen erklärt Martin Goersch im heutigen Livestream.

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Wohnen wird immer teurer? #shorts

Depot eröffnen & loslegen: ⭐ Flatex (in Österreich keine Depotgebühr): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/flatex.at ⭐DADAT (Dividendendepot für Österreicher/Innen): *https://minimalfrugal.com/dadatdepot ► Trade Republic: (um 1€ Aktien kaufen): *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/traderepublic ► Smartbroker: *https://www.minimalfrugal.com/smartbroker ► Comdirect: *http://www.minimalfrugal.com/comdirect ► Onvista:...

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Entrepreneurship Summit 2013 in Berlin Prof. Max Otte | “Wie ich zum Unternehmer wurde”

Meine Rede auf dem Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin 2013. Wie ich Unternehmer wurde. Unternehmertum ist hart. Unternehmertum ist die beste Sache der Welt.

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Financial Tips for Millennials: Part 2

Part 2 of my 3 #financial #recommendations for #millennials: save well. #personalfinance #money #principle #raydalio @Yahoo Finance

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Avoiding Costly Mistakes on the FAFSA (9/15/22)

Here is an encore presentation of the September 15, 2022 Lunch & Learn on the FAFSA (Free Application for Student Financial Aid) with Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP, and Senior Risk Management Consultant, Chris Liebum. The FAFSA is a vital, first-step towards securing financial aid, either through loans or grants, for your college bound children. 1:30 - The First Step: Available Tools 2:00 - Don't Make These Four Big Mistakes 4:50 - Chris'...

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen? Macht Forex Trading, CFD Handel und Aktien oder der sichere Hafen Girokonto und Gold Sinn?

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