Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Max Otte: Wirtschaft leider nicht immer rational

▶︎ EINLADUNG ▶︎ „Die größten Gefahren für Ihr Vermögen“ - Online-Info-Veranstaltung ✅ Hier gratis anmelden: ▶︎ Abonnieren Sie hier unseren Kanal ▶︎ MAX OTTE ONLINE ▶︎ Privatinvestor TV: ▶︎ Max Ottes Webseite: ▶︎ Max Ottes Buch: "Weltsystemcrash: Krisen, Unruhen und die Geburt einer neuen Weltordnung" Hier...

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The ‘Wishful Thinking’ Fed Is Anything But ‘Neutral’

With last week’s second 75 basis-point rate hike, the Federal Reserve now claims it has achieved a “neutral” monetary policy stance. That would mean, in theory, that interest rates are neither stimulating nor restraining the economy.

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Wahrheit über die Ukraine und Doppelmoral des Westens mit Prof. Dr. Max Otte und Enes Witwit

Ein spannendes Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. @Max Otte. Wir sprechen über die Europäische Union, Meinungsfreiheit, die Doppelmoral des Westens, Ukraine Krieg und mehr. Dies ist der erste Teil des Gesprächs. Viel Spaß damit, euer Enes. ++ Wenn euch das Video gefallen hat, würde es mir als Content Crestor sehr helfen, wenn ihr dem Video einen Daumen hoch gebt und den Kanal abonniert. Danke! ++ // Mehr zu Enes Witwit // Instagram:...

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„Was für ein Stern des Journalismus“ | Prof. Dr. Max Otte auf der Gedenkfeier für Markus Gärtner

Markus Gärtner verstarb im Juni 2022 plötzlich und unerwartet. Um an ihn als Menschen sowie sein Lebenswerk zu erinnern, kamen Familie, Freunde und Weggefährten am 23. Juli 2022 zu einer Gedenkfeier in den Räumlichkeiten des KOPP Verlags in Rottenburg am Neckar zusammen. Sehen Sie sich hier die Gedenkrede von Prof. Dr. Max Otte an, in der er wichtige Stationen aus dem Leben von Markus Revue passieren lässt....

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Is Now the Right Time to Buy More? | Silver, Gold & Stocks – John Feneck

John Feneck from Feneck Consulting joins us today to give his opinion on the Silver, Gold, Palladium, and other mining stock markets. John's website: Twitter - Reddit - Monthly Newsletter - (NEW) Instagram - Telegram -...

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Max Otte: “Europa verliert Handlungsfähigkeit”

Nur hinter diesem Link:! Kostenlose, exklusive Ausgabe des Smart Investor im Wert von 12 EUR sichern! Inhalte: Geldpolitik: Mediales Geschacher um den Ukrainekrieg ### Reichtum: Von Sündenböcken und Neiddebatten ### Edelmetalle: Über Stagflation und die richtige Anlagestrategie ### Inflation, Rezession, negative Handelsbilanz, schwacher Euro, Corona, Krieg… Wie kommt man da wieder raus? Der Top-Ökonom und leidenschaftliche...

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Save Yourself From The Coming Crash , Buy Gold & Silver | Alasdair MacLeod Gold Price Prediction

Alasdair Macleod joins us today to share his thoughts on a shutdown in the markets across the board. We also discussed a possible new world reserve currency and why the price of precious metals keeps falling. #gold #silver #goldprice Subscribe To Our Channel ➤➤➤➤ Welcome to Wisely Invest, an exclusive community of finance enthusiasts that are interested in...

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Governments Will Rob Your Savings Account – Bankruptcies To Prevail

In this latest interview, Brian and Darryl Panes from As Good As Gold Australia speak with Alasdair Macleod, Advisor to AGAGA.

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Marc Faber’s Amazing 50 Yr Investing Journey, His Take on Asset Allocation and on Modi’s India

Any conversation with Marc Faber is fascinating. And that’s because he draws from deep into history to show why things are happening the way they are...and the way they could in time to come.

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Metals Rebound as Federal Officials Float More Lies about Economy

As the economy heads into what looks an awful lot like a recession, gold and silver markets are making a comeback.Chairman Jerome Powell admitted that the economy is slowing but continued to insist it isn’t in recession.

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July Ends Better Than It Began for Gold and Silver Markets – MWU – 07.29.22

As July comes to a close, precious metals show off some “solid green candles”. But with the biggest gold miner in the world washing out to the lowest levels in decades, is the worst finally behind us… or is the pain just getting started? Host Craig Hemke sits down with Bob Thompson of Raymond James in Vancouver to break down all the gold and silver news you need as we head into the back half of 2022. You can check out all our bullion products...

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David Morgan Silver Guru – What’s going on with silver?

David Morgan Silver Guru - What's going on with silver? #Silver is something that's needed. It's essential, it's imperative, you cannot run a society without silver, says our today’s guest #DavidMorgan ‘Silver Guru’, founder of The Morgan Report. We talk about the value of silver as a commodity and as an investment. David elaborates on the silver market's current state and the opportunities he believes investors will have in the upcoming months....

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Marc Faber: “INFLATION IS UNSTOPPABLE!” #inflation

Marc Faber joins The Income Generation Show to go talk inflation! Visit The Retirement Income Store today for resources to help you take control of your retirement today!

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A muddled message from The Fed

If you have decided to buy gold bullion or to buy silver coins in the last few months then you may have been delighted with how last night’s Fed press conference went.

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„Die Lügen sind omnipräsent“ | Interview mit Peter Boehringer, MdB

Die parlamentarische Opposition hat in Zeiten der Ampelkoalition einen schweren Stand. Medial werden insbesondere die Vertreter und Positionen der #AfD ausgeblendet, obwohl sie in einigen Fragen wie beispielsweise der #Energiepolitik Recht behalten haben. Für Politik Spezial sprach daher unser Videoredakteur Helmut Reinhardt mit dem Bundestagsabgeordneten Peter #Boehringer. Herr Boehringer ist haushaltspolitischer Sprecher der AfD-Fraktion und...

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Alasdair Macleod: Has Basel III impacted gold & silver

Alasdair Macleod: Has Basel III impacted gold & silver Last year the Basel III regulations went into effect, with many expecting an impact on the gold and silver prices. Obviously we haven't seen gold and silver shoot higher as some thought, although in today's call I checked in with Alasdair Macleod of to get his thoughts on the policy impact a year later. In the call he also comments on the latest central bank policies, the...

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The System Will Fail , Buy Or Sell Gold & Silver? | Alasdair MacLeod Gold & Silver Analysis

Alasdair Macleod joins us today to share his thoughts on a shutdown in the markets across the board. We also discussed a possible new world reserve currency and why the price of precious metals keeps falling. #gold #silver #goldprice Subscribe To Our Channel ➤➤➤➤ Welcome to Wisely Invest, an exclusive community of finance enthusiasts that are interested in...

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JULY FOOLS!! This Is About To Happen… Alasdair Macleod | GOLD AND SILVER Price

JULY FOOLS!! This Is About To Happen... Alasdair Macleod | GOLD AND SILVER Price #silverprice #Goldprice Economic collapse,gold price,stock market crash 2022,silver price,federal reserve,recession,recession 2022,market crash 2022,silver stacking,silver prices,silver price predictions,stock market,peter krauth,economic crisis,stock market crash,alasadair macleod,alasdair macleod,alasdair macleod latest,gold price prediction,silver price...

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CLEAR WARNING FOR GOLD & SILVER PRICE| This Is About To Happen… Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price

CLEAR WARNING FOR GOLD & SILVER PRICE| This Is About To Happen... Alasdair Macleod | Gold Price #silverprice #Goldprice Economic collapse,gold price,stock market crash 2022,silver price,federal reserve,recession,recession 2022,market crash 2022,silver stacking,silver prices,silver price predictions,stock market,peter krauth,economic crisis,stock market crash,alasadair macleod,alasdair macleod,alasdair macleod latest,gold price...

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#Shorts – Wem schaden die Sanktionen wirklich? Wirklich Putin? Max Otte

#Shorts - Wem schaden die Sanktionen wirklich? Putin oder doch eher uns selbst? Diese Frage versucht Max Otte, der bekannte deutsche Ökonom neben anderen Fragen in diesem Video zu klären.

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