Category Archive: 3.) Swissinfo Business and Economy

Where the Swiss emperors lived

The origins of the Habsburg family, one of the most influential in European history, are Swiss. Their castle still stands on a hill overlooking the town of Habsburg, in northern Switzerland. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss …

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ABB – from local company to global conglomerate

ABB is preparing to sell the power grid division, one of its most important businesses, to the Japanese conglomerate Hitachi. We take a look back at ABB’s rich history that begun in 1891 in Baden, in the northern canton Aargau. (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its …

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Star DJ breathes new life in Romansh musical tradition

The world-renowned Austrian DJ and producer Richard Dorfmeister ventures into new terrain as he remixes works by a Romansh choir song composer. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and …

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Crime of solidarity

Two young men from Geneva helped migrants cross the border between Italy and France. After 11 days in jail and 4 weeks of house arrest they were eventually found guilty and received a six month suspended sentence. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date … Continue reading »

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Swiss offer a hand to friendless Brexit Britain

Just when British Prime Minister Theresa May thought things couldn’t get any worse, Britain is being openly mocked by the Swiss. A satirical video has a top tip on what to do if you’ve got no friends: team up with equally friendless Switzerland. (Deville, SRF) — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting …

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Nanosatellite could make data tracking more affordable

A Swiss-designed nanosatellite that’s slightly bigger than a shoebox is now in orbit, being prepared to monitor infrastructure such as African water use from space. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more …

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A feminist version of the Bible

Twenty female theologians have published a feminist version of the Bible – a reinterpretation for the 21st century. It provides a commentary on … Twenty female theologians have published a feminist version of the Bible – a reinterpretation for the 21st century. It provides a commentary on the changes in the Christian tradition and also …

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How to become a Swiss Federal Councillor

Switzerland has two new members of the Federal Council! But how is a new Federal Councillor chosen? — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe …

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O Christmas tree

More and more Swiss are choosing to rent a Christmas tree instead of buying a cut tree they’ll later have to throw away. But before being potted and sold, the trees need to put out strong roots. This year’s dry summer means many baby trees, didn’t make it. — is the international branch of … Continue reading »

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Swiss electronics to take Mars’ pulse

The spacecraft that landed on the Red Planet is carrying a seismometer controlled by electronics devised at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more …

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Zurich’s toughest bus driver

Being a bus driver at Zurich’s public transport company can be an adventure, and Zorica has seen it all. Find out how she ended up behind the wheel and what she likes about it. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date and watch the … Continue reading »

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The family heirlooms becoming worthless

In Switzerland, whether it’s for stamps or walnut cabinets, demand for thrift shops seems to be decreasing. Only extremely rare pieces still get … Everything is only worth as much as someone is willing to pay for it. This also applies to antiques at auctions or in thrift shops. At these places, sellers of old … Continue...

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Switzerland: home to one of Europe’s oldest monasteries

In the east of Switzerland, in Val Müstair, is one of the oldest churches in Europe. Here, in the Middle Ages, Charlemagne was venerated as a saint. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. …

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Hackers wanted

The federal government hopes to allow Swiss citizens to vote online in the 2019 federal elections. A new platform has been developed but before launching it, any weaknesses need to be found out: that’s why a hacker position has just been opened. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider … Continue reading...

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Swiss investigate cause of deadly bridge collapse

Scientists at a lab near Zurich are investigating why a bridge collapsed in Genoa in August, killing 43 people. Scientists at a specialist lab in Switzerland are trying to determine why a bridge collapsed in the Italian port of Genoa in August this year, killing 43 people. The Federal Laboratory for Materials Science and Technology, …

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How CERN’s rotting photos were restored

Mouldy slides captured in the 80s at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Geneva and left to rot have been made into artwork. Mouldy slides captured in the 1980s at the CERN particle physics laboratory in Geneva and left to rot, have been made into artwork. The slides were mostly copies of negatives dating from … Continue...

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Sinking or swimming in a tough climate

Sinking or swimming in a tough climate — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe:...

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A special kind of home for people with dementia

Around 150,000 people have dementia in Switzerland, with the figure set to double in the next 20 years. So the question of how best to care for sufferers of the disease is all the more pressing. An unconventional residential community for people with dementia has been created in Hasle-Rüegsau in Emmental. A team from Swiss …

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The Swiss return of Nazi ‘Angel of Death’ Josef Mengele

After the Second World War, Josef Mengele – a war criminal and the man behind experiments on human beings at the Auschwitz concentration camp – fled to South America. There he managed to hide and escape justice until his death. However, he returned to Europe once as a tourist – and came to Switzerland. — …

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Ageing cheese with music

A cheesemaker in Emmental has been ageing his cheese with music, a different genre for each wheel. The idea behind this crazy experiment is to find out if sound waves can influence the cheese’s taste like humidity and temperature do. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep …

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