Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Trump’s Top FDA Picks Could Radically Reform Anti-Aging Science

Subscribe to Patrick Cox’s free weekly column, Tech Digest, at Mauldin Economics:

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Wolfgang Bauer, Anleihenspezialist M&G

Für Unternehmensanleihen verbessert sich das Umfeld, sagt Fondsmanager Wolfgang Bauer im cash-Video-Interview. Er erklärt, wieso er «Corporate Bonds» Staatsanleihen vorzieht und wieso ein tieferes Rating attraktiv ist.

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Oswald Grübel, Ex-UBS und -CS-Chef

Oswald Grübel rät im Video-Interview, das Motto «America first» ernst zu nehmen. Unter Donald Trump werde es von den USA nichts mehr umsonst geben, ist der ex-Chef der UBS und Credit Suisse überzeugt.

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More than 3,000 state beneficiaries in Geneva admit not declaring assets or other income

Last October, Geneva state councillor Mauro Poggia, had his department send out close to 91,000 letters to those receiving social benefits, asking them to contact the authorities if they had failed to declare any assets or income. Laurent Paoliello, a spokesperson from the DEAS, said they received 3,200 letters back. So far, we haven’t been through all the letters, he said.

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Predicting the weather using ants

Martin Horat is one of six so-called “weather prophets” in canton Schwyz who base their forecasts on observations of a number of natural phenomena, including the thickness of ants’ thighs. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss …

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Alan Hippe, Finanzchef Roche

Entgegen der Markterwartungen steigen die Wertpapiere von Roche am Mittwoch deutlich. Alan Hippe, Finanzchef des Pharmakonzerns, überrascht das nicht sonderlich, wie er im cash-Video-Interview sagt.

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John Mauldin on ‘The Age of Trump’

Subscribe to John Mauldin’s free weekly column, Thoughts from the Frontline, at Mauldin Economics:

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Trump’s Trade Policies and Their Implications Explained

Subscribe to Jared Dillian’s free weekly column, The 10th Man, at Mauldin Economics:

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Sergio Ermotti, CEO der UBS

Laut Konzernchef Sergio Ermotti kann die UBS auf Veränderungen reagieren, die durch das Austrittsvotum der Briten aus der EU entstehen. Sorgen macht ihm der EU-Marktzutritt der Schweizer Banken.

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Manuela Rabener, Mitgründerin Scalable Capital

Automatisierte Vermögensverwaltung hat Potenzial, tut sich vielerorts aber noch schwer. Manuela Rabener vom Robo Advisor Scalable Capital setzt auf Kooperationen – und hat die Schweiz im Fokus.

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Those over 25 may pay more for Swiss health insurance

The Swiss States Council commission on public health endorsed a plan that could lead to higher health insurance premiums for those over 25. Swiss health insurance providers are required to pay into a communal pot to spread risk between insurance companies.

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Immigration to Switzerland slows for third year in a row

ZURICH (Reuters) - Net immigration to Switzerland slowed for a third consecutive year in 2016, potentially easing concerns over immigration that have strained Switzerland's ties with the surrounding European Union. Around 143,100 immigrants arrived in Switzerland in 2016, down nearly 5 percent from the previous year, while around 78,000 foreigners left, an increase of 5.6 percent.

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Börsen-Talk vom 27. Januar 2017

Tiefe Zinsen befeuern weitere Grossübernahmen in der Firmenwelt, sagt Peter Bänziger vom Vermögensverwalter Belvalor. Er nennt im cash-Börsen-Talk seine Aktienfavoriten und seine Erwartungen ans Anlagejahr 2017.

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Swiss fact: work days lost to strikes in Switzerland close to one ninth of neighbouring countries

Across the ten years to 2008, Switzerland lost an average of 3 working days per 1,000 workers to strikes a year. This compares to 32 days in Austria, 33 days in France, and 55 days in Italy. Germany was close behind Switzerland with 4 days. The combined average for Switzerland’s neighbours: Austria, Germany, France and Italy, was 26 days. Switzerland’s 3 day average was one ninth or 11% of this.

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Controversial modernism in the Alps

A look back at how two brothers introduced American-styled architecture to a remote Swiss village in the 1950s. (SRF, The Guscetti brothers, one an engineer and one an architect, built houses inspired by American modernism in the southern Swiss canton of Ticino. Houses in the village of Ambri built by the duo contrasted starkly …

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Changes to health insurance zones could lead to steep premium rises for some

In Switzerland, how much you pay for compulsory health insurance depends on where you live. Premiums vary hugely by canton. For 2016, average monthly adult premiums in Basel City are CHF 545.60, Switzerland’s most expensive, compared to CHF 326.70, in lowest-cost Appenzell-Innerhoden. The difference between the two cantons is 40%.

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Exclusive: John Mauldin in DC for Trump’s Inauguration

Register online for the Strategic Investment Conference 2017 by visiting

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Switzerland’s costliest cantons for tax, housing, health, commuting, and childcare

This week the bank Credit Suisse published its cantonal cost of living report. Its ranking considers a typical household’s biggest expenses: tax, housing, commuting, basic health insurance and childcare. It takes income and deducts all of these costs to arrive at a measure of disposable income.

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Swiss fact: Switzerland has one of the world’s lowest home ownership rates

In Romania, 96.1% of the population owns the home they live in. In Switzerland the percentage is 37.4%. Home ownership rates vary significantly across the country. The lowest rates are found in the canton of Basel-City (16.0%) and Geneva (18.3%). Relative to these two cities, home ownership abounds in Valais (57.2%), the highest. Vaud (31.4%), Zurich (28.5%), Bern (39.9%), and Luzern (34.8%) are all in between.

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The Psychological Impact Of Loss

For the third time in four weeks, the market was closed on Monday due to a holiday. Not only is this week shortened by a holiday, it is also coinciding with the annual Billionaire’s convention in Davos, Switzerland and the Presidential inauguration on Friday. Increased volatility over the next couple of days will certainly not be surprising.

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