Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Citizens’ Juries – providing a neutral recommendation on voting issues

In Switzerland, issues up for vote are typically complex and the interests of different parties are often difficult to decipher. One solution could be the use of a citizens’ jury whereby a few citizens are selected at random to provide a balanced assessment of voting issues for the many. — is the international branch …

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Swiss Luxury Watches Fail to Meet Environmental Standards

The Swiss branch of the environmental organisation, WWF, has called on Swiss-based watch companies to take more responsibility for ecological and social impacts, notably the use of gold. In its reportexternal link analysing the 15 biggest watch brands, the WWF says its findings are highly worrying as most companies have done nothing to address and counter climate change.

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Swiss government approves post-Brexit deal on treatment of UK and Swiss nationals

Today, The Federal Council, Switzerland’s executive, announced it has approved a deal safeguarding the rights of Swiss and UK citizens after Brexit. The agreement is part of a package of deals being worked out as part of a plan dubbed “Mind the Gap”. Under the agreement, any UK citizen residing in Switzerland before Brexit will retain all of their existing rights for life.

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Switzerland could see vote on laws banning age discrimination

Heidi Joos, the managing director of the organisation Avenir 50 plus, and others, plan to launch a referendum aimed at introducing laws against age discrimination in Switzerland. Age discrimination in recruitment is common in Switzerland. Some job search websites allow filtering by age, and job adverts sometimes specify applicants be below a particular age.

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Smartphones change Swiss shopping habits

More and more people in Switzerland are relying on their smartphone to shop, pay and transfer money, although, compared internationally, the Swiss are still cautious. The Global Mobile Consumer Survey 2018, published on Wednesday by consultants Deloitte, found that 92% of all adults in Switzerland own at least one smartphone, 5% own only a mobile phone and 3% own neither. Similar trends are seen globally.

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Where the Swiss emperors lived

The origins of the Habsburg family, one of the most influential in European history, are Swiss. Their castle still stands on a hill overlooking the town of Habsburg, in northern Switzerland. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss …

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ABB – from local company to global conglomerate

ABB is preparing to sell the power grid division, one of its most important businesses, to the Japanese conglomerate Hitachi. We take a look back at ABB’s rich history that begun in 1891 in Baden, in the northern canton Aargau. (SRF, — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its …

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Star DJ breathes new life in Romansh musical tradition

The world-renowned Austrian DJ and producer Richard Dorfmeister ventures into new terrain as he remixes works by a Romansh choir song composer. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more articles, interviews and …

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Crime of solidarity

Two young men from Geneva helped migrants cross the border between Italy and France. After 11 days in jail and 4 weeks of house arrest they were eventually found guilty and received a six month suspended sentence. Nouvo brings you short videos about Switzerland, Swiss current affairs and the wider world. Keep up to date … Continue reading »

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Apple will fix tech-glitch to benefit TWINT

Switzerland’s Competition Commission announced on Tuesday that Apple has agreed to come up with a more competitive technical solution to the benefit of Swiss payment method TWINT. The automatic activation of Apple Pay at payment terminals can interrupt payments made by the TWINT application, noted the commission.

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Majority of Swiss company CEOs are foreign

A total of 52% of CEOs from the 50 firms on the SMI Expandedexternal link stock exchange are from abroad, according to a study published on Monday by the recruitment consultancy Heidrick & Strugglesexternal link. A year ago, when the profiles of Swiss executives were evaluated for the first time, the figure was 49%.

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UK signs air service deal with Switzerland for post-Brexit flights

British Secretary of State for Transport Chris Grayling is set to sign an agreement with Switzerland on Monday to ensure air services continue to operate between the two countries after Brexit. Britain is due to leave the European Union on March 29, but uncertainty over how, or even if, Brexit will happen has increased the possibility of the country exiting without a deal on departure terms, a scenario that some companies said would usher in chaos.

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Swiss prepare to fight age discrimination

A people's initiative, allowing workers over 50 to sue for age discrimination, will be launched soon, the NZZ am Sonntag reported on Sunday. According to Heidi Joos, the CEO of Avenir 50 plus, one of the organisations behind the project, this proposed constitutional provision should allow employees to sue a company if they believe they have been dismissed for age-related reasons or if their application for employment has not been taken into account...

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Swiss Supermarkets Selling Products with no Country of Origin on Label

For example, a piece of farmed salmon will typically be labelled only with its country of origin, containing no information on what the fish has been fed. Contaminated fish feed can significantly push up the level of dioxins found in the fish’s fat. Mad cows disease is another example of how animal feed contaminated food.

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How to Harvard – A Day in the Life of Dean Benjamin

What if you had the opportunity to design the way you want to live your future life? That’s what Dean Benjamin is doing. Meet the proudly South African young professional and UCT alumnus passionately pursuing his two-year MBA at the iconic Harvard Business School. Watch a compelling video diary of life on its prestigious Boston …

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Swiss offer a hand to friendless Brexit Britain

Just when British Prime Minister Theresa May thought things couldn’t get any worse, Britain is being openly mocked by the Swiss. A satirical video has a top tip on what to do if you’ve got no friends: team up with equally friendless Switzerland. (Deville, SRF) — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting …

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Nanosatellite could make data tracking more affordable

A Swiss-designed nanosatellite that’s slightly bigger than a shoebox is now in orbit, being prepared to monitor infrastructure such as African water use from space. — is the international branch of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC). Its role is to report on Switzerland and to provide a Swiss perspective on international events. For more …

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Older workers have ‘untapped potential’ to fill labour shortages

Switzerland’s workforce is in good shape but perhaps not for long, according to a new study by the consulting firm Deloitte. Tapping existing pools of talent including older workers and women are key to helping companies meet future demands for skilled labour.

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Swiss Government wants Public Consultation on EU Framework deal

The Swiss government says it wants to carry out a public consultation before taking a final position on an “institutional framework” agreement negotiated with the European Union aimed at cementing future ties between Switzerland and its biggest trading partner.

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