Category Archive: 3.) Swissinfo Business and Economy

Holcim divests cement business in Russia

Swiss cement giant Holcim said on Wednesday it would leave Russia, adding that the business there would then operate independently under a different brand.

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Swiss food giant Nestlé to open new factory in war-torn Ukraine

The Swiss multinational Nestlé says it will invest CHF40 million ($42. million) to launch a new production facility in western Ukraine.

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New Swiss rail timetable expands offer to tourist regions

Swiss Federal Railways has launched a new timetable, which offers more regional services and direct links between eastern and western Switzerland, and additional connections to popular tourist regions.

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Parliament agrees on division of minimum tax revenues

Switzerland’s 26 cantons will receive 75% of the additional revenue from the minimum taxation of large companies, the government 25%. On Tuesday the House of Representatives agreed with the Senate on the proposal to tax all companies with a turnover of more than €750 million (CHF740 million) at 15%, in line with a reform decided by the OECD and the G20.

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Third of pensioners can continue to save in old age

Many retirees in Switzerland can continue to put money aside, with a majority also willing to bequeath the money they have saved. Specifically, 34% of the people surveyed in Switzerland aged 65 and over are building up assets instead of reducing them, according to a Swiss Life survey published on Wednesday.

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Credit Suisse business is stable, claims chairman

Credit Suisse is “definitely stable”, Chairman Axel Lehmann has told Swiss public television, SRF, adding that the embattled bank had seen a stabilisation in the outflows of client funds.

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Winter energy woes cast shadow over Swiss ski season

Swiss ski resorts are gearing up for their biggest winter season since the Covid-19 pandemic. But soaring power prices in the wake of the Ukraine war have resort managers scrambling to find ways to save energy. Simon Bradley Born in London, Simon is a multimedia journalist who has worked for since 2006. He speaks French, German and Spanish and focuses on science, technology and innovation issues. More from...

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Online replaces TV as most influential form of media

Online media replaced television as the most influential media genre in Switzerland for the first time in 2021, according to a study. Large brands such as 20 Minuten and Swiss public radio and television, SRF, lost influence in favour of smaller titles.

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Swiss Abroad: Stay in touch with Switzerland

SWI, a branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC), provides targeted information to all the Swiss living abroad. We deliver the latest news from and about Switzerland. We report on political events in Switzerland and on the international stage. We also look at how the government and the cantons deal with issues relating to the Swiss Abroad. SWI provides independent reporting on Swiss politics, business, science,...

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Credit Suisse looks to speed up cuts as revenue outlook worsens

Swiss bank Credit Suisse is looking for ways to accelerate cost cuts announced just weeks ago as client outflows and a slowdown in activity weigh on its revenue outlook, according to three people with knowledge of the talks. The cost savings are likely to involve more job cuts than previously announced for the first wave of reductions, including in its mainstay wealth business, said the sources, who asked to remain anonymous because the...

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Solution found in construction labour dispute

Construction workers and trade unions in Switzerland have reached an agreement in a long-running labour dispute. Builders will receive CHF150 ($158) more a month in effective wages from next year and minimum wages will increase by CHF100 a month.

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Credit Suisse says only a few customers are closing accounts

The head of Credit Suisse’s Swiss division says that only a few clients are actually closing accounts at the bank. His comments after the troubled bank reported high customer fund withdrawals globally.

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Two out of three Swiss resorts raise ski-pass prices

Some ski lift companies are charging up to 15% more for passes this winter as high energy prices bite, a survey by CH Media shows.

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Global goods inspector SGS to shed 1,500 jobs

The world’s largest goods inspection and testing group SGS will shed 1,500 jobs worldwide in a cost saving drive.

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Government firms up plans in case of gas outage

In case of a shortage, households and businesses which heat with piped gas would be asked to lower temperatures to 20°C, the government has said.

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Women soldiers in peacekeeping SWISSCOY contingents

Women are still a minority in international peacekeeping operations. The Swiss armed forces’ contingent in Kosovo, SWISSCOY, shows just how important their role can be. We spent a day with Iris Probst, who now just completed her training module which is part of her three-month pre-deployment preparation at SWISSINT, the Swiss armed forces’ centre for international peacebuilding in Stans-Oberdorf, in canton Nidwalden. She has now been posted to...

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Let’s Talk Banking: Crypto

--- is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and videos visit or subscribe to our YouTube channel: Website: Channel: Subscribe:

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Swiss health office and pharma firm at odds over flu spray

The Swiss health authorities and the manufacturer AstraZeneca are at loggerheads over a nasal spray to vaccinate children and adolescents against influenza.

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Leading economist mildly upbeat about Swiss growth prospects

Economic researcher Jan-Egbert Sturm expects the Swiss economy to stagnate in the next few months. The director of the Swiss Economic Institute (KOF) at Federal Institute ETH Zurich, said Switzerland had been been quite resilient in the current economic environment.

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Vivid pink diamond auctioned for CHF28.4 million

A pear-shaped 18-carat pink diamond billed as a rarity has sold at a Geneva auction for CHF28.4 million ($28.8 million), including fees and taxes.

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