Tag Archive: Featured

Just Who Is, And Who Is Not, Selling T-Bills

Are foreigners selling Treasury bills? If they are, this would seem to merit consideration for the reflation argument. After all, the paramount monetary deficiency exposed by March’s GFC2 (and the Fed’s blatant role in making it worse) was the dangerous degree of shortage over the best collateral.

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Ramon Ray’s Entrepreneurial Communities

“Small business” is just a government classification. Entrepreneurial businesses serving well-defined communities via creative specialization exhibit enormous economic productivity, energy and dynamism. Such businesses can not be defined quantitatively as small, medium or large. They’re defined by their qualitative impact on their customers’ lives. 

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French blockchain firms offer tracing for Swiss watches

The market for second-hand luxury watches is booming. But for the average consumer, it is not easy to tell a fake from the genuine article and determine the real value of a particular timepiece. Certificates based on blockchain technology could provide more transparency.

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Life as an expat in Swiss cities: the good news and the less good news

From tip-top transport in Basel to housing headaches in Geneva, foreign residents share what they love and loathe about the four Swiss cities featured in the Expat City Ranking 2020. This content was published on November 26, 2020 - 09:00 November 26, 2020 - 09:00 Thomas Stephens Born in London, Thomas was a journalist at The Independent before moving to Bern in 2005. He speaks all three official Swiss languages and enjoys...

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Treasury Auctions Are Anything But Sorry Because They’ve Never Been Sorry About Solly

Twenty years ago, in November 2000, the Treasury Department changed one aspect of the way the government would sell its own debt. Auctions of these and other kinds of securities had been ongoing for decades, back to the twenties, and they had been transformed many times along the way. In the middle of the 1970’s Great Inflation, for example, Treasury gradually phased out all other means for issuing securities, by 1977 relying exclusively on...

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Dollar Consolidates Ahead of Thanksgiving Holiday

The divergence in developed markets yield curves continues; the dollar is consolidating ahead of the US holiday. FOMC minutes will be released; weekly jobless claims data will be released a day early; October personal income and spending will be reported; Banco de Mexico releases its quarterly inflation report.

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2021 Would Be a Great Time to Audit the Fed

Gone are the days of the Federal Reserve hiding in the shadows. Now it’s a woke central bank fighting for climate and racial justice. Progressives must not fall for this but instead team up with the populist right to audit the Fed and demand transparency.

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FX Daily, November 27: Dollar Offered Ahead of the Weekend

Equities are finishing the week on a firm tone, while the US dollar remains heavy.   In the Asia Pacific, only Australia and India did not end the week on a firm note.  The MSCI Asia Pacific completed its fourth consecutive weekly gain, for around a 13% gain. 

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Covid, November 27: French-speaking Switzerland to reopen retail and restaurants

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has hit French-speaking Switzerland harder than the rest of Switzerland both before and since summer.

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Swiss pledge CHF104 million in development aid for Afghanistan

At an international conference in Geneva to source funding for Afghanistan, Switzerland has renewed its annual CHF26 million ($28.48 million) pledge for another four years.

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Price indices’ upgrade includes addition of an official residential property price index

From 2021, the price indices published by the Federal Statistical Office (FSO) will be armed with an updated methodology that reflects market changes as closely as possible. Furthermore, a new price index will be added to the existing set, measuring residential property price change, which will be published on a quarterly basis.

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A Dimly Lit Thanksgiving

Our overweening faith and confidence in our wealth and power make this a dimly lit Thanksgiving. A public expression of gratitude by victorious sports stars, lottery winners, etc. is now the convention in America: coaches, teammates, family and mentors (or agents) are recognized as an expression of the winners' humility and gratitude for everyone that contributed to the success.

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Inflation and the French Revolution: The Story of a Monetary Catastrophe

As in so much else, the French revolutionary regime (1789–94) was the precursor of the centralized, totalitarian, managerial, pseudo-democratic despotisms that now reign over the West. It is also reminder that mass democracy and inflation go together, as surely as thunder and lightning. Let us revisit the Revolution, from a free-market, hard-money perspective.

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Rebroadcast with permission from SGT Report Blair Naughty, the CEO of Great Thunder Gold joins me to talk about the stat of the state, precious metals, the Great Reset, and why legendary investor Eric Sprott took a big position in this gold exploration company. https://greatthundergold.com/ MUST HEAR: Elites Ushering in Communism 3.0 — Martin Armstrong http://thephaser.com/2020/11/must-hear-elites-ushering-in-communism-3-0-martin-armstrong/...

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Blockchain trading venue challenges stock exchange dominance

Digital assets bank Sygnum says it will open up new sources of funding for small companies by creating and trading shares on the blockchain. Its new trading facility will also target venture capital, real estate and the arts and collectibles market.

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Employment in Switzerland continued to fall in 3rd quarter

26.11.2020 - In the 3rd quarter 2020, total employment (number of jobs) fell by 0.4% in comparison with the same quarter a year earlier (+0.5% with previous quarter). In full-time equivalents, employment in the same period declined by 0.1%. The Swiss economy counted 11 900 fewer vacancies than in the corresponding quarter of the previous year (–15.1%) with the employment outlook indicator also indicating a downward trend (-2.3%).

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Government hopes for ‘first successful pension reforms’ of the century

In summer 2019 the social partners agreed on a reform of the Swiss occupational pension scheme. The government on Wednesday adopted this compromise unchanged; the ball is now in parliament’s court.

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Clariant plans to slash more jobs

Swiss speciality chemicals firm Clariant has announced further job cuts amid a series of divestments.

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The Dystopian “Fourth Industrial Revolution” Will Be Very Different from the First One

Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum has big plans for a "sustainable" future. Most of it involves the destruction of markets and basic human rights.

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What Chile’s Vote to Change Its Constitution Means for Its Future

On October 25, 2020, 78 percent of Chilean voters went to the ballot box to approve rewriting the country’s constitution, largely viewed as Latin America’s most stable constitution.

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