Tag Archive: Featured

So hängen Politik und Aktienmarkt zusammen #shorts

Investieren am Aktienmarkt beinhaltet auch immer ein gewisses Risiko. Und gerade die Politik kann großen Einfluss darauf haben. Warum Dich das nicht vom Investieren generell abhalten sollte, das erfährst Du hier. #Finanztip

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Nueva carta de Sánchez: ataca, miente y divide. Ignora acusaciones de corrupción y tráfico de influencias. Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - https://twitter.com/dlacalle ☑ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lacalledanie ☑ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dlacalle ☑ Página web - https://www.dlacalle.com ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - https://www.amazon.es/Daniel-Lacalle/e/B00P2I78OG...

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Silver’s Got Shine Too!

Gold has had a nice run over the last few months and it's garnered a lot of attention. Silver has kind of gotten lost in the shadow of gold's shine. But as host Mike Maharrey explains in this episode of the Money Metals' Midweek Memo, people should be paying attention to silver. It has outperformed gold in this gold bull market and there are plenty of reasons to believe the silver bull has a lot of leg left. Article Summary:...

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How People Can Better Fight Inflation

Taken from the Minor Issues PodcastPeople can’t stop the Federal Reserve from inflating the money supply, nor can we prevent them from adding more fuel to their fire.We can only fight the fire started by the arsonists at the Fed from spreading further into our lives.In this article, I want to review the ways that people fight the Fed’s fire—higher prices everywhere and the reasons why everyone should be actively fighting against inflation.These...

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Roaring Kitty’s Rise: From $53K to $300M and Possibly $1 Billion

Roaring Kitty's wealth skyrocketed from $53,000 to nearly $300 million, possibly reaching $1 billion one day. Not the SEC's favorite, but definitely notorious! #RoaringKitty #Stocks Curious about Roaring Kitty's extraordinary journey in the stock market? Discover how his wealth skyrocketed from $53,000 to nearly $300 million in our latest video. - Roaring Kitty's rise to fame in the financial world. - The ups and downs of his public...

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Kickstart the FX trading day for June 5 w/a technical look at the EURUSD, USDJPY and GBPUSD

A bonus review of the USDCAD is also included ahead of the BOC rate decision

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Wütendes Verdi Mitglied schreibt mir!

Heute gibt es etwas Nachhilfe für den Verdi Boss! Kostenloses Depot: https://link.AktienmitKopf.de/Depot * Erstelle ein Konto und bis zu 8,76 % dank der Freedom24-Zinsen: https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot * Auf der Freedom 24-Plattform findest Du: - Langfristige Sparpläne mit Zinssätzen bis zu 8,76 %! - Rendite von 3,86 % in Euro und 5,31 % in Dollar bei täglicher Gutschrift der Zinsen! - Bis zu 1.000.000 Aktien, ETFs, Aktienoptionen und andere...

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6-5-24 Could Roaring Kitty’s Wealth Top $1-Billion?

Ore weak economic data from the Atlanta Fed; semiconductors are outperforming software stocks, 3:1; look for consolidation in that sector. Domestic stocks are outperforming all other markets. A fairly big correction in Oil Prices over the past few days is now setting up an opportunity for investors to take profits and rebalance energy portfolios, which are by necessity tied to the price of their underlying commodity. Curious about Roaring Kitty's...

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Interview with Executive Global: “The Return of Marxism in the West”

Our special interview on Swiss Wealth Advisor with CLAUDIO GRASS, CEO and Independent Precious Metals Consultant, explores the manner in which astute investors may preserve wealth against the backdrop of debilitating central economic planning and monetary inflation. 

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The Trump Trial and our Injustice System

I’ve long criticized our current US justice system – on all levels – as becoming much more about political justice than blind justice. The bizarre trial and conviction of former President Donald Trump last week on 34 felonies only reinforces my concerns.The New York District Attorney, Soros-backed Alvin Bragg, has been notorious for downgrading felony charges against others to misdemeanor charges. According to a recent article in the Daily Mail,...

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Modi’s mess: a shock election result spells uncertainty for India

Narendra Modi, the strongman of India, will have to compromise now his party has lost its majority (https://www.economist.com/asia/2024/06/04/a-shock-election-result-in-india-humbles-narendra-modi). What does the surprise result mean for the country? As some foreign investors shy away from Africa, the continent’s private sector (https://www.economist.com/business/2024/05/23/africa-inc-is-ready-to-roar) is serving domestic customers to fill that...

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Unsuccessful DEI Efforts Meet Legislative Opposition in Tennessee

The Tennessee Board of Regents (TBOR) promoted an initiative in 2023 which was meant to better ensure that black males in the state have greater access to higher education, and the support needed to graduate in higher numbers. TBOR referenced a graduation rate which is at least 20 percent lower than the graduation rate of other students. A plan to fight this undesirable metric was implemented by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) in...

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Yen Unwinds Yesterday’s Gains, while the Mexican Peso and Indian Rupee Stabilize

Overview: The foreign exchange market is calmer today than Monday and Tuesday, and the dollar is mixed. The yen, which rallied, yesterday, has given back most of its gains and the wage data gave the market second thoughts about next week's BOJ meeting. The Mexican peso, which has been sold aggressively in the face of the strong election showing of the Morena party and allies, is the strongest currency today, though the greenback is holding above...

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Durchschnittlicher Stundenlohn in Europa #stundenlohn

Durchschnittlicher Stundenlohn in Europa 💸 #stundenlohn 📝 Quelle: eurostat, 2023 🎯 2015 haben wir es uns zur Mission gemacht, Menschen zu ermutigen, ihre Finanzen in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen. Angefangen als YouTube-Kanal mit Erklärvideos, haben wir uns innerhalb weniger Jahre zur größten Community für finanzielle Selbstentscheider im deutschsprachigen Raum entwickelt. 🔔 Möchtest du deine persönlichen Finanzen in den Griff bekommen? Wir wollen...

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How Phony “Civil Rights” Put Your Life in Danger

A recent story revealed that one-third to one-half of the students at the prestigious UCLA School of Medicine are unqualified. These students belong to racial and ethnic minorities; most are blacks and Latinos. One student couldn’t identify a major artery when questioned by a surgeon during an operation.Would you want a “doctor” like that to treat you? Isn’t the purpose of a medical school to train competent physicians? Why, then, were these...

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Heftig: Mega Skandal beim Stern!

Ich halte diese Reaktionen echt nicht mehr aus! Kostenloses Depot: https://link.AktienmitKopf.de/Depot * Erstelle ein Konto und bis zu 8,76 % dank der Freedom24-Zinsen: https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Depot * Auf der Freedom 24-Plattform findest Du: - Langfristige Sparpläne mit Zinssätzen bis zu 8,76 %! - Rendite von 3,86 % in Euro und 5,31 % in Dollar bei täglicher Gutschrift der Zinsen! - Bis zu 1.000.000 Aktien, ETFs, Aktienoptionen und andere...

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EURUSD Technical Analysis – The pair trades right at the key 1.09 resistance

#eurusd #forex #technicalanalysis In this video you will learn about the latest fundamental developments for the EURUSD pair. You will also find technical analysis across different timeframes for a better overall outlook on the market. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Topics covered in the video: 0:00 Fundamental Outlook. 0:41 Technical Analysis with Optimal Entries. 2:20 Upcoming Economic Data....

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How Nations Escape Poverty – Adam Smith

TikTok of PraxBen - @praxbenhttps://www.tiktok.com/@praxben Website of the Book - https://nations-escape-poverty.com/ My Website - https://www.rainer-zitelmann.com/

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Top-Aktien im Juni 2024: Jetzt kaufen?!

Entdecke Deine Investitionschancen: Aktienanalyse auf Knopfdruck📈: https://go.investorenausbildung.de/3zVtfwv Im Juni haben die Börsen wieder etwas korrigiert. Jetzt bieten sich wieder spannende Einstiegschancen. In diesem Video zeige ich Dir meine fünf Top-Aktien, die Du jetzt in Deine Watchlist aufnehmen solltest. ▬ Kontakt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Vereinbare jetzt Dein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch🤝🏽: ► https://go.investorenausbildung.de/3n29OKX...

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Wichtige Morning News mit Oliver Klemm #306

Kostenfreies Video-Training (Durch Trading in 2024 absichern) 👉 https://oliverklemmtrading.com/casestudy-1?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tradingcoacholi&utm_term=morning-news&utm_content=1 Klicke hier, um dich direkt gemeinsam mit Oli unabhängig zu machen 👉...

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