Category Archive: 3) Swiss Markets and News

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Investec is a distinctive Specialist Bank and Asset Manager. We provide a diverse range of financial products and services to a niche client base in three principal markets, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Australia, as well as certain other geographies. Investec’s strategic goals are motivated by the desire to develop an efficient and integrated business on an international scale through the active pursuit of clearly established core competencies in the group’s principal business areas.

Börsen-Talk vom 18. April 2019

Zu viel Lärm, zu viel Gerede, zu viel Hektik: Für cash-Guru Alfred Herbert sind die Aktienmärkte klar verunsichert. Im Börsen-Talk sagt er, wie sich Anleger für die nächsten Monate positionieren sollen.

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Credit Suisse to take controlling stake in its Chinese joint venture

Swiss bank Credit Suisse has agreed with Founder Securities to increase its shareholding to a majority stake in its Beijing-based Credit Suisse Founder Securities (CSFS) joint venture. As a result of the agreement, Credit Suisse’s shareholding is expected to increase from 33.3% to 51% by way of capital injection. The shareholding of Founder Securities in CSFS will reduce to 49%.

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Swiss pension funds ended 2018 in the red

Pay-outs by Switzerland’s main state pension plan, which comprises old age insurance and other schemes, far exceeded income last year. Overall, the old age pension scheme recorded a deficit of CHF2.2 billion ($2.2 billion) in 2018 compared with a surplus of CHF1.1 billion the previous year, according to compenswiss, the Federal Social Security Funds.

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Where does my digital footprint lead?

How many of us are aware of the digital trail that we leave online? #partnerwithInvestec

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Is the secret to being hacked no secret at all?

Our bad online habits could be the reason why hacking has become so prevalent. #partnerwithInvestec

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What is blockchain and why should I care?

Could blockchain evolve into the technology underlying more than just cryptocurrencies? #partnerwithInvestec

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In the gig economy, how can I be a rock star?

The way we work is changing, and office hours might be on their way to becoming redundant. #partnerwithInvestec

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How will climate change the financial landscape?

It takes a certain type of person to see promise where others see peril. #partnerwithInvestec

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Is volatility a bad thing?

The ups and downs of the market could work in favour of the long-term investor. #partnerwithInvestec

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When the markets look shaky, should I retreat to cash?

Cash might seem like a safer option than volatile markets, but things are not always as they seem. #partnerwithInvestec

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Do we take enough time to consider how we’re spending it?

Technology has advanced exponentially; but the very innovations designed to help us may be doing the opposite. #partnerwithInvestec

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A longer life sounds great, but can I afford it?

Science is progressing, healthcare is improving, people are living longer than ever before—but will our money last as long as we do? #partnerwithInvestec

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Will my legacy be a gift to future generations or a poisoned chalice?

A frank conversation with family could mean the difference between leaving a legacy and leaving a prickly mess. #partnerwithInvestec

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What will be doing my job in the next 20 years?

Human jobs are already being threatened by automation, AI and robots; so where to from here? #partnerwithInvestec

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How do I prepare for a future I can’t predict?

The future has never been more uncertain. That’s why planning for it has never been more important. #partnerwithInvestec

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Will AI replace human investment decisions?

Artificial intelligence can read the numbers, but it can’t read a room. #partnerwithInvestec

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Does more data make us smarter investors?

Without a human to interpret it, how powerful is data, actually? #partnerwithInvestec

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Should my investments be as well travelled as I am?

Whether willingly or not, we are part of the global village. Shouldn’t our investments be too? #partnerwithInvestec

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Is diversification for people who don’t know where the sweet spot is?

We have more investment options available to us than ever before. Does that mean we should be investing in more than one? #partnerwithInvestec

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Swiss mortgage rates at all-time low

The construction boom goes on and on in Switzerland and the property market is overheating, especially when it comes to apartment blocks. The National Bank and the financial market supervisory authority, Finma are urging the banks to be cautious, as if interest rates were to rise sharply or the global economy were to unexpectedly fall …

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