Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Audio Alert: Politicians Are LYING about the U.S. Dollar Again | January 26th, 2018

This week, part two of the two part interview with Jim Rickards. Find out what Jim has to say about not just gold but also silver, and where he thinks things are headed between the U.S. and North Korea. ( (   (  ...

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Audio: Stocks Crash on Rate Fears; How to Stress Test Your Portfolio | February 9th, 2018

This week, Axel Merk of Merk Investments, gives a wonderful explanation of what’s behind this week’s wild market action, weighs in on gold’s role as a safe haven in the midst of potential chaos and tells us why he believes volatility his here to stay. ( (  ...

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Audio: Fed Reversal, Currency Crash & Mad Rush into Gold Predicted | March 2nd, 2018

Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies shares his very troubling outlook for the 10-year Treasury note, the tipping point that will cause the destruction of confidence in the dollar and what this all means for gold prices. ( (   (  ...

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Audio: U.S. States Remove Barriers Impeding Gold & Silver | January 12th, 2018

Today we have a special report on sound money legislation at the state level. Be sure to stick around to find out which states are in the process of advancing the cause of restoring gold and silver as money. ( (   (  ...

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Audio: Rand Paul Makes New Play to Expose Fed Banking Cabal | March 9th, 2018

Gerald Celente, world-renowned trends forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal, parses through all of the major new stories these days and tells us which one is the most important storyline that will affect the stock markets, the economy, and gold. ( (  ...

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Audio: Inflation Flare Up; Governments LYING About Gold Activities | February 16th, 2018

Chris Powell of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, gives perhaps the most thorough explanation of why governments are so intent on manipulating the precious metals markets & reveals some interesting recent data about what they’ve quietly been doing. ( (  ...

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Audio Alert: Risks of Government Confiscation | April 6th, 2018

David Morgan of highlights an interesting set-up in the silver market that could lend itself to higher prices. He also shares his thoughts on the price levels he wants to see before getting too excited & updates us on the gold/silver ratio. ( (  ...

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Audio Alert: Trade War with China Threatens to Tank Dollar | March 23rd, 2018

Part two of an interview with Money Metals president Stefan Gleason during a recent 360 Gold Summit. Stefan gives some important warnings to precious metals investors, discusses why he favors one of the precious metals over the others and also talks about some really important things to consider when selecting a precious metals dealer. (

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Audio: Risks High Almost Everywhere but Little Downside in Gold | May 4th, 2018

Greg Weldon of Weldon Financial, lays out a compelling case for higher inflation later this year, the dominoes it will cause to fall, and how it will affect the average consumer, Fed policy, the stock market and precious metals. ( (   (  ...

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Audio: Frank Holmes Reveals Why He’s SO BULLISH on Gold | March 30th, 2018

Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors, shares his outlook on gold during the remainder of 2018 and also tell us why we should be very leery of taking any financial advice from newly appointed Trump advisor Larry Kudlow. ( (   (  ...

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Audio Alert: War Drums over Syria Jolt Oil & Gold Markets | April 13th, 2018

This week, we discuss the disturbing topic of just how far our nation has strayed from the Founding Fathers’ ideals when comes to sound money. And we talk with George Leef and the growing movement to restore gold & silver back into the monetary system. ( (  ...

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Audio: Trump Appoints Anti-Gold Flack as Top Economic Adviser | March 16th, 2018

Money Metals president Stefan Gleason, who was a featured guest during the recent 360 Gold Summit, addressed the fundamental question of “why precious metals” and also gave some helpful tips on how to avoid making big mistakes when investing in gold/silver. ( (  ...

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Audio Alert: Europe Crisis Unfolding… Currency Blow-Up Next? | June 1st, 2018

Axel Merk, President and Chief Investment Officer of Merk Investments and author of the book Sustainable Wealth. Axel is a highly sought after guest at financial conferences and on news outlets throughout the world ( (   (  ...

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Audio: Gold & Silver Prices Slumping, Not Breaking Down | June 29th, 2018

Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors joins us as we dig deeper into the subject of Trump’s tariffs and Frank's fears for the economy if things progress further. Also, he tells us what needs to happen for metals to move up again after the recent pullback. ( (  ...

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Audio: Facebook Crashes; Is JP Morgan Finally Ready to Let Silver Rise? | July 27th, 2018

Ed Steer talks about the manipulation in the gold and silver markets, who’s likely behind it, and the explosive moves he believes will occur once it finally comes to an end. ( (   (  ...

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Audio Alert: New Social Security Funding Jitters in Washington | June 8th, 2018

Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies examines what’s happening beneath the surface in the markets right now, and why we should be leery of putting too much stock into mainstream financial media regarding the economy. ( (   (  ...

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Audio: Gold Needs THIS to Unfold before It Rallies Higher | July 20th, 2018

Greg Weldon of Weldon Financial, shares his insights about the U.S. dollar, the major correction in commodities, and what this all means for the global economy and ultimately for gold. ( (   (  ...

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Audio: Gold/Silver Show Impressive Strength Despite Stronger Dollar | May 25th, 2018

This week David Smith talks about the ongoing destruction of the U.S. dollar and believes those who ignore the dollar’s decline will end up like the homeowner who discovers his house has slowly been destroyed by termites, but learns it’s too late. ( (  ...

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Audio: Gov’t Admits Higher Inflation; Is U.S. Money System Immoral? | July 13th, 2018

This week, a fascinating interview with Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals and the Gold Standard Institute. Keith tells the story about a large cash sale he had a decade ago, how incredibly uncomfortable it made him to have such a big cash position and how it ultimately led him to begin thinking about and pursuing a new gold standard as a solution to our nation’s monetary problems....

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Audio Alert: Fed “Encouraged” the Prices You Pay Are Rising | June 15th, 2018

Chris Powell of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, gives the most thorough explanation of why governments are so intent on manipulating the precious metals markets and reveals some very interesting recent data about what they’ve quietly been doing. ( (  ...

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