Category Archive: 9) Personal Investment

Fintool – Finanzausbildung für Jedermann – kurz und bündig

Finanzausbildung über Videos. Kurz, neutral, unabhängig. Besuchen sie uns auf: Wir entwickeln für Sie und mit Ihnen ein Videoportal für Geld- Anlage- und Finanzausbildung. 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser...

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The stock market’s siamese twin oiled Friday’s rally

Because the stock market is currently strongly correlated to the energy sector, Friday’s rally responded in kind on the news of a surge of 12.3% in the NYMEX WTI sweet crude market after a report had suggested that OPEC may finally agree to cut its production to reduce the world glut. The news instantly oiled the S&P 500’s rise of 1.95%. However despite the strong daily gain, oil prices still ended the week down in spite of being the best one-day...

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Value Traps

Dr. Markus Elsässer, value investor and founder of ME Fonds-Special Values, on the dangers in the stock market of getting caught in so called “value traps”, February 8th, 2016.

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Only one Box a Day – 076

Dr. Markus Elsasser, value investor and business partner of Simon Rolfes, on how to organize your work day. Do not put too much on your plate.

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The Age of the Alpha Stock

Alpha-stock denominated portfolios establish large margins of safety, strong profits, and provide outstanding client retention and marketing advantages, which mediocre and passive strategies are unable to generate. As we have entered a new normal, those asset managers who do more of the same are likely to face client frustration and profit recession.

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Capital and Talent – 50

Dr. Markus Elsässer, value investor and founder of ME Fonds-Special Values, highlights the two most important factors for success in business: to combine talent with capital, February 15th, 2016.

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Beware the Ides of the Earnings Season!

It is critical for an investor to be very vigilant during the earnings season, which already began on January 11 with Alcoa (AA) reporting its results. Not only do companies report their financials, but they also make other significant announcements, such as either raising or lowering its earnings guidance for the coming months. Given the importance of this information, it is no surprise that a company's stock can often soar or plunge on these...

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With the eyes of the chameleon the market turns deep red!

The S&P 500 now stands at 1880.33 points, only 31.97 points from its 2015 opening price of 1848.36; for the broad market, a year’s meager gains almost wiped clean. The index’s P/E ratio now stands at 19.81, and is still well above its historic average of 15.57.

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That was the week that was!

Week January 17-22 : This was the first winning week of 2016 and of some relief to ordinary investors. The question is whether it is sustainable, or just a short-covering bounce, as is frequently the case when the market is undergoing a correction. Currently the S&P 500 has sunk 10.5%, the DJ-30 12.1%, and the NASDAQ 12.0%, since mid-2015. Calling a bottom, or a top, is a challenge even for professional investors. I would cite three short-term...

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Career Choice – 17

Dr. Markus Elsässer, value investor and business partner of Simon Rolfes,on what really matters in your later career. Knowledge, experience and the ability to carry responsibility. Be a person of substance.

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Success & Friends – 103

Dr. Markus Elsässer, value investor and business partner of Simon Rolfes, on success in life and business, but with the right attitude.

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Savings & Percent -25

Dr. Markus Elsässer, value investor and business partner of Simon Rolfes, on the importance of savings. Why it is so important to start saving money, build capital and to think in percentage terms.

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Dr. Markus Elsässer, Value Investor, on ‘How to sell stocks’, January 18th, 2016 – 67

Dr. Markus Elsässer, Value Investor, talks about 3 exit strategies for selling shares in the stock market. Before buying a stock, the investor should have done his calculation for a possible exit price. Also he should have a clear idea of his selling strategy. 67

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The Market’s Bad Omens mount as the Black Swan population grows!

Last week’s market action confirmed clearly its corrective trend. I cannot say more than that, because when systematic risk kicks in the good, the bad, and the ugly all suffer the same slippery fate.

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Miserable week that ended a miserable year

it was the S&P 500’s worst since the start of the bull market in 2009, ending the year down 0.73% at 2043.94 points. 56% of the stocks posted losses

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Only high-Alpha Investing in 2016 will be profitable!

Russ Koesterich of Blackrock believes that the market is experiencing a profit recession. If so, equity markets will experience more of the same pain next year. The global economy will be even worse off as it moves through its recessionary cycle. However, in contrast, Grail portfolios will continue to show very attractive earnings growth, since their average earnings surprise over 5 quarters is $0.06

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Dr. Markus Elsässer, Value Investor, on Walt Disney / Star Wars, Dec. 22nd, 2015

Dr. Markus Elsässer, founder of Value Fund ‘ME Fonds – Special Values’ speaks about the successfull media strategy of Walt Disney Company. The example of the Star Wars movie success is a good occasion for investors to look into a company.

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Jessica Schwarzer (Handelsblatt) über Emotionen an der Börse

Kann man sich in (s)eine Aktie verlieben? Warum verdrängen Anleger Verluste, obwohl rational Handeln gefragt wäre? Im Interview mit DRTV analysiert Handelsblatt-Korrespondentin J. Schwarzer, wie Aktionäre sich von Lust und Frust leiten lassen.

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Fintool / Kanalempfehlung [Deutsch]

Gefällt euch diese Serie? Falls ja helft mir, indem ihr die Serie bewertet und kommentiert!!! In diesem Video möchte ich euch erneut einen Kanal vorstellen welcher sich mit dem Thema Finanzanlagen beschäftigt. Dieser nennt sich: Fintool Link zu Fintool: Viel Spass mit Fintool Facebook: Google+:...

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The Fallacies of Portfolio Volatility Measurements

John Henry Smith introduces the base concepts of portfolio volatility: Standard deviation, linearity, normal distribution and the Gaussian bell curve, skewness, value-at-risk and the alpha premium. He explains why they are often misinterpreted.

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