Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

Main Author Investec
Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

David Rosenberg: The World Is Turning More Inward, Insular and Isolated

Download a FREE transcript of David Rosenberg’s speech from the Strategic Investment Conference 2016 here:

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Japie Lubbe unpacks Investec Titans on Grootplaas

Double your investors international equity returns, without the downside risk. All in USD! Visit for more. #InvestTitans

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Richemont, Hermes slump as gloom deepens for luxury-goods makers

The crisis in the global luxury-goods industry deepened after Hermes International SCA abandoned a long-standing forecast and Richemont predicted a profit plunge that Chairman Johann Rupert deemed unacceptable.

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Seven years of inaction on SNB rates day won’t end this week

Anyone feeling let down that the European Central Bank didn’t do much last week might just want to skip the Swiss rate decision on Thursday to avoid more disappointment. While the Swiss National Bank may be infamous for some seismic policy changes in the last few years, those bombshells weren’t dropped at scheduled meetings. In fact, the last time the institution altered interest rates at a decision in its public calendar was more than seven years...

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Christophe Volonté, Leiter Corporate Governance bei Inrate

Der Leiter Corporate Governance von der Nachhaltigkeits-Rating-Agentur Inrate erklärt im Interview mit cash, warum Geberit in Sachen guter Unternehmensführung sehr gut abschneidet, Lindt & Sprüngli und Swatch dagegen sehr schlecht.

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Veronica Weisser, UBS-Ökonomin und Vorsorgeexpertin

Die UBS empfiehlt Vorsorgesparern mehr Wertschriften für die Altersfinanzierung. Bank-Ökonomin Veronica Weisser äussert sich im Interview mit cash zu Erwartungshaltungen, Verzinsungsaussichten in der Säule 3a und zur Angst vor hohen Risiken.

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Economic outlook with Annabel Bishop – the rand, the ratings and the rates

Patrick Lawlor chats to Annabel Bishop, Investec chief economist, about the outlook for the South African economy and the rand, notably in the light of the recent politically induced volatility, as well as the risk of a ratings downgrade. She discusses the base, down and extreme down case scenarios for the SA economy, and the …

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The health risks of working nights

Last year, 218,000 people regularly worked at night in Switzerland. But only a minority don’t suffer any health problems. What are companies doing in order to make night shifts more bearable? (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a …

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Fighting festival ticket touts

When concerts have sold out, music fans often only find tickets online in the over-priced secondary market. Festivals and organisers have often done little about it – until now. Bern’s Gurten festival has this year introduced personalised tickets. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to …

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Challenge Ordinary: Edwina Dunn fights convention with conviction

Just because something has always been done a certain way, doesn’t make it the right way. That’s why we support restless spirit Edwina Dunn and her pioneering use of data to change the way the world does business. After all, where does ordinary get you? #ChallengeOrdinary

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Challenge Ordinary: Jaimie Fuller acts before others think

There are those who make things happen and those who wonder what happened. That’s why we support restless spirit Jaimie Fuller and his vision to inspire society through sport. After all, where does ordinary get you? #ChallengeOrdinary

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Swiss home vacancy rate climbs to 15-year high

Switzerland has around 4.4 million homes. In 2000, 52,608 (1.49%) of them were vacant. By 2003, this number had dropped to 33,039, a vacancy rate of 0.91%. After fluctuating between this level and 1.07%, the rate started to climb in 2014 to its current rate of 1.30%, its highest level in 15 years.

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Getting a new heli hub off the ground

Experts at helicopter air rescue, the Swiss are hoping to gain greater recognition in order to capitalize internationally. (SRF/ The former military airport of Mollis in canton Glarus is becoming a hub for the helicopter industry. It’s a joint venture between the local authorities, the canton and local helicopter companies. Currently there are only a …

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Death in the mountains, an unsettling topic

Every year mountains take the life of dozens of people. Caught between guilt and judgement , the families of the deceased sometimes find it difficult to talk about the circumstances surrounding the accidents. (RTS, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and …

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Can cargo bikes replace delivery vans?

It’s hoped cargo bikes for transporting goods will help to reduce traffic congestion in the Swiss capital, Bern. The bikes are being used for carrying everything from cakes to children. (SRF/ — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss …

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Swiss stocks fluctuate as central bank decisions dominate the landscape

The Swiss Market Index, along with other European markets, fluctuated this week as central bank decisions dominated the landscape. Equity markets advanced at the beginning of the week as chances of the Federal Reserve raising US interest rates later this month declined after a surprisingly weak report on the US service-sector earlier this week.

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Basel to overtake Zurich as second-most attractive Swiss canton

Basel City will leapfrog Zurich to become Switzerland’s second-most attractive location for businesses by 2020 as Swiss cantons cut corporate tax to bolster their appeal, according to Credit Suisse Group AG.

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Swiss trains the most expensive in Europe

A study by GoEuro, compares the cost of travelling 100km by train. Switzerland led the ranking with the most costly train trips in Europe. Travelling 100km in Switzerland cost CHF 52.

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Reiner Eichenberger, Wirtschaftsprofessor Universität Freiburg

Der streitbare Schweizer Ökonom äussert sich im Interview mit cash zur Zunft der Wirtschaftsexperten und zur Frage, wie politisiert die Ökonomie heute ist. Er sagt auch, was bei den grossen Diskussionen in der Schweiz schief läuft und wie nahe er den bürgerlichen Parteien, speziell der SVP steht.

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Cash in a box catches on as Swiss negative rates bite

It’s a sign the world is getting used to negative interest rates when what once seemed bizarre starts looking like the norm. Consider Switzerland, where more and more companies are taking out insurance policies to protect their cash hoards from theft or damage.

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