Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Dirk Müller, “Mr. Dax” und Börsen-Expert

Für Dirk Müller, alias «Mr. Dax», werden die Aktienmärkte 2017 dank US-Impulsen erst steigen, dann bergab gehen – dies ebenfalls wegen der USA. Und «Schwarze Schwäne» könnten Anlegern ebenfalls um die Ohren fliegen.

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Swiss technology in smartphones

It’s a decade since the iPhone was launched and at least four Swiss companies have reason to celebrate the success that changed the mobile phone landscape. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. …

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Ulrich Tilgner, Nahost-Experte

Europa wird in 100 Jahren wegen der hohen Zuwanderung ganz anders aussehen, sagt der langjährige Kriegsreporter und Nahost-Experte Ulrich Tilgner im cash-Video-Interview. Abschottung werde nicht funktionieren.

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What income products do Investec Structured Products currently offer?

Colin Brockman, a BDM at Investec Structured Products discusses our current product offerings in this short video interview.

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Can Structured Products be used as a viable alternative to annuities?

Colin Brockman, a BDM at Investec Structured Products discusses whether Structured Products can be used as a viable alternative to annuities in retirement?

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What is Investec’s current credit rating?

Colin Brockman, a BDM at Investec Structured Products talks about Investec’s improved credit rating.

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Basic Income Arrives: Finland To Hand Out Guaranteed Income Of €560 To Lucky Citizens

Just over a year ago, we reported that in what was set to be a pilot experiment in "universal basic income", Finland would become the first nation to hand out "helicopter money" in the form of cash directly to a select group of citizens.

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2016 saw fewer passengers on Switzerland’s highest railway

The train, which takes sightseers to the Jungfraujoch in the Bernese Alpes, carried 916,500 passengers in 2016, significantly fewer than the year before. In 2015, a record 1,007,000 made the journey.

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Börsen-Talk vom 23. Dezember 2016

cash-Guru Alfred Herbert ist überzeugt, dass sich die im 2016 abgestraften Defensivaktien bald erholen werden. Er sagt im cash-Börsen-Talk, auf welche Branche er nächstes Jahr setzt und bei welchem Preis er Silber kauft.

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Fritz Zurbrügg: Vizepräsident des Nationalbank-Direktoriums

Steigende Hypothekarzinsen wirken aus Sicht von SNB-Vizedirektor Fritz Zurbrügg Verzerrungen am Immobilienmarkt entgegen. Dazu brauche es aber weiterhin disziplinierte Hypothekarbanken, fordert der Währungshüter.

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Who cares if cuckoo clocks are not a Swiss invention?

Contrary to popular belief, cuckoo clocks did not originate in Switzerland. They were first made in Germans, who continue to dominate the market for high quality wooden clocks. (Julie Hunt, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss …

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SMI set to end 2016 in negative territory

In the last week of the year, the Swiss Market Index deepened its loss for the year as banks continued lower on low trading volumes. The SMI is set to end 2016 with an annual loss of 6.8% as banking and pharmaceutical giants pulled the index down in a year of turbulent trading. A volatile 2016 started with a brutal equity sell off as investors dumped global stocks on fears of an accelerating economic slowdown in China. The Brexit vote in June...

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Miners, including Swiss-based Glencore, unearth a profit bonanza with rally set to last into 2017

Miners had been digging in one of Australia’s oldest collieries for almost a century until operations wound down a year ago, the victim of plunging global commodity prices.

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FRIEDMAN: Russia’s Done the US a Favor in Syria

Download the FREE special report “Top 3 Economic Surprises for 2017” from George Friedman:

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Davos Staff May Sleep In Shipping Containers As Billionaires Swarm Resort

With January just around the corner, the world's billionaires, CEOs, politicians and oligarchs prepare to take their private planes to Davos, Switzerland for their annual convocation at the World Economic Forum, where they discuss such diverse topics as global warming due to greenhouse gases (which exempts Gulfstream jets) and the dangers of record wealth inequality (which exempts them), while snacking on $39 hot dogs and $50 Caesar salads.

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FRIEDMAN: Energy Prices Will Hit These Two Nations Hard in 2017

Download the FREE special report “Top 3 Economic Surprises for 2017” from George Friedman:

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The Alpine movie that didn’t need a script

The film “Alpzyt” is the most successful Swiss documentary of the year. Equipped with a camera and a drone, director Thomas Rickenmann heads for the mountains without a script and just starts filming. His work is something viewers find soothing. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role …

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Credit Suisse Settles With DOJ For $5.3 Billion; Will Pay $2.5 Billion Civil Penalty

Shortly after last night's news that Deutsche Bank had settled with the DOJ for $7.2 billion, of which it would pay $3.1 billion in a civil penalty, far lower than the $14 billion number initially speculated (the stock popped as much as 4% before settling just over 2% higher currently), Credit Suisse likewise closed the books on its pre-crisis RMBS fraud when the largest Swiss bank agreed to pay $5.28 billion to resolve a U.S.

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Seven banks fined in Swiss probes of rate-rigging cartels

Switzerland handed out about $100 million in antitrust fines against seven U.S. and European banks for participating in cartels to manipulate widely used financial benchmarks.

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Sentiment appears positive as investors close their books for the year

Ahead of the Christmas break, trading volumes were thin this week amid a lack of new market catalysts. Swiss and European equities were generally unchanged through the week, tracking global stock markets. Overall, sentiment appears to be positive as investors close their books for the year.

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