Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

Hiking Rates Into Peak Valuations Is A Mistake

Hiking rates into a wildly overvalued market is potentially a mistake. So says Bank of America in a recent article. Optimists expecting the stock market to weather the rate-hike cycle as they’ve done in the past are missing one important detail, according to Bank of America Corp.’s strategists.While U.S. equities saw positive returns during previous periods of rate increases, the key risk this time round is that the Federal Reserve will be...

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You Verses Wall Street – [Stockcast Ep. 66]

When investing, is there an element of unfairness? Are you an underdog climbing an uphill battle? Can you REALLY compete with the big dogs of Wallstreet? We think you can. Check out this episode to get your answers. Exclusive Training From Andy Tanner: #financialeducation #stockmarketcashflow Facebook: @RobertKiyosaki Twitter: @TheRealKiyosaki...

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Andreas Beck: Das bedeutet der Krieg für die Börse // Mission Money

Bricht die Börse jetzt zusammen? Und hat Andreas Beck wegen des Angriffskriegs von Russland in der Ukraine schon alle Aktien verkauft? Der Portfolio-Experte und Mathematiker erklärt, wie er die Lage jetzt rational einschätzt und verrät, wie sich die Kurse normalerweise bei Kriegen verhalten. Erstaunlicherweise lässt sich aus den Daten und der Geschichte eine präzise Handlungsempfehlung ableiten ... Hier gibt es das kostenlose E-Book von Andreas...

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What Markets Need to Rally | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(3/3/22) Markets liked what Jerome Powell had to say to Congress, and continue to consolidate off over-sold conditions of a few days ago, holding support from January's lows. Markets remain in a bullish position, with stock buy backs very supportive of large-caps. Despite geopolitics and inflationary pressures, markets have held their own, going through a corrective process. However, there is still risk to the downside: There are three resistance...

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The Perfect Set-up for a Bear Market

(3/3/22) Markets seem to be doing great, but most of the support is coming from corporate share buy-backs, now at record high levels. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell's first day of testimony was well-received on Wall St. Energy makes up 7% of GDP, but actually touches all aspects of daily life. Pricing Gasoline at 9/10ths Gallon; Bear Market Strategies, and what Volatility means. There's no direct link between Quantitative Easing and stock prices--just...

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Gerd Kommer: Inflation, Überbewertung, Crash-Gefahr – was Anleger wissen sollten

Inflation, Überwertung und die Angst vor einem Crash - viele Anleger sind besorgt. Für eine Veranstaltung sprach ich mit dem Vermögensverwalter Gerd Kommer über diese drei Prunkte. Für meine Kanal „René will Rendite“ habe ich euch die wichtigsten Aussagen zusammengefasst. Kapitel: 00:00 Was bietet echten Inflationsschutz? 11:44 Sind Aktien wirklich überbewertet? 22:01 Müssen Anleger Angst vor einem Crash haben? Los geht es mit der Inflation und...

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Ungleichheit II

Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten und nicht überall muss es der Staat richten. Mehr zum Thema erfahren? Besuchen Sie uns auf 👉🏽 Auf diesen Kanälen könnt ihr uns erreichen: ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– ►Unsere Website: ►Unser FACEBOOK: ►Unser LinkedIn: ►Unser INSTAGRAM:

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Budget-Visualisierung mit Sankey Diagramm: Finanz-Flussdiagramm erstellen! | Finanzfluss

Sankey Diagramm erstellen: Einfache Budget-Visualisierung! Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *📈 In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►► 🧠 ℹ️...

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Will Jerome Powell Take a Dovish Perch? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(3/2/22) Russia surrounds Kiev, markets sell-off under continuing pressure, and Fed Chair Jerome Powell prepares to testify before Congress: His comments could provide the octane to spur markets higher...or... Markets are set to rally again after re-testing support in a bid to consolidate above January & October's lows. With sentiment decidedly dour, what is needed is good news, which could come from Fed Chair Jerome Powell in his remarks to...

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March Off to a Weak Start – Will We Recover?

(3/2/22) Markets commence the month of March in weak fashion as the Atlanta Fed reports GSP growth at 0.0%. Fed Chair Jerome Powell is set to address Congress and the tone of his comments could sway markets bullishly or bearishly. Joe Biden's State of the Union addressed problems facing the country, but no realistic solutions to economic challenges. The good thing about oil prices; the only cure for high prices is...high prices. Q1 Earnings...

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How Small Investors Can Hit It Big – Robert Kiyosaki, Marin Katusa @Katusa Research

The War on climate officially began on November 1, 2021, at the COP26. The COP26 is the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. The media and all the global leaders brought all their arsenals to launch the war on carbon emissions—it's a global race to net-zero. Today’s guest says this push to net-zero carbon emissions offers new opportunities to make the world richer while saving the planet. Marin Katusa, publisher of the...

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What is the VIX Telling Us About a Rally in March? | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(3/1/22) Markets are opening lower over concerns about Russia, but the VIX is telling a slightly different story: Remember when we shut down the economy in March 2020?? Runaway volatility was based on uncertainty seeded by the COVID epidemic. Most recently, despite the 10% market correction over the last two months, concerns and sell-offs over the Fed's hiking of interest rates, liquidity, and the Russian invasion, volatility has risen only mildly....

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Oil Stocks Get a Boost from Russian Invasion

(3/1/22) Markets are holding-up, despite the distractions of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but still remain in a downward trend. There is still possibility of Russian default on debt, with implications for Banking system. Markets are still skittish over liquidity, and looking for a reason to reflexively rally. Cryptocurrencies are being asked to block Russian transactions. Green agenda is being derailed as oil prices hit $100/bbl. Energy...

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Sell Energy Stocks? The Time May Be Approaching

“Sell Energy Stocks” Was Originally Published At Sell energy stocks? Such certainly seems counter-intuitive advice given high oil prices, geopolitical stress, and surging inflation. However, some issues suggest this could indeed be the time to “sell high.” Before we go further, it is essential to state that I am not recommending selling energy stocks in total. As is always the case, portfolio management is...

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Andreas Beck zu Robo-Advisoren : es sind des Kaisers neue Kleider #andreasbeck #investment #börse

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What is DeFi? Your Questions Answered – [Cryptoverse Ep4]

Host Robb LeCount and guest Jim Lecci decode the term DeFi (decentralized finance) by answering the following questions: -What is DeFi and how does it differ from traditional finance? -Ways in which DeFi and blockchain technology can build and create a better financial future -In terms of Decentralized protocols, what’s required for them to work? -What are the risks associated with DeFi? -What does the future of DeFi look like? Join the #1...

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Ukraine Konflikt: Atomschlag, Börsencrash, NATO-Einsatz? | Investmentpunk LIVE

Kostenloses LIVE Steuer-Webinar am 13.03.22. 👉 ------------------------------------ #UkraineKonflikt 2022: Nach dem Einmarsch von Putin am 24. Februar gibt es in der Ukraine schwere Kämpfe zwischen Russen und Ukrainern. Die EU will die Ukraine erstmals mit Waffen und Ausrüstung im Wert von 500 Millionen Euro unterstützen. Putin droht mit Atomwaffen, parallel ist ein Cyperkrieg entbrannt. Die russische #Börse...

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Tesla Model Y – Vorbereitungen + Erfahrungen zur Arktis-Fahrt – Teil 5

✘ Werbung: Mein Buch Allgemeinbildung ► Teespring ► Bevor man einen 6.000km Trip im Winter mit dem #E-Auto in die Arktis unternimmt, gilt es ein Mindestmaß an Vorbereitungen zu treffen. #Winterreifen sind natürlich extrem wichtig. Was wir uns noch für #Gedanken gemacht haben und was sie gebracht haben, erzähle ich in diesem Video. Iglu ► Fahrt Nordkap 1 ► Fahrt Nordkap 2 ►...

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Markets Swift Response to Russian Invasion | 3:00 on Markets & Money

(2/28/22) Russia's exclusion from the SWIFT system puts banking transactions and risk, and that's weighing on markets. Lot's of volatility afoot as traders try to figure out what this means in terms of market risk. Last week's rally is resulting in a bit of a selloff this morning. Gold is doing much better as a safe-haven play, but the commodity is now very over-bought. If you've been long gold, now's the time to take some profits. Oil is up on...

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Economic Consequences of Putting the Squeeze on Putin

(2/28/22) Russia's ill-advised invasion of Ukraine is having international repercussions, as domestic markets experience the biggest downturn since 2020. Oil prices are up $4/bbl as OPEC declines to boost production, and Russia is placed in time-out by SWIFT. Commodity prices are surging to 1973 highs, and interestingly, Cryptocurrencies are flailing in the crisis. SWIFT removal creates counter-party risk; market sentiment remains bearish. What...

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