Category Archive: 9b) Stock Picking, Value & Dividends

The First $100,000 Is The Most Difficult, Says Charlie Munger #shorts

The First $100,000 Is The Most Difficult, Says Charlie Munger #shorts

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Wie können Anleger in turbulenten Zeiten erfolgreich an der Börse investieren?

Meine Studenten bekommen mit dem System der Stillhalter Monat für Monat Traumrenditen, bei minimalen Risiken und geringem Zeitaufwand. Wie das geht?

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Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger : What is The Meaning of Being Successful ?

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger are asked about meaning of being successful. Warren and Charlie gives the examples of a man who has lots of money but no one loves him. So, Warren and Charlie thought that it's more important to have good friendships and being a loveable person.

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Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Teach Investing – Advice for Business Student

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Teach Investing #shorts

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Dein Leben, wie du das Beste daraus machen kannst und besser dastehen wirst als die Meisten andern Menschen. Anhand eines Beispiel zeige ich euch wie eine finanzielle Reise aussehen kann und worauf es im Leben ankommt. Schreibt mir gerne eure Meinung dazu in die Kommentare. #Timeline #Lebensweisheiten #Finanzrudel

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“Everyone Is WRONG About China” – Here’s Why…

Charlie Munger explains why he likes Chinese stocks so much and invests in Alibaba, doubling down on his position last quarter. He also elaborates on why Warren Buffett doesn't buy BABA stock. Being a vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway and the closest partner (right hand man) of Warren Buffett, Charles T. Munger has a net worth of around $2 billion.

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Charlie Munger – “Bitcoin Should Be Banned”

Best Books Millionaires Read! Rich Dad Poor Dad

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Avoid These Mistakes and You Will Double Your Net Worth

I'm not a financial advisor and this video is purely for entertainment purposes. These are just personal thoughts or opinions. Please don't risk money you can't afford to lose and please don't ever buy a stock just because someone on youtube does!

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Microsoft, Apple and Alphabet THEY WILL SURVIVE?

Warren Buffett is one of the largest and most successful investors in the world and one of the richest people in the United States with a fortune of more than 100 billion dollars. Business tycoon, philanthropist, and one of the largest American investor through history and CEO of Bershire Hathaway.

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Warren Buffet And Charlie Munger Get ABSOLUTELY ROASTED by Michael Saylor On Bitcoin

Warren Buffett alongside his right hand man Charlie Munger are widely regarded as two of the greatest investors to ever live. One investment they have never been fond of and have no problem letting people know is Bitcoin. #Investing #Bitcoin #WarrenBuffett

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So investierst Du sicher und rentabel an der Börse – Finanzkongress 2022

Renditen bekommen kann - ohne sich vor einem Crash zu fürchten. Du erfährst • Wie Du Aktien mit Rabatt einkaufen kannst • Wie Du sie gegen einen Crash versicherst • Und wie Du sie für monatliche Mieteinnahmen vermietest - genau wie Immobilien

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📖 KAPITEL 📖 00:00 INFLATIONS-SCHUTZ! Schweizer Franken als FLUCHT-WÄHRUNG. 01:27 Wo kann ich Geld wechseln? 03:04 So wechsle ich Geld in CHF. 06:30 Konto mit Kreditkarte.

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Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger DISCUSSES Money Managers

Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger give their thoughts about money managers on the stock market. Actually, they think money managers not bad people but they aren't doing much things compared to normal people. But Warren said it's normal to have money managers in a big market like this.

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Wir wetten gegen Putin! / Hans A. Bernecker im Gespräch vom 23.03.2022

Themen-Check mit Hans A. #Bernecker ("Die Actien-Börse") - in diesem Video als verkürzte FreeTV-Variante des ansonsten umfangreicheren Gesprächs im Rahmen von vom 23.03.2022. Schlaglichter: ++ Kaufmöglichkeiten auch ohne Waffenruhe? ++ Der #DAX nach dem charttechnischen "V" ++ Strategie der #Fed - So what? ++ Chancen bei US-#Technologieaktien ++ China-Gewichtung im #Depot wieder hochfahren? ++ Dicke Chancen für...

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Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger You Don’t Have to Have Perfect Wisdom to get Very Rich

Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger You Don’t Have to Have Perfect Wisdom to get Very Rich. In this video, you will see Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger You Don’t Have to Have Perfect Wisdom to get Very Rich.

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💰Hol dir 100 CHF Trading Credits bei einer Aktien-Depoteröffnung ►► * (only for swiss residents) ICH BIN RAUS AUS P2P-KREDITEN? Warum habe ich die letzten Monate Verluste mit meinen P2P-Investments gemacht, dazu mehr im heutigen Video. Wie gehe ich nun mit meinen Investments in P2P vor und wo sehe ich dabei Risiken. Seid ihr in P2P-Krediten investiert? Schreibt es mir gerne in die Kommentare. #P2P #Bondora...

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Billionaire Investor Charlie Munger Predicts More Inflation | United States May look like Japan!

Welcome to the Epicstone channel, in this channel I will mainly talk about economy. In today’s video I will explain everything you need to know about current inflation, then a billionaire investor Charlie Munger will present his own opinion.

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Charlie Munger: Invest in Companies with A Lot of Cash

Charlie Munger explains why companies with a lot of cash are better

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Warren Buffett & Charlie Munger: Asset Allocation

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger speaking at the 2004 Berkshire Hathaway annual meeting.

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TransparentShare Partner Webinar vom 1.3.2022

Dann freue ich mich über einen Daumen nach oben, oder über einen Kommentar und wenn Du es an Menschen weiterleitest, denen es auch im Trading weiterhelfen kann.

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