Tag Archive: Featured

How the Fed Undermines Prosperity

The boom-and-bust cycles are not natural to a market economy, contra Keynes. Instead, government through monetary manipulation creates them—and then politicians blame markets themselves. Original Article: How the Fed Undermines Prosperity

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Grüne Jugend: Massive Vermögensabgabe gefordert!

Die neuen Chefinnen der Grünen Jugend bezeichnen sich selbst als Sozialistinnen und wollen in Deutschland offene Grenzen und eine massive Umverteilung. What could possibly go wrong... Meine Aktiendepot-Empfehlung: 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot * 3 Aktien ab 5.000 € Einzahlung aufs Handelskonto mit Code: aktienmitkopf5 7 Aktien ab 20.000 € Einzahlung aufs Handelskonto mit Code: aktienmitkopf20 10...

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Der größte Bankraub aller Zeiten #bankraub #hack #shorts

Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► https://link.finanzfluss.de/go/depot?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=727&utm_campaign=comdirect-depot&utm_term=kostenlos-25&utm_content=yt-desc *📈  In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► https://finanzfluss-campus.de/angebot-youtube/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=727&utm_campaign=ff-campus&utm_term=4-wochen&utm_content=yt-desc 🧠  🏆 Unsere Empfehlungen: • Depot:...

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Why Must Supply Precede Demand? Understanding Economic Foundations

Popular economic thinking holds that consumer spending is the most important driver of the economy. Actually, demand can’t exist without something first being supplied. Original Article: Why Must Supply Precede Demand? Understanding Economic Foundations

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Brisante Studie: Schulden in Wahrheit 7x höher!

Diese Studie ist der blanke Horror für alle Steuerzahler und zukünftigen Rentenbezieher in Deutschland! Die impliziten Staatsschulden sind 7x so hoch, wie die expliziten Staatsschulden. Das bedeutet in Deutschland müssen in Zukunft alle bis 80 arbeiten und/oder viel höhere Beiträge in die Rente und Sozialversicherung einzahlen, sonst ist Deutschland pleite. Meine Aktiendepot-Empfehlung: 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD...

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Mounting Deficits Mark the US’s Road to Ruin

According to the U.S. Treasury, year-end data from September 2023 show that the deficit for the full year 2023 was $1.7 trillion, $320 billion higher than the prior year’s deficit. As a percentage of GDP, the deficit was 6.3%, an increase from 5.4% in FY 2022. This means that the United States will likely post the worst GDP growth excluding debt increases since 1929, or, in other words, that the country is in a recession disguised by bloated...

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On the Cultural Impact of the Paper Dollar

On this week's episode, Mark recaps Professor Guido Hülsmann's recent lecture on the cultural impact of the paper dollar. Hülsmann explains how an ever-inflationary monetary system and depreciating currency are leading to moral decay and divisiveness in America. Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Mises.org/MinorIssues. Additional Resources "The Cultural Impact of the Dollar" by Guido Hülsmann: Mises.org/Minor_42A "Abundance,...

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November 2023 Monthly

November may be an in-between month. It will be a month of limited monetary policy actions and a period of heightened geopolitical tensions. Fiscal policy may be more interesting, with a Japanese supplemental budget, more measures expected from China, and a debate in Europe over the re-implementation of the Stability and Growth Agreement. In the US, the drama that played out in the House of Representatives could still leave the federal government...

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The Specter of Hyperinflation Looms over the Economy

The threat of hyperinflation has haunted fiat money economies throughout history. Although past empires crumbled under the weight of unrestrained money printing, modern bankers at the Federal Reserve assure us that today’s financial system is immune to such a fate. Austrian business cycle theory, however, reveals that current economic stimulation may be propelling us toward a crisis of catastrophic proportions: a crack-up boom that marks the...

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Kendi’s Critical Race Theory Is a Failed Marxist Doctrine

Ibram X. Kendi, the controversial author of How to Be an Antiracist, has been revealed as not only a hustler of horrid ideas but also a poor businessman. Kendi was appointed the head and founder of Boston University’s Center for Antiracist Research in 2020 following the aptly named “summer of love,” which saw riots in most major cities over calls for “racial justice.” Now, Boston University is committing mass layoffs of employees, as the Center has...

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Breaking: Haftbefehl gegen AfD Abgeordneten! 🤯

Gibt es einen politischen Hintergrund, zumindest einen Einfluss hinter dem Haftbefehl gegen Daniel Halemba (22) von der Bayrischen AfD? Das behauptet jedenfalls die Fraktionsvorsitzende Katrin Ebner-Steiner. Meine Aktiendepot-Empfehlung: 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot * 3 Aktien ab 5.000 € Einzahlung aufs Handelskonto mit Code: aktienmitkopf5 7 Aktien ab 20.000 € Einzahlung aufs Handelskonto mit...

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“Immobilien sind jetzt günstiger als vor 20 Jahren”. Stimmt das wirklich?

Angeblich kannst Du Dir eine Immobilie heute viel eher leisten, als es vorherige Generationen vor 20 Jahren konnten. Stimmt das wirklich? Saidi zeigt Dir Fakten und Statistiken rund um Häuser-Preise und Immobilienkauf. Unsere Depotempfehlungen ► https://www.finanztip.de/wertpapierdepot/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=videobeschreibung&utm_campaign=shorts Unsere ETF-Empfehlungen ►...

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American History Is a Preview of the Israel-Palestine End Game

As news of the Hamas attack on southern Israel began to trickle in on October 7, many who follow the ongoing Israel-Palestine conflict knew the bad news was just beginning. It was immediately obvious that the ferocity of the Hamas attack, and the high proportion of women and children among the victims, would provide the Israeli state with political justification to launch devastating and revanchist attacks against civilians within the Gaza strip in...

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Inflation Deception Allows Cheerleaders to Claim Economy Is Growing

The Fed has succeeded at crushing the bond market, freezing the housing market, and plunging many sectors of the stock market into deep downtrends. The Fed has also put the squeeze on consumers, who face higher interest rates on credit cards, car loans, and mortgages.

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3 steps to a successful idea meritocracy

3 steps to a #successful #idea #meritocracy. From my 2017 conversation with @garyvee. #raydalio #principles

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GBPUSD keeps a bearish bias with the 100/200 hour MAs stalling the rally (again)

The GBPUSD stalled the rally on Wednesday and again today

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Mises on the History of Warfare

“The market economy involves peaceful cooperation. It bursts asunder when the citizens turn into warriors and, instead of exchanging commodities and services, fight one another.” So Ludwig von Mises begins a short chapter in Human Action called “The Economics of War.” While brief, the eleven pages (pages 817–28 in the scholar’s edition) are densely packed with Mises’s take on the history of warfare, what leads to total war, how wars are won, the...

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The Regime Plans More for Us Than Just Hillary Clinton’s “Deprogramming” Demands

While Hillary Clinton’s call to have Trump supporters “deprogrammed” has been met with snickers, her attitude is in line with most of this country’s governing elites. Original Article: The Regime Plans More for Us Than Just Hillary Clinton’s "Deprogramming" Demands

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Responding to Yaron Brook’s Critique of Anarcho-Capitalism

Recently Yaron Brook and Bryan Caplan debated the merits of anarchism at the Soho Forum. Bob critiques Brook's opening statement. The Soho Forum Debate: Mises.org/HAP419a Bob's Book on Market Anarchy, Chaos Theory: Mises.org/HAP419b Rothbard's Book on Natural Rights and the State, For a New Liberty: Mises.org/HAP419c Hans-Herman Hoppe's Book on Private Defense, The Private Production of Defense: Mises.org/HAP419d Responding to...

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EURUSD technicals with a negative bias. Price is below the 100/200 hour MA barometers.

The 200-hour MA at 1.0580 and 100-hour MA at 1.0589 will be the barometer for buyers and sellers next week

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