Tag Archive: Featured

Eilmeldung: AfD bei 32% in Ostdeutschland!

Die AfD kommt in Umfragen auf 32% in Ostdeutschland! Und das obwohl Marco Wanderwitz alles daran setzt, die Partei verbieten zu lassen XD Zur Weihnachtsaktion von Freedom24 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Xmas * Bildrechte: By Olaf Kosinsky - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=78128843 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► https://goo.gl/434rmp * 📊 Tracke deine...

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Kickstart the trading day:Technical analysis unveils opportunities in top currency pairs

Discover key support and resistance levels in EURUSD, USDJPY, and GBPUSD. See where price movements are headed and the potential for upside and downside momentum.

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America the Obese: How Taxpayers Are Forced to Ruin Their Health

Since the original sugar tariff of 1789, US government policy has been to subsidize sugar, a policy that has led to serious consequences, including a health crisis of obesity. Original Article: America the Obese: How Taxpayers Are Forced to Ruin Their Health

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Ökonom zerlegt Saskia Esken gnadenlos!

Saskia Esken (SPD) wird bei Markus Lanz von einem Ökonomen zerlegt, der ihr erklären muss was der Unterschied zwischen einer Investition und einer Subvention ist! Herrlich! Zur Weihnachtsaktion von Freedom24 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Xmas * 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► https://goo.gl/434rmp * 📊 Tracke deine Dividenden mit dieser App http://myfinances24.de/mydividends24 📒 Mein Buch! Der...

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Will 2024 See a Soft-landing, Recession…or Worse?

(12/6/23) Will there be a soft-landing, recession, or worse in 2024...or not until 2025? There is still lots of liquidity sloshing around the system. Focus on risk management & timing management; markets cannot seem to break out of present trading range; stock buyback window closes on Friday. End of year maneuvers should include RMD's, charitable giving, HSA's, and tax-loss harvesting; don't ignore the wash rule! Why jobs matter: Yield curves...

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What Would Happen If the US Stopped Supporting Ukraine?

Over the weekend, border-policy negotiations between Senate Democrats and Republicans fell apart. The talks were meant to firm up Republican support for the president’s massive $105 billion military support proposal ahead of Wednesday’s vote by including additional funds for border security in the spending package. Now, with no imminent approval of further aid to Ukraine, hawks in government and the media are trying to stoke panic about what will...

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Markets Catch Collective Breath

Overview: The US dollar is mixed today. The dollar-bloc currencies are firmer, while the euro and yen are softer. We had anticipated a recovery of the dollar on ideas that the market has too aggressively pushed down US rates, and pricing in more Fed easing with higher confidence than seems to be warranted by the recent data.  However, US rates have not recovered, but the dollar has.  Partly, this reflects that rates have fallen as faster if not...

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Renteneintrittsalter im Vergleich #rente

Renteneintrittsalter im Vergleich mit einer Auswahl an europäischen Ländern #rente 🎯 2015 haben wir es uns zur Mission gemacht, Menschen zu ermutigen, ihre Finanzen in die eigenen Hände zu nehmen. Angefangen als YouTube-Kanal mit Erklärvideos, haben wir uns innerhalb weniger Jahre zur größten Community für finanzielle Selbstentscheider im deutschsprachigen Raum entwickelt. 🔔 Möchtest du deine persönlichen Finanzen in den Griff bekommen? Wir...

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The bitcoin analysis you didn’t see, getting close to the value area high

Https://www.forexlive.com/technical-analysis/the-ultimate-bitcoin-price-forecast-revealed-watch-the-video-20231206/ Welcome to the ForexLive.com deep dive into Bitcoin's current market trends and future key price points! This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in understandingwhere Bitcoin's price may well be going next. Here's what we cover: 🔍 Key Technical Indicators Explained: Value Area High (VAH) Analysis: Discover the...

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“Wir wollen das Ersparte der BÜRGER mobilisieren!”

Weil die Milliarden an Steuergeldern noch nicht reichen, um die Klimaprojekte der Bundesregierung zu finanzieren, soll nun neben neuen Schulden und Steuererhöhungen auch noch das Privatkapital der Bürger "mobilisiert" werden? Ich sage, nein danke! Zur Weihnachtsaktion von Freedom24 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD https://link.aktienmitkopf.de/Xmas * 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► https://goo.gl/434rmp * 📊 Tracke deine...

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Gold und Silber lieb ich sehr, …

… kann‘s auch gut gebrauchen… heißt es in einem deutschen Volkslied. Gäbe es noch die Hitparade, wäre dieser Song ziemlich weit vorne. Gold ist ziemlich glänzender Laune und konnte zuletzt sogar ein neues Allzeithoch erreichen. Wie geht es mit dem Edelmetall weiter? Auch wenn die pro-Argumente durchaus überzeugend sind, ist kein massiver Durchmarsch zu erwarten. Doch sollte das dem Interesse an Gold keinen Abbruch tun. Robert Halver mit seinem...

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WTI Crude Oil Technical Analysis

Here's a quick technical analysis on WTI Crude Oil with some fundamental background. For more visit ForexLive.com

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Wichtige Morning News mit Oliver Klemm #221

Klicke hier, um dich direkt gemeinsam mit Oli unabhängig zu machen 👉 https://oliverklemmtrading.com/apply-now-1?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tradingcoacholi&utm_term=morning-news&utm_content=2 ►Folge Oliver auf Instagram: http://bit.ly/TOInst ►Abonniere Oliver auf YouTube: http://bit.ly/Oli-Kanal DIE TRADING COMMUNITY VON OLIVER KLEMM AUF FACEBOOK (Bisher 6500+ Mitglieder): ►Jetzt Beitreten &...

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Wichtige Morning News mit Oliver Klemm #222

Klicke hier, um dich direkt gemeinsam mit Oli unabhängig zu machen 👉 https://oliverklemmtrading.com/apply-now-1?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=tradingcoacholi&utm_term=morning-news&utm_content=2 ►Folge Oliver auf Instagram: http://bit.ly/TOInst ►Abonniere Oliver auf YouTube: http://bit.ly/Oli-Kanal DIE TRADING COMMUNITY VON OLIVER KLEMM AUF FACEBOOK (Bisher 6500+ Mitglieder): ►Jetzt Beitreten &...

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S&P 500 Technical Analysis, the line in the sand.

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Ray Dalio & Bill Belichick on Learning from Failure

#BillBelichick and I on learning from #failure. #principles #success #professionalfootball #teamwork If you enjoy this, you can find our full conversation here: -TUGz4

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NZDUSD tests support at swing level. Traders await price reversal or breakout

NZDUSD falls to test support swing level near 0.6117, while traders contemplate whether to push the price higher or break below the 200-hour moving average at 0.60893 for further clues on the next bias.

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‘Strong Buy’ King Dividends Explained – Andy Tanner, Greg Arthur

Dividend Kings stand as the exceptionally rare pillars in the dividend realm, boasting a remarkable track record of consistently increasing their payouts for a minimum of five consecutive decades. Some of the most recognizable names of King Dividends are 3M, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, and Lowe’s.  Host Greg Arthur and Rich Dad Wealth Expert Andy Tanner discuss King Dividends, and how you can profit from these companies that have been paying...

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Progressive Interventionism Is Ruining American Healthcare

Sen. Elizabeth Warren is at it again: demanding government intervention in the nation's healthcare system to deal with problems caused by earlier government intervention. Original Article: Progressive Interventionism Is Ruining American Healthcare

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What Analysts are Always Bullish

(12/26/23) Why analysts are always bullish (85% of the time, markets ARE). The Big Business of Wall Street: Who's really important to Wall Street. How IPO's really work. Analysts' actual performance revealed vs what they're predicting for 2024. SEG-1: Why Analysts Are Always Bullish, Pt-1. SEG-2: Why Analysts Are Always Bullish, Pt-2. Hosted by RIA Advisors' Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO Produced by Brent Clanton, Executive...

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