Tag Archive: newsletter

World Wide on the Road for Capitalism

Seminare, Bücher und Filme von Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann finden Sie hier: https://linktube.com/zitelmann Der Podcast von Dr. Dr. Rainer Zitelmann: Erfolg, Reichtumsforschung und Finanzen iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dr-dr-rainer-zitelmann-erfolg-reichtumsforschung-und/id1629889731 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1E6YAqN5q0qzSzvVooVT9E?si=9cffa670bc224fa5 Podcast.de:...

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Gold Technical Analysis

Here's a quick technical analysis on Gold with some fundamental background. For more visit ForexLive.com

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Swiss-Backed CBDC Project Explored Feasibility of Cash-Like, Anonymous Digital Currency

Project Tourbillon, an initiative led by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub Swiss Centre and supported by the Swiss National Bank (SNB), explored the feasibility of a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC), finding that it is possible to implement a CBDC design that provides anonymity to the payer and which is scalable and secure. In a new report released in November 2023, BIS shares details of the project, outlining...

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My Meditation Regimen

Sharing my #meditation regimen with @TonyRobbinsLive. #raydalio #principles #transcendentalmeditation #mindfulness

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Virtual Mises University 2024

Join 2024's Virtual Mises University for only $45—or join free for Mises Institute Members (use your promo code on the back of your Membership card).  For almost thirty years, Mises Institute scholars have presented at Mises University, a world-class, week-long, intensive event in Austrian Economics. Virtual Mises University is the online component of this seminar for students, professionals, business people, and absolutely anyone, anywhere, who is...

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Rothbard and Mises vs. Calhoun on the Natural Right to Secede

There are many reasons to support the breaking up states into smaller pieces. This is done via secession, and acts of secession produce smaller states. All else being equal, smaller states tend to be richer and they tend to have lower taxes. They tend to exercise less power over the resident population—because it's easier for people to escape smaller states than larger ones. Moreover, setting these tangible and practical considerations aside,...

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Our Friend the State

Economics in America: An Immigrant Economist Explores the Land of Inequalityby Angus DeatonPrinceton University Press, 2023; xiii + 273 pp. Economics in America disappointed me, but I have only myself to blame. As you would expect from a Nobel laureate, Angus Deaton is very smart and erudite, but what you might not expect is that he is funny as well. The book contains much good sense, but it is quite unsympathetic to the free market. And this is...

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What, Me Normative?

Visions of Inequality: From the French Revolution to the End of the Cold Warby Branko MilanovicHarvard Univerity Press, 2023; 359 pp. Branko Milanovic’s Visions of Inequality contains one of the most misleading statements I have ever encountered by an author about the contents of his own book. Milanovic, an eminent economist who teaches at the City University of New York and was formerly the lead economist at the World Bank, addresses in this book...

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Friedman versus Rothbard

Murray Rothbard and Milton Friedman didn’t only disagree on the subject of economics. They also sharply disagreed on the direction American conservatism needed to go. Original Article: Friedman versus Rothbard

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Selections from The End of the Dollar Era

Government-Managed Digital Currency: A Further Threat to Our Freedom by Paul Gottfried Whatever the modern self-described liberal democratic administrative state claims to be doing in the name of disadvantaged people is intended primarily and perhaps exclusively to increase government control. Further, whenever the same regime purports to be making our lives more comfortable, more agreeable, we may assume that our freedom and property rights are...

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The Wrong Way and the Right Way to Fix the Fed

Monetary Policy as Inflationism Today all governments and central banks operate under the ideology of inflationism. The underlying principle of inflationism is that the quantity and purchasing power of money determined by the free market leads to deflation, recession, and unemployment in the economy. The inflationist ideology is therefore embedded in the very concept of monetary policy, which can be defined as an increase in the supply of money...

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From the Editor—November/December 2023

The Mises Institute is different. We don’t change our positions or our ideology to match the current zeitgeist. Rather, we’re in it for the long haul. Our business is to change the minds of both scholars and the general public. Victory in the battle of ideas doesn’t begin in legislative committee rooms. It begins in classrooms and living rooms. To achieve this goal, it’s important to not sacrifice consistency to score some short-term and fleeting...

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Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - https://twitter.com/dlacalle ☑ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lacalledanie ☑ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dlacalle ☑ Página web - https://www.dlacalle.com ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - https://www.amazon.es/Daniel-Lacalle/e/B00P2I78OG ¡Un saludo!

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Deine Finanz Coaching Programme

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Und hier stelle ich dir, wie besprochen, noch unsere Coachingprogramme vor. Da haben wir verschiedene Möglichkeiten, sag mal für jeden Geldbeutel was mit dabei. Zum einen haben wir Gruppencoachings, dann haben wir auch mit persönliche Coachings und wenn du auch sagst und auch sechsstellig vom Vermögen mindestens bist oder auch siebenstellig, dann ist unser Diamant-Club das Perfekte für dich. Du erhältst dort alle...

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Die 10 Top-Aktien für 2024 – Barron’s Magazin

►Hier findet der exklusive Livestream von Buy The Dip statt: https://www.youtube.com/@BuyTheDipPodcast Die legendären Top 10 Aktien 2024 des größten Anleger-Magazins der Welt „Barrons“ sind da! Ich möchte sie mit euch besprechen und vielleicht animiert es ja den einen oder anderen besonders genau hin zu hören, denn immerhin hat es das Barrons-Magazin geschafft, den S&P 500, der sowieso schon sehr gut gelaufen ist in diesem Jahr, nochmal...

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Does Debt Make Capitalism Financially Unstable?

According to the post-Keynesian School of Economics economist Hyman Minsky, the capitalist economy has an inherent tendency to develop instability that culminates in a severe economic crisis. The key mechanism that pushes the economy toward a crisis is the accumulation of debt. According to Minsky, during “good” times businesses in profitable sectors of the economy are rewarded for increasing their debt levels. The more one borrows, the more profit...

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Year-End Foreign Policy Predictions

Ryan and Zachary make some guesses about where things are headed in 2024 for both Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war. How long will the US try to keep the Ukraine war going, and what is Israel's plan for Gaza?  Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at Mises.org/WES.

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Lohnt sich eine Zahnzusatzversicherung?

Mit einer Zahnzusatzversicherung sicherst Du Dich ab gegen teure Kosten für Füllungen, Zahnersatz, Zahnreinigung, Implantate und Co. Außerdem übernimmt sie oft die Kosten für die professionelle Zahnreinigung (PZR). Aber rechnet sich das ganze wirklich? Unsere Depotempfehlungen ► https://www.finanztip.de/wertpapierdepot/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=videobeschreibung&utm_campaign=shorts Unsere ETF-Empfehlungen ►...

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Protect Your Wealth with This Asset – Robert Kiyosaki, Egon Von Greyerz

In the second half of this episode, Robert Kiyosaki and his guest, Egon von Greyerz, discuss the global economy, the risks in the Swiss banking system, and the importance of investing in gold and silver. They highlight the potential for hyperinflation to wipe out assets, particularly for the baby boomer generation. Egon von Greyerz, a Swiss banking expert, shares his concerns about the changing character of Swiss banks due to American influence...

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