Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Börsen-Takl vom 23. März 2018

Fondsmanagerin Meret Gaugler von Lombard Odier setzt im SMI auf zwei Aktien, auf die Anleger nicht speziell stehen. Sie sagt im cash-Börsen-Talk auch, welche Aktien beim Abklingen des Wirtschaftszyklus top sein werden.

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Jean-Claude Biver, LVMH

Jean-Claude Biver über die akutellen Herausforderungen der Uhrenbranche.

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Geneva’s mega apartment project now underway – 1,000 apartments and 2,500 jobs

Last week, work started on a project to construct 1,000 apartments in Geneva. The project known as the Quartier de l’Etang will unfold over an 11 hectare site in Vernier, not far from Geneva airport. The video above shows the commencement ceremony and a computer animation of the completed project.

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Budget Speech 2018 and investing offshore – insights from Investec

Investec’s panel of experts discuss whether or not there’ll be a big outflow to offshore investments now that prudential limits have been increased. Ronelle Hutchinson, Investec Wealth & Investment portfolio manager, believes that moving the prudential investment guidelines from 25% to 30% is a positive developments as it’s the optimal asset allocation that a South …

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Budget Speech 2018 and ratings agencies – insights from Investec

Has the Finance Minister done enough to avoid a downgrade? “I think the budget may, on balance, just be enough to avoid a Moody’s credit rating downgrade to sub-investment grade in this quarter,” says Annabel Bishop, Investec chief economist. She says if you see continued substantial borrowings AND you’re borrowing to pay off your debt …

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Budget Speech 2018 and bailouts for State-Owned Entities – insights from Investec

Investec’s panel of experts discuss the current certainties and uncertainties in the market. An assumption in the Budget is that they won’t need to fund any further bailouts for SOE’s but I’m not certain that’s achievable in the shorter-term,” says David Gracey, head of currency and derivatives trading at Investec Corporate and Institutional Banking. “That’s …

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Investec insights: Budget Speech 2018 – is this budget sustainable?

Investec’s panel of experts discuss the momentum leading into and coming out of the #Budget2018. “Unfortunately because of what’s happened over past 10 years, this budget looks backwards, not forwards; it’s trying to fix the ills of the past,” says David Gracey, , head of currency and derivatives trading at Investec Corporate and Institutional Banking. …

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Fredy Hasenmaile, CS-Immobilien-Experte

März 2019 – dann sollen laut Credit Suisse die Zinsen in der Schweiz wieder steigen. CS-Immobilien-Experte Fredy Hasenmaile sagt im cash-Video-Interview, welche Gefahren dem Schweizer Immobilienmarkt erwachsen könnten.

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Switzerland’s parliament rejects plan to cut health insurance discounts

Switzerland has a system of compulsory health insurance. Residents must choose an insurer and pay. Those who don’t are automatically signed up and sent a bill. Other than shopping around, choosing a policy with an excess, a sum that must be covered out of your own pocket before the insurance kicks in, is one of the few ways to reduce your premium.

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Swiss accounts blocked over suspected Nigerian oil bribery case

The Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland (OAG) has blocked various bank accounts in Switzerland regarding an alleged oil bribery scheme linked to Nigeria. Executives from oil giants Shell and Eni are due to stand trial in Milan, Italy, in May.

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Peter Wuffli, Präsident Partners Group

Die erfolgreiche Partners Group dürfe nicht überheblich werden, sagt Präsident Peter Wuffli. Im Interview sagt er auch, warum Private Equity weiter wachsen wird und wieso Familienunternehmen eine gute Investition sind.

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Rolex ‘most reputable global brand’ for third straight year

Swiss watch brand Rolex has topped a ranking of the world’s most reputable brands for a third year in a row. Rolex beat Danish toy firm Lego for the top spot, while Swiss food manufacturer Nestlé jumped 21 places to rank 33rd. The Reputation Institute compiled the list in its annual Global RepTrack 100external link, after asking more than 230,000 people in 15 countries to rank some of the world’s biggest companies based on criteria such as ethical...

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Swiss voters could get to decide on Switzerland’s Winter Olympics bid

In October 2017, when Switzerland’s Federal Council announced the government would stand behind Sion’s bid for the 2026 Winter Olympics, it sparked a backlash. A survey run by Tamedia in February 2018 suggests 59% of the Swiss public are against the bid, according to RTS. The estimated cost to Swiss taxpayers is close to CHF 1 billion. Other costs, to be borne by the host canton Valais and other cantons, are expected on top of this federal...

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SWISS boss says that Geneva airport routes are not guaranteed

The CEO of Swiss International Air Lines has said that it is not impossible that the carrier’s Geneva operations be taken over by Eurowings, Lufthansa’s low-cost arm, in 2019. In an interview published in the Agefi newspaper on Monday, Thomas Klühr said he remained “confident” that such a scenario would not come about, but that it depended on the Swiss airline making a profit on its Geneva operations through the course of 2018.

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Captation des capitaux retraite LPP, le bras de fer…

C’est une réforme majeure du 2ème pilier qui a été repoussée sous la Coupole fédérale. Dans le cadre de la modification du régime des prestations complémentaires, le Conseil national a refusé de limiter le retrait de l’avoir vieillesse sous forme de capital.

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Zurich is the world’s second most expensive city

Only Singapore is more expensive than Zurich, finds an economic survey that compared the prices of more than 150 grocery items in 133 cities around the world. In fact Zurich tied with Paris for second place, followed by Hong Kong, Oslo, and Geneva – which tied with Seoul for sixth place.

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SWISS reports record profits for 2017

Swiss International Air Lines saw an increase in profitability of almost one-third in 2017, the company has reported. The performance is largely due to more efficient and capacious planes. While total income increased by a more modest 3.2% to CHF4.95 billion ($5.24 billion), pre-tax profits jumped by 31% to CHF561 million.

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Geneva wants to limit Airbnb rentals to 60 days a year

The canton wants the platform to place limits on its use to put the brakes on commercial operators. The 60 day limit was set by Geneva’s State Council. Antonio Hodgers, State councillor in charge of housing told Tribune de Genève that renting on the platform had become a real business for some and that this needs to be controlled.

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Is your business future fit?

Investec Cash Investments #BusinessMatters explores #digitaltransformation and what lies ahead for the SA economy. Speakers include: • Mike Schüssler, Economist, on what lies ahead for the South African economy post #BudgetSpeech • David Duarte, founder of marketing consultancy Treeshake, on how to apply digital trends and innovation to your business • Mike Perk, founder and …

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cash Börsen-Takl vom 16. März 2018

Wer bei Aktien ängstlich geworden ist, könnte von Sandro Merino umgestimmt werden. Der Anlagechef der Basler Kantonalbank sagt, wieso der SMI 2018 10'000 Punkte erreichen kann. Und er hat einen Ratschlag für Anleger.

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