Category Archive: 9d) Fund and Hedge Funds

Ray Dalio & Bill Belichick on Building Great Teams

Since I released my book Principles: Life & Work, several remarkably successful people from all walks of life contacted me telling me that they used basically the same principles across domains and asked me if I would brainstorm with them about principles for success. This led to my having incredibly interesting and valuable conversations that I want to pass along to you so you can get the best possible principles for success. This first...

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Would I run for President?

I’m not running for U.S. #president. My best role is passing along whatever thoughts I have, then it’s up to the people. #politics #government #principles #raydalio

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Can the US avoid the End of an Empire?

Can the U.S. avoid the end of an #empire? #politics #uspolitics #government #principles #raydalio

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What you should know about microfinance

If you aren’t familiar with microfinance, it provides small #loans to people to build businesses. I love donating to microfinance and @GRAMEENAMERICA, which focuses on underserved communities, because it’s incredibly satisfying to see the recipients flourish. You may want to donate to it or get some money from it. #philanthropy #microfinance #smallbusiness #raydalio #principles

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レイ・ダリオ著 「変わりゆく世界秩序」

世界はこれまでに生涯でなかったような大きな変化を遂げつつあります。しかし、歴史を振り返ると過去に何度も同じことがくりかえされてきたのです。ですから過去の変化を研究することで現在起こっていることを理解し、これから何が起こりうるか予測する必要があることは判っていました。 私の著書、「Principles for Dealing with the Changing World...

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Why #failure is part of the process to achieving #success

Walked @garyvee through how #failure is part of the process to achieving #success. #raydalio #pain #reflection

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Maximale Freiheit: Warum der Staat für uns Bürger ineffizient ist! #shorts

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What is the first #stock I bought as a 12 year-old

Reflecting on the first #stock I bought at 12 with @garyvee #raydalio #principles #shorts

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#Successful #investors are #independentthinkers

Discussed how #successful #investors are #independentthinkers with @garyvee. #raydalio #principles

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The value of #principles for systematic #decisionmaking

As I reflect on this 6 years since releasing #principles and having this conversation with @garyvee the value of using principles for systematic #decisionmaking still holds true. #raydalio #success #shorts

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The #truth about the world’s most #successful people

The #truth about the world’s most #successful people. From my conversation with @garyvee. #humility #principles #raydalio #shorts

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If you want to be more successful you must get over THIS

Being successful requires getting over THIS. From my conversation with @ELLIOTCHOY. #raydalio #principles #advice

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Ray Dalio and Elliot Choy on Why Money Shouldn’t be an End Goal

Why #money shouldn’t be your end #goal. From my conversation with @ELLIOTCHOY. #raydalio #principles #advice

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Ray Dalio and Elliot Choy on the Subconscious State of Meditation

Describing the #subconscious state in #meditation, from my conversation with @ELLIOTCHOY. #mindfulness #wellness #transcendentalmeditation #shorts

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Es ist Zeit Ihnen etwas mitzuteilen... _ Abonnieren Sie den Kanal von meinem Sohn - Disruptors Spotlight: Das erste Video: ?si=BR32gLU51RPyB7B4 _ 📚 Von Dr. Markus Elsässer 3.📚 "Die sechs entscheidenden Lektionen des Lebens" - * 2.📚 "Dieses Buch ist bares Geld wert" * Als Hörbuch * 1.📚 "Des klugen...

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Ray Dalio and Elliot Choy on the Benefits of Mediation

Discussing the benefits of #meditation with @ELLIOTCHOY. #raydalio #principles #advice #mindfulness #wellness #transcendentalmeditation #shorts

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How I Meditate

Walked @ELLIOTCHOY through my #TranscendentalMeditation process. #raydalio #principles #advice #mindfulness #meditation

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How to Find What Success Looks Like For You

How to find what #success looks like for you. From my conversation with @ELLIOTCHOY. #raydalio #principles #advice

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Pragmatische Lösungen für die richtige Entscheidung bei Ihrer Positionierung

Sind Sie Hier Richtig? Stimmt Ihre Positionierung? Treten Sie nicht in die Falle der Digitalisierung! Der Standort ist eine der 3 Entscheidenden Faktor für Ihr Leben und Ihre Zukunft! Viele haben Angst vor dem Thema oder wissen nicht, wie Sie es angehen sollen. Dr. Elsässer möchte dabei helfen, dass Sie an dem richtigen Ort sind, um Ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Die Möglichkeiten sind größer denn je! _ 📚 Von Dr. Markus Elsässer 3.📚 "Die...

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Ray Dalio and Elliot Choy on How to Find Your Passions

How to find your #passion, from my conversation with @ELLIOTCHOY. #raydalio #principles #advice

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