Tag Archive: Featured

Alasdair MacLeod: Unstoppable Derivative Collapse | Gold & Silver

Alasdair has been a celebrated stockbroker and Member of the London Stock Exchange for over four decades. His experience encompasses equity and bond markets, fund management, corporate finance and investment strategy. After 27 years in the City, Alasdair moved to Guernsey.

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Kann wirklich JEDER mit Aktien erfolgreich werden?

Immer mehr und mehr Menschen möchten mit Aktien erfolgreich sein. ​ Ist es jedoch so einfach? Kann wirklich jeder mit Aktien erfolgreich werden?

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The Morning Forex Technical report for August 31, 2022

The Morning Forex technical report is out. in the report I set the levels for the following pairs. Take a look: - EURUSD after dipping below its 100 and 200 hour moving averages is back above as traders consolidate the trading range and figure out where the next shove is going to be - USDJPY is also consolidating near highs and near the highs for 2022 (and going back to 1998). The ceiling has been able to hold resistance giving sellers some hope...

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Ukrainian troops have attacked Russian positions along entire front of war, says Zelenksy| WION News

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that his country’s troops have launched attacks on Russian positions along the entire front of the war.

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Diese Aktien JETZT kaufen! 3 Investitionen mit Vervielfachungspotential

In diesem Video stelle ich dir 3 Unternehmen vor, die auf lange Sicht gesehen, ein Vervielfachungs-Potenzial haben, mit einem Beispiel von Microsoft, um dir zu zeigen, wie so etwas aussehen kann. Kostenloses Online-Training: Wie du von fallenden und stetigen Märkten profitierst👨🏽‍🏫: ► https://go.investorenausbildung.de/3SbtEBM Vereinbare jetzt dein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch🤝🏽: ► https://go.investorenausbildung.de/3ScDbZi Aktienanalyse...

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Markets Break 50-DMA | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(8/31/22) Tuesday's Jolt Report showing stronger employment jerked markets to attention with the suggestion the Fed may become even more aggressive in its tightening strategy. However, a closer look at the employment scene reveals labor force participation rates are nothing to crow about.

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What CEO Confidence is Saying

(8/31/22) Considering the Fed's Quantitative Tightening and what CEOs' confidence is saying about the economy; confidence on the wane as the economy weakens (which is the intent of the Fed); dire predictions of a "whopper" recession in 2023; why isn't the Fed looking at M-2?

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Alasdair Macleod – GDP Collapses Prior to Central Banks Pivoting

Alasdair Macleod is a veteran when it comes to all things macro economics, commodities, and global finance. Today I go through his recent article regarding the current trend of contracting bank credit, and how this will severely impact GDP on a worldwide level.

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Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - https://twitter.com/dlacalle ☑ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lacalledanie ☑ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dlacalle ☑ Página web - https://www.dlacalle.com ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - https://www.amazon.es/Daniel-Lacalle/e/B00P2I78OG ¡Un saludo!

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EMU August CPI at 9.1%, while the Core Rate Jumps to 4.3%

Overview: The rise in global interest rates continues. The US 10-year yield is a few basis points near 3.15% and European benchmarks are mostly 5-6 bp higher. Of note, the sharp sell-off in UK Gilts has being extended. Yesterday’s 10 bp rise has been followed by another 14 bp surge today. Italian bonds are also getting hit. The 10-year yield is up a little more than 10 bp.

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No gas supply though Nord Stream 1 pipeline, EU chief calls out Russia for ‘manipulation’ | WION

Europe is grappling with Russia's gas supply cuts adding further to its woes. Russian energy giant Gazprom has cut off its gas supplies to Germany while the North Stream one pipeline citing maintenance work.

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Hans-Werner Sinn: Grüne Energie niemals stabil

#hanswernersinn #finanznews #inflation #finanzmarkt #zentralbank #euro #fiatgeld

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Review: Progressive Conservatism: How Republicans Will Become America’s Natural Governing Party

Frank Buckley is always a thoughtful and provocative author, but I disagree with what he has to say in Progressive Conservatism more than with other books of his I’ve reviewed, such as his outstanding American Secession and Curiosity.

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How Working Longer Affects Your Social Security Benefits

Since 1935, Social Security has been synonymous with retirement. It was always intended to supplement retirement income, never be a person’s total retirement income. Unfortunately, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, about half of older Americans rely on Social Security for at least 50% of their income, and 25% of retirees rely on it for 90% of their income. That’s why more Americans are choosing to work longer.

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Switzerland should get tougher on money-laundering, says report

Swiss legislation is lagging behind in the fight against money laundering, and “seldom anticipates developments at international level”, the Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) has warned.

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-3‘766 CHF Ich komme nicht vol Fleck! | Depot-Update August 2022

💰Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► http://sparkojote.ch/swissquote * (only for swiss residents) Steuern wir auf eine Finanzkrise zu? China Evergrande Pleite? | Depot-Update August 2022 China Evergrande pleite, Bitcoin auf unter 19’000, dieser Markt ist nichts für Weicheier. Das monatliche Depotupdate vom August ist vielfälltig. #China #DepotUpdate #Finanzrudel 📖 KAPITEL 📖 00:00 Intro 00:42 Market Briefing 03:32...

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Keine Privatsphäre, kein Eigentum: Die Welt im Jahr 2030

Das Weltwirtschaftsforum (WEF) wurde 1971 vor 51 Jahren gegründet. Es hat im Laufe der Jahrzehnte immer mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen und ist zu einer Plattform für futuristisches Denken und Planen geworden. Als Treffpunkt der globalen Elite bringt das WEF die führenden Persönlichkeiten aus Wirtschaft und Politik sowie einige wenige ausgewählte Intellektuelle zusammen.

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Schlimme ENTWICKLUNG am US Immobilienmarkt! Historischer KOLLAPS steht bevor! Und bei uns?

Wie wird sich die aktuell kritische Lage weiter entwickeln? Wir schauen uns regelmäßig an, was Experten wie Ernst Wollf, Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Hans-Werner Sinn, Dirk Müller, Max Otte oder Marc Friedrich zur aktuellen Lage sagen.

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Ukraine launches counter-offensive to recapture Kherson, Mykolaiv | World News | WION

Ukraine has announced the launch of a counter-offensive to recapture southern parts of the country and has advanced into the Kherson, Mykolaiv regions; however, Russia claimed to have repulsed the Ukrainian offensive.

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K.I.S.S. in your trading

It is is important to use the K.I.S.S. principle in your trading. For me the K.I.S.S. principle is Keep It Simple to be Successful, not stupid. I use three simple tools in total. The three have specific characteristics that allow me to use them on any chart, and gives me an unambiguous bias, that defines risk, defines trends and non trends, and are used by many because I want to trade with the crowd. If you find your trading decisions are...

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