Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Max Otte: Weltsystemcrash

▶︎ EINLADUNG ▶︎ „Die größten Gefahren für Ihr Vermögen“ - Online-Info-Veranstaltung ✅ Hier gratis anmelden: ▶︎ Abonnieren Sie hier unseren Kanal ▶︎ ▶︎Buch auf Amazon: "Weltsystemcrash: Krisen, Unruhen und die Geburt einer neuen Weltordnung" Hier bestellen: ▶︎Max Ottes neues Buch bei Amazon:...

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#Gold is the optimal savings instrument. #inflation #financialmarkets #breakingnews #economy #silver

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#Gold is to disinvest! #financialmarkets #breakingnews #economy #silver #shorts #TheFed #centralbank

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Banking System To Collapse & Inflationary Crisis To Get WORSE Warns Alasdair Macleod | Economy

Banking System To Collapse & Inflationary Crisis To Get WORSE Warns Alasdair Macleod | Economy, Finance, Currency Collapse ------------------------------------------------- 🛎️ For more Economy and Financial videos please SUBSCRIBE to our channel: And press the bell icon to get a notification, when our new video will be published. =============== CREDIT: Alasdair Macleod Alasdair's website -...

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Bank Director Alasdair MacLeod Inflation Crisis

In latest interview Alasdair MacLeod discusses about inflation crisis. He tinks central banks will create an inflate away te value of currencies. Alasdair Macleod started is career as a stockbroker in 1970 on te London Stock Excange. For most of is 40 years in te finance industry, e as been de-mystifying macro-economic events for is investing clients. Te accumulation of tis experience as convinced im tat unsound monetary policies are te most...

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People are finding #gold and #silver a bit annoying at the moment”. Here’s why #financialmarkets

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This Is How Anyone Should Invest In Gold & Silver | Alasdair Macleod Gold & Silver Price Prediction

Alasdair Macleod - I Don't Want To Frighten You But Recession Is Here Given the existing experience of the central bank, the weight of the facts is finally going pals’ way, and teen transitory will win. There are numerous reasons to believe that inflation is only temporary. It doesn't have to be two months; it could be a year, but it won't be four or five percent annually for the next five years. Governments are spending a lot of money to keep...

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But how bad a problem does it have to be? #centralbank #gold #silver #digitalcurrency #inflation

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Fiat Currency Collapse | Alasdair MacLeod

▶︎ Subscribe NOW to the channel, click here: Alasdair MacLeod Wikipedia :,on%20the%20London%20Stock%20Exchange. Alasdair Macleod is Head of Research for GoldMoney. He is an educator and advocates for sound money thru demystifying finance and...

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On The Precipice Of Collapse | Alasdair MacLeod

"The banking system is in the state of collapse," says former bank director Alasdair MacLeod. In effort to support the banking system, central banks will create an inflate away the value of currencies. Therefore, the current inflationary crisis will only get worse. While rising prices are eating away at people's savings, asset values are falling amid rising interest rates. "Where do I put my money?" is a more pertinent question...

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On The Precipice Of Collapse | Alasdair MacLeod

"The banking system is in the state of collapse," says former bank director Alasdair MacLeod. In effort to support the banking system, central banks will create an inflate away the value of currencies. Therefore, the current inflationary crisis will only get worse. While rising prices are eating away at people's savings, asset values are falling amid rising interest rates. "Where do I put my money?" is a more pertinent question...

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Gold is Not an Investment Asset – Here’s Why

Gold is Not an Investment Asset - Here's Why This week, Dave Russell of GoldCore TV interviews #NedNaylorLeyland of Jupiter Asset Management, who doesn't agree with the market's anticipation that the Fed will pivot, nor does he consider the stock market is currently plummeting. He also looks at gold and #silver markets and considers gold to be sound money. #Gold is a risk-free asset, but it is not an investment, according to him. Highlights of...

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Submit Questions for Alasdair Macleod on Liberty and Finance!

Submit Questions for Alasdair Macleod on Liberty and Finance!

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The Worst Financial Crisis EVER is Almost Here | Many Will Lose EVERYTHING After This! — Marc Faber

The Worst Financial Crisis EVER is Almost Here | Many Will Lose EVERYTHING After This! — Marc Faber

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How The System Is Manipulated | Silver, Commodities | Marc Faber | Economy, Finance

How The System Is Manipulated | Silver, Commodities | Marc Faber | Inflation, Economy, Finance, Precious Metals, Collapse, Housing Bubble ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🛎️ For more Economy and Financial videos please SUBSCRIBE to our channel: And press the bell icon to get a notification, when our new video will be published. =============== CREDIT: Marc Faber...

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Global Financial Elite Consider Central Bank Digital Currencies

🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ As global elites met in Davos this week to discuss their latest plans for a Great Reset, ordinary investors are hoping for a great rebound in their portfolios. Read the Full Transcript Here: Do you own precious metals you would rather not sell, but need access to...

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Did Central Banks arrive at their Target Inflation Rate by Mere Fluke?

Have you ever questioned why central banks around the world target CPI inflation at 2%? One might think it would be complicated to explain the lengthy calculations, econometric-based research, and late-night debates that went on in order to come to this figure, but no.

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Marc Faber: “Inflation Is Unstoppable!”

Nathan Cox joins The Income Generation Show to go over the current economy and what's to come! Visit The Retirement Income Store today for resources to help you take control of your retirement today! Did you miss the latest The Income Generation Show episode? Don’t worry—we’ve got you covered! Get all the highlights you missed plus some of the best moments from the show. Want to watch FULL episodes...

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Marc Faber: Recession Risk Is Rising And It Will Hurt Ordinary People

▶︎1000x – Enter your Email ▶︎ ▶︎ Subscribe NOW to the channel, click here ▶︎ ▶︎ Keep your financial education strong with our CompactClub ▶︎ Marc Faber is a Swiss investor based in Thailand. He is the publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and the director of Marc Faber Ltd, which acts as an investment advisor and fund manager. Faber...

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Why The Next Powell Pivot Will Destroy Stocks And Drive Metals And Miners Higher

“The Federal Reserve will take it to the point of maximum pain and then they’ll reverse, this is when we’ll see the Powell Pivot.” These are the words of warning from Craig Hemke, this week’s guest on GoldCore TV, interviewed by Dave Russell.

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