Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Why Failure Should Be an Option {11/3/20]

The irony of corporate bailouts is that they are killing capitalism. The Darwinian nature of capitalism should be allowed to weed out the weakest in order to strengthen the economy. - Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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Technically Speaking Tuesday | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 11/3/20

SEG-1: Election 2020: The Markets' Predictive Abilities SEG-2: Future Value Determined by Policies of Next 4-years SEG-3: Rules to Navigate a Contentious Election SEG-4: Why Failure Needs to Be Allowed -------- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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The Real Investment Show

(11/3/20) It's Election Day: Have Markets already predicted the winner? Markets have been positive for past three months prior, which historically finds in favor of an incumbent, rather than the challenger. Bets have been placed into sectors what would fare well under the current Administration's policies. Follow the money, not the media. -------- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:...

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The Real Investment Show (11/2/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts

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Sollte man in Aktien oder in ETFs investieren?

In unserem neuen Video sprechen Stefan Waldhauser und ich über die Frage, ob aktives Stock-Picking in Einzelaktien oder passives Investieren besser ist und höhere Renditen liefert. Weiterführende Links: ✅ Stefan Waldhauser - Bringen Technologieaktien dauerhaft höhere Renditen: ❌ Gerd Kommer - Haben Technologieaktien dauerhaft höhere...

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Volatility is a By-product of Elections [11/2/20]

Why the most important thing you can do right now is identify and actively monitor the risks that you're taking. -------- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Candid Coffee 11/14/20 Post-Election Presentation: -------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE to The Real Investment Show here:...

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The Pre-Election Day Episode | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 11/2/20

SEG-1: Market Commentary: The Risk of a Contested Election SEG-2: Economics of COVID: How Companies Have Adapted SEG-3: Market Volatility a by Product of Elections SEG-4: Why The Roberts are Seinfeld/Don't Be That Guy -------- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Candid Coffee 11/14/20 Post-Election Presentation: -------- Get more info & commentary:...

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Corona, Bundesregierung, Länderparlamente – Gefahr für die Demokratie?

✘ Werbung: In meinem kurzfristig gebuchten Urlaub auf der griechischen Insel Santorini habe ich mir Gedanken über unsere aktuelle #Politik und immer weniger sichtbare #Demokratie gemacht. Das bereitet mir Sorgen. Zu den im kleinsten Kreis beschlossenen #Notstandsverordnungen, die über den 31.3.2021 hinaus gelten sollen, kommt die Bekanntgabe der Erweiterung des Kanzleramts um geschätzte 1,5 Mrd. €. Was soll das? Wir...

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The Risk of a Contested Election | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [11/2/20]

(11/2/20) One day before the 2020 election, and the markets hate uncertainty: The biggest risk is a contested election. Be careful of panic selling! -------- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report: -------- Get more info & commentary: -------- SUBSCRIBE...

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Aktiver Fonds vs. ETF im Kostenvergleich: Horrende Kosten?

Aktiver investmentfonds vs. ETF : Wie unterscheiden sich die Kosten? Kostenloses Depot inkl. 20€ Prämie: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►►...

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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show (10/30/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary, plus Personal Finance Tricks & Treat from RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP, w Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP

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Buchbesprechung: Die Codices von Wolfgang Eckstein – SciFi und Historie

✘ Werbung: Ein römischer Senatorensohn reist für seine Ausbildung in das antike #Alexandria, um dort die Wunder der Wissenschaft und das bemerkenswerte astronomische Wissen seiner Zeit zu lernen. Fast 2000 Jahre später steht der junge Forscher Lennard Sander vor der größten Entdeckung der Neuzeit: einem DNA-basierten #Supercomputer mit praktisch unbegrenzter #Rechenleistung. Doch ein Mordanschlag zwingt ihn zur Flucht....

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Jessica Schwarzer – Investieren in Megatrends Teil 3 Digitalisierung – total vernetzt

Megatrends sind die „Blockbuster“ des Wandels. Sie verändern unser Leben, unsere Gesellschaft und unsere Wirtschaft unwiderruflich und langfristig. Aktuell gibt es viele vermeintliche Megatrends. Doch welcher ist echt und setzt sich durch? Genau weiß das niemand, die Zukunft wird es zeigen. Aber es gibt jede Menge Studien und Prognosen von Zukunftsforscher bis zu Aktienanalysten. Ein spannendes Thema auch für Anleger. In Teil 3 dieser Reihe stellt...

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Financial Fitness Friday |The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 10/30/20

SEG-1: Market Commentary: October Living Up to Its Reputation SEG-2: What Happens Post-COVID? SEG-3: Consequences of COVID/What if Your Candidate Doesn't Win? SEG-4: The Importance of Investing Rules (and following them...) -------- RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard Rosso, CFP w Senior Advisor Danny Ratliff, CFP -------- Candid Coffee 10/24/20 Encore Presentation: -------- Get more info &...

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The Best of The Real Investment Show for Week Ending 10/30/20

With one week to go before the 2020 Elections, it wasn't hard finding things to talk about: The Predictability of Financial Markets The Bifurcated Economy The Ways They Take Your Means The Hunt Brothers' Gamma Squeeze Play Us vs Them: On Being Nice RIA Advisors Lance Roberts, CIO, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA, and Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP, from this week's episodes of The Real Investment Show. -------- Articles Mentioned in...

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The Real Investment Show (10/29/20)

Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts, w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA

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The Hunt Brothers’ Gamma Squeeze Play [10/29/20]

What happen when a bunch of rich guys try to corner a commodities market, and go up against The Establishment: A lesson to be learned from yesteryore. - Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA -------- Articles Mentioned in this podcast:

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The Gamma Squeeze Episode | The Real Investment Show (Full Show EDIT) 10/29/20

SEG-1: Market Commentary: Why Nothing Worked Yesterday SEG-2: Michael Lebowitz: The Hunt Brothers & The Gamma Squeeze SEG-3: Michael Lebowitz: How to Trim Portfolios SEG-4: Michael Lebowitz: How Corporations Influence Elections -------- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts w Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA -------- Articles Mentioned in this podcast:...

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Droht eine neue Pleitewelle? – Interview mit Jessica Schwarzer | LYNX fragt nach

Die Entscheidung der Politik trifft die deutsche Wirtschaft hart. Als Folgen sieht Jessica Schwarzer eine mögliche Pleitewelle, auch wenn sie vermutet, dass es nicht ganz so hart wie im Frühjahr wird. Weitere Hilfsmaßnahmen werden dem Staat erhebliche Kosten bereiten. Olaf Scholz schlägt eine Erstattung für Corona-bedingte Umsatzausfälle für Unternehmen vor, welche pro Lockdown-Monat 7-10 Milliarden Euro kosten wird. Jessica Schwarzer...

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Downside Risk Remains | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [10/29/20]

(10/29/20) What happened Wednesday? Algorithms kicked-in for a liquidation event; Where did the money go? Reserve currency, which was good for the dollar. Biggest downside risk remains the possibility of a contested election: Hedge well. -------- Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts -------- Articles mentioned in this report:

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