Category Archive: 9a) Buy and Hold

INFLATION noch zu stoppen? – Investmentpunk Live

? 25.11. ? Punk Friday Reveal Party ? Jetzt kostenlos Platz sichern! Die 4. Welle ist in vollem Gange, #LockDown ist wieder Realität, in Österreich wird demonstriert und die #Inflation nimmt Fahrt auf. Wie Real ist die Gefahr von #Hyperinflation und wie sollten sich Kleinanleger und Investoren jetzt verhalten? Wohin mit dem Geld wenn scheinbar alle Vermögenswerte sich in einer Asset-Blase befinden? Der gelernte...

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Ich habe versucht Bitcoin zu ersteigern und das ist passiert…

Selbstexperiment: Bitcoin mit Rabatt ersteigern? ? 25€ Bitcoin Startprämie BSDEX (Börse Stuttgart) ► * ? Bis zu 5% Zinsen auf deine Bitcoin ► * ? Investor-Community Discord ► ? Unsere App Monetaz - Gemeinsam Vermögen aufbauen ► * ℹ️ Mehr Infos: Bitcoin günstig kaufen? Wer regelmäßig in Bitcoin...

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ETF Sparplan Vergleich 2022: Das beste ETF Depot? | Kostenlose ETF Sparpläne im Depot-Vergleich!

ETF Sparplan Vergleich auf unserer Website: ►► ⚖️ Zum Testsieger: ►► *? Direktbank-Empfehlung:►► * ? Zu den ETF Depots: • ►► Scalable Capital: * • ►► ING-DiBa: * • ►► Trade...

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The Medicare Medigap Mystery

The Holidays are upon us w Thanksgiving preparations, Christmas spending budgets, and Tax Turbulence Period; Long Term Care vs Medicare; Working at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade; analyzing Medicare Advantage; the future of Blood Rx. ------ 0:55 - The Tax Turbulence Period 11:53 - Long Term Care vs Medicare 27:47 - Working at Macy's; Medicare Trends 41:57 - Analyzing Medicare Advantage Hosted by RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard...

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The Medicare Medigap Mystery | Financial Fitness Friday (11/19/21): Market Analysis & Personal Fi…

The Holidays are upon us w Thanksgiving preparations, Christmas spending budgets, and Tax Turbulence Period; Long Term Care vs Medicare; Working at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade; analyzing Medicare Advantage; the future of Blood Rx. ------ SEG-1: The Tax Turbulence Period SEG-2: Long Term Care vs Medicare SEG-3: Working at Macy's; Medicare Trends SEG-4: Analyzing Medicare Advantage Hosted by RIA Advisors Director of Financial Planning, Richard...

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Logistik und Versandhandel im KMU – Umzug

✘ Werbung: 2021 mussten wir mit unserem #Whiskylager von umziehen. Der Eigentümer der Halle kündigte den #Mietvertrag und unserer Logistiker musste ausziehen. Den Zeitpunkt konnten wir in Grenzen beeinflussen, so dass wir nicht in die heiße #Weihnachtszeit kamen. Dennoch machten #Lockdown und #Einschränkungen uns das Leben reichlich schwer. Whisky - Brexit, Strafzölle, Pandemie, Lieferketten ►

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Small Caps: Kleine Aktien besser als Amazon & Co.?

Solltet Ihr einen Small Cap ETF als Ersatz oder als Ergänzung zum MSCI World nehmen? Die Antwort erfahrt Ihr in diesem Video! Eine Übersicht über die Finanztip-Basics findest Du hier: ETFs auf den MSCI World – von Finanztip empfohlen (Stand 19.11.2021): iShares (IE00B4L5Y983) Invesco (IE00B60SX394) Xtrackers (IE00BJ0KDQ92)* ►...

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Our “Durable” Economy (11/18/21): Market Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors Chief Investment…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Will Inflation Become Stagflation?

Starbuck's & McDonald's are luring customers with free stuff for the holidays, even as prices inflate; the political toll from a poor economy; how inflation becomes stagflation; The Fed's Bazooka; what Joe Biden doesn't know about oil commodity pricing. ------ 0:00 - Starbuck's & Inflation in Your Cup 10:50 -The Fed's Bazooka Gone Awry 22:23 - How Oil Prices Really Work Hosted by RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts,...

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Are We Due for a Santa Claus Rally?

(11/18/21) Retailers aren't worried, with good earnings reports coming from Kohl's, Macy's, and Nvidia; so where's the money coming from? Home Equity liquidation and credit cards are fueling consumers' spending sprees, piling on debt. That won't end well as rates and inflation rise. Stocks are very extended, market-wide: Watch for price pressure following Thanksgiving, setting up for a Santa Claus rally by the end of the year. - Hosted by RIA...

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The Build Back Better Bust (11/17/21): Market Analysis & Personal Finance commentary from RIA Adv…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Build Back Better Bust: Why the spending package ISN’T paid for, as promised

Markets are quietly going sideways ahead of Thanksgiving; we're looking for the potential for a Santa Claus Rally; Janet Yellen is wrong; Build Back Better Plan is not paid for; reinstatement of SALT deduction; Questions & Answers from Candid Coffee; Outlook for Taxes in 2022; where to best invest? ------ 0:00 - Market Commentary: All is Quiet before Thanksgiving, but then... 8:14 - Tax Changes coming for 2022: The Truth About the SALT...

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Wie schlimm wird die Inflation?

Macht Ihr Euch sorgen um die Inflation? In diesem Video teilt Saidi seine Gedanken dazu. Wertpapierdepots von Finanztip empfohlen (Stand 17.11.2021): Scalable Capital* ► Trade Republic* ► Smartbroker* ► ING* ►...

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Immobilie kaufen: Privat oder mit Immobilien-GmbH? | Interview mit Prof. Dr. Christoph Juhn 1/2

Immobilie kaufen: Privat oder mit GmbH? Steuerberater Christoph Juhn 1/2 Kostenloses Depot eröffnen: ►► *? In 4 Wochen zum souveränen Investor: ►►...

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Stocks or Bonds? How to Invest When Correlations are High

(11/17/21) Does it matter to stocks when interest rates go up or down? Since 2000, stocks and bonds have been highly correlated. Lately, as interest rates have inched upward, so have stock prices...and if the correlation holds, as interest rates start to slide (as predicted by bonds), so could stock prices similarly drop. This has taken away the choice of pitting stock vs bond performance as hedges against one another. However, a stock-bond...

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Crypto’s Crash and Stocks Head Higher

“Crypto’s Crash,” says some financial news headlines. The reality is Bitcoin, Ethereum and others are down about 10-15% in the last few days. The word “crash” may seem appropriate to describe the sharp decline, except 10%+ moves in a matter of days is the norm, not the exception for crypto.

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Technically Speaking Tuesday (11/16/21): Market Technical Analysis & Commentary from RIA Advisors…

➢ Listen daily on Apple Podcasts: ➢ Watch Live daily on our Youtube Channel: ➢ Upcoming personal finance free online events: ➢ Sign up for the Newsletter: ➢ RIA Pro Free Trial: Analysis, Research, Portfolio Models, and More....

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Investors Who Ignore Excess Valuations Suffer the Pay-back

How to trade in a bull market? we look at the role of excess valuations, and what they can tell us about future rewards; even the Fed is warning about valuations; there will be pay-back; the role of stock buy-backs in market dynamics; what happens when the rich are hit with a tax on UNREALIZED Capital Gains? ------ 0:00 Managing Risk & Reward in Every Market Scenario 12:13 - What Valuations Tell Us: There Will be Pay-back 23:39 - Unintended...

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Volkswagen – Kündigungen, China, E-Mobilität, Chipkrise, Schulden, Gewerkschaften, Landtagswahl

✘ Werbung: Bei Volksagen geht es gerade hoch her. Der Vorstandsvorsitzende Diess steht egen seiner Äußerung über einen #Jobabbau von 30.000 im Schussfeld. VW verdient in Deutschland enig aber verdiente in China viel. Die #Absatzzahlen in China haben sich aber nicht ieder richtig erholt. Am 9. Okt. 22 sind Landtagsahlen in #Niedersachsen. Und das Land ist Großaktionär mit 20,x% bei Volksagen. Vor der Wahl ird nichts mehr...

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How to Trade in a Bull Market

DESCRIPTION: "(11/16/21) How do we trade this off-the-charts bull market? Trading is a function of understanding the direction of prices and trends over time. The tools we use include the 20- and 50-DMA, which provide sequential snapshots of market activity over the past 20- and 50-days. Bollinger Bands provide a measure of deviation away from these averages. Our advice here is to keep it simple. The goal is to maximize gains when markets...

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