Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Markets Try, Try Again | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [5/24/21]

S&P opens higher, preparing to assault Buy-signal that's been anticipated for past several weeks. NASDAQ tries to rally above 20-DMA; will likely outperform S&P over next weeks. Weekly Buy-signals are close to triggering Sell-signals, like in June or July. A 5% correction would not be surprising. Bonds & Stocks' correlation has been highest since 1999 -- which should not be the case. If Bond prices are moving up, 10-yr yields are moving...

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4 Fehler, die garantiert JEDES Unternehmen zu Fall bringen

? “Steuern halbieren mit Immobilien” Webinar am 30.05. ? #Unternehmer sein, #Unternehmertum und eine Firma gründen, verfolgen viele als Ziel, um sich ein Vermögen aufzubauen. Doch Unternehmertum bringt auch viele Stolperfallen mit sich. Selfmade Millionär Gerald Hörhan aka. der Investmentpunk erklärt heute, welche vier Fehler jedes Unternehmen in den Ruin führen. Falls du also ein Unternehmen gründen willst,...

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Die beste Steuersoftware: Smartsteuer, WISO, Taxfix Steuerbot & co. im Test! Steuererklärung

Steuerprogramm Test: WISO, Smartsteuer, Taxfix, Steuerbot & co. im Check! Zu Smartsteuer -30% mit dem Code "finanzfluss", bis 03.08: ►► *? Zu Wiso Steuer: ►► *? Zu Taxfix (-20% Rabatt): ►► *? Zu Steuerbot: ►►

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Mehr Rendite mit nachhaltigen ETFs? Ist nachhaltiges Investieren wirklich besser ?

Was bringt Impact Investing mit ESG oder SIR wirklich? Wie kann man nachhaltig investieren? ? Kostenloses Depot inkl. 20€ Prämie ► * ? Nachhaltiges Girokonto ► * ⛑ Erste Hilfe Set zum Vermögensaufbau ►...

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Financial Fitness Friday (5/21/21): Personal Financial Planning from RIA Advisors

This is the LIVE stream of today's full show. Watch the edited version here: ➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro...

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Financial Fitness Friday | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 5/21/21]

00:00 - The Oncoming Inflationary Storm 10:05 - Kissing Poultry & Spanking SPAC's 23:05 - Changes Wrought from the Pandemic 35:33 - The "Third Act" of Retirement Hosted by Richard Rosso, CFP, RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning with Danny Ratliff, CFP, Senior Advisor _________ ➢ Register for Lunch & Learn: Long Term Care [June 24, 2021 12pm CT]

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Youth Investment Accounts – Pro or Con? | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [5/21/21]

Markets respond to jobless claims, but true strength of economy remains a concern; Philly Fed Mfg. Index fall underscores thesis of weakening economy. Fidelity Youth Investment Accounts -- love 'em or hate 'em: Points to ponder if your 13-17 year old wants to play investor. Crypto Currency takes a 30% dive as the IRS makes moves to track and tax crypto earnings. Of course. 3 Minutes on Markets and Money hosted by Danny Ratliff, RIA Advisors...

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Laufende Kosten einer Immobilie durchgerechnet

Was kostet eine Immobilie im Jahr, unabhängig von der Kreditrate? In diesem Video rechnet Saidi die Kosten durch, die oft vergessen werden. Hier geht's zum Stromrechner: Hier geht's zum Gasrechner:

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The Real Investment Show (5/20/21): Market Analysis & Commentary from Lance Roberts

This is the LIVE stream of today's full show. Watch the edited version here: ➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro...

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Was droht Anlegern & Aktionären nach der Bundestagswahl? Interview Northern Finance | Teil 1

Bundestagswahl 2021 - Parteiprogramme - Welche Auswirkungen hat das für uns Investoren? ? Kostenloses Depot inkl. 20€ Prämie ► * ⛑ Erste Hilfe Set zum Vermögensaufbau ►...

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Buchbesprechung: Souverän Investieren mit Indexfonds und ETFs – Gerd Kommer

✘ Werbung: Untertitel: Wie #Privatanleger das Spiel gegen die #Finanzbranche gewinnen. Gerd Kommer nähert sich der Geldanlage auf rein wissenschaftliche Weise und weist mit renommierten #Studien nach, dass passives Investieren (ETFs, Indexfonds) langfristig zu höheren Renditen führt als Trading oder Stockpicking. Auch aktiv gemanagte Fonds schließen weitaus schlechter ab, da die Personalkosten und Gewinne der...

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Lance Roberts’ Investment Psychology Experiment [5/21/21]

Hello to Berlin! Lance's Investment Psychology Experiment: When people on TV far, so good. Sports Gambling & Market Investing; Buying and selling isn't always based upon valuation: Gamestop vs Bitcoin or Etherium. Short term signals can last three or four weeks--not to be used for long term investing theses, but helpful in managing risk/reducing exposure. Adding Alpha (excess performance) is opportunistic trading, not fundamental...

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The Fed Speak Episode | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 5/20/21]

00:00 - Inflationary Trends Emerge in Economic Numbers 10:00 - Fed Minute Fireworks 23:00 - Market Correction & Crypto Currency Instability 35:30 - Lance's Investing Psychology Experiment Hosted by RIA Advisors' Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, with Portfolio Manager, Michael Lebowitz, CFA _________ THIS SATURDAY! ➢ Candid Coffee: Financial Mid-Year Review 5/22/21 8am (CT) Learn about the best accounts to save for...

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Bonds Foretell a Weaker Economy | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [5/20/21]

Bonds foretell a weaker economy. Money flows remain positive... and over-sold. A look at the S&P 500 Short-index shows exactly the inverse: We're looking for a breakout above it's 50-DMA. NASDAQ Money flow indicator is very over-sold, and is likely will actually "out-perform" the S&P: Meaning, the S&P could "under-perform" the NASDAQ. Rally expectations call for adding market exposure for trading opportunities....

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“KRYPTO 3”: Mit passiven Fonds in Krypto Assets investieren

Krypto-Anlagen indirekt mit passiven Fonds kaufen. Wie geht das? Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf ?? Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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The Real Investment Show (5/19/21): Stock Market Analysis from Lance Roberts

This is the LIVE stream of today's full show. Watch the edited version here: ➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro...

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Signing Up For Medicare Part-A While Still Working + Coordination Benefits | RIA Advisors

Question from our viewer: "I am 66 and work for a company with 20+ Employees. I will retire when my husband turns 65 (in 14-months). I have been advised to enroll in Medicare Part-A now... Do you agree?" Danny Ratliff, CFP & RIA Senior Financial Advisor, examines the pro's and con's of signing up for Medicare Part-A while still working, and the issue of Coordination of Benefits. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar...

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At What Age Should I Enroll in Medicare? | RIA Advisors

At what exact age should you enroll in Medicare? Is it before or after your 65th year of life? Danny Ratliff, CFP & RIA Senior Financial Advisor, explains the enrollment phases and windows for Medicare. Watch the entire 'Lunch & Learn: Medicare' webinar here! _________ ➢ Watch The Real Investment Show LIVE every morning on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Listen to The Real Investment Show every morning...

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Wie Geld, Identität, Wahlen & mehr auf der Blockchain umgesetzt werden könnten! Dr. Sandner Teil 2/2

Prof. Dr. Philipp Sandner im Interview über Blockchain-Technologie! 2/2 Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►►

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Markets & Money Flow | The Real Investment Show [Full Show: 5/19/21]

00:00 - China's Restriction of Crypto Currency 10:00 - Impulse Shopping & Financial Planning 23:00 - The Jeopardy of "Free" Trades 35:30 - The Efficacy of Government Bailouts Hosted by RIA Advisors' Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts, CIO, with Senior Advisor, Danny Ratliff, CFP _________ Articles mentioned: ➢ Foreseeing The “Flation” Knuckleball & Investor Implications...

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