Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

America Needs The Gold Standard More Than Ever

The United States needs the gold standard more than ever. The gold standard is neither barbaric nor impractical, and it is more urgently needed every day. This is because the standard of paper money is failing. It has set in motion an accelerating series of crises, each worse than the previous. The nation cannot continue to borrow to infinity, nor can the U.S. endure zero interest much longer.

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Government Debt: Not Unfunded Liabilities but Fraudulent Promises

According to Keith Weiner of the Gold Standard Institute USA, the U.S. government reports its debt at more than 17 trillion dollars, often called "unfunded liabilities". To put this sum in perspective, it’s well over 50 thousand bucks for every man, woman, and child in America. The best way to help everyone understand the truth is to use plain and accurate language. Instead of using the term unfunded liabilities, he suggests "fraudulent promises".

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Marc Faber: The Central Bankers Are Mad & Deranged

Air Date: March 17th, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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Opening Of The Shanghai International Gold Exchange

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Opening Of The Shanghai International Gold Exchange

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Marc Faber contracorriente: recomienda invertir en grandes empresas americanas

Para más información puede visitarnos en: En un momento en el que Europa está en el punto de mira de todos los inversores como la mejor opción posible, el famoso Dr. Catástrofe se desmarca y dice que lo mejor es invertir en grandes empresas americanas. Dice Faber que esta opción de inversión es la …

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Marc Faber: The Fed Is As Clueless As Everyone Else Who Watches CNBC

Air Date: March 12th, 2015 This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 U.S.C. section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

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Will “the 1%” Accept the Gold Standard?

Keith Weiner explains why the 1% wealth will not like the gold standard, they want to keep achieving trading profits caused by asset price inflation.

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GSR interviews MARC FABER – March 4, 2015

GoldSeek Radio’s Chris Waltzek talks to analyst Marc Faber

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Marc Faber on tail risk, China, and oil

ORIGINAL AIR DATE: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13 Erin sits down with Marc Faber – editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report and director of Marc Faber Ltd. Marc tell us what he why he believes this is the year that people will lose confidence in central banks and gives his usual nod to … Continue reading »

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The Gold Standard For Skeptics

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Dr. Marc Faber: Employment Numbers Are BS

John Manfreda and Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St had on returning guest Editor and Publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, Dr. Marc Faber. Jason and John ask Dr. Faber about interest rates, financial repression, ECB QE, Swiss depegging, Greece leaving the Euro, the fake employment numbers, Asia, China, Gold …

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THE FINANCIAL REPRESSION AUTHORITY Link: Comprehensive collection of articles, essays, videos, podcasts and breaking news relating to FINANCIAL REPRESSION Your single global source on the Internet

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Small Step Forward for Gold In Arizona

On February 4, 2015 Keith Weiner testified before the Arizona House Federalism and States’ Rights Committee in support of HB 2173. The bill would recognize gold and silver as legal tender and eliminates taxes on them.

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Crash Prophet Marc Faber: Ich kaufe Immobilien Aktien

Kein gutes Haar lässt der Herausgeber des Gloom, Boom & Doom Report an der Politik der Notenbanken. Die stürzen seiner Meinung nach die Welt ins Verderben. Der Meister der klaren Worte vergleicht Notenbankchef Draghi mit einem Busfahrer: Der setzt in halsbrecherischer Fahrt den vollbesetzten Bus in den Graben, und lässt sich dann feiern, weil er …

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[291] Marc Faber: China is growing 4% max; Greece on the Brink

With only two weeks left until Greece’s current bailout program expires, Eurozone finance ministers will take another stab at hammering out a deal between Greece and its creditors on Monday. The talks on Monday are key because they’re the last chance for the new Greek government to ask for a technical extension of its current …

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The Six Major Fundamental Factors that Determine Gold and Silver Prices

Gold and silver are the most complicated assets to price. Stocks, currencies, commodities mostly depend on their fundamental data, supply and demand. Gold and silver, however, are priced indirectly.

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New Swiss Gold Initiative Getting Attention When Parallel Currencies Might Challenge Swiss Franc

In Switzerland the ordinary people have started several initiatives to protect their savings against the establishment. After the first gold referendum failed in November 2014, a new gold initiative is trying to introduce a gold-backed Swiss currency, as parallel currency or investment vehicle. With the end of the EUR/CHF peg and the apparent risks caused by the SNB, the importance of the Gold Franc initiative has increased. Different groups want...

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[290] Marc Faber: Is gold making a return in the new year?

During times of turmoil, people tend to pile into to safe haven assets. And many people’s favorite safe haven asset always has been and always will be gold, which is having a mixed year. Global demand for gold has hit a four-year low. However, thanks to turmoil in the Eurozone, gold has bounced back more … Continue...

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Finanz’15: Marc Faber “Der unstabile Zustand der Welt”

Referat von Marc Faber über das Thema “Der unstabile Zustand der Welt” an der Finanzmesse 15, 5. Februar 2015 im Kongresshaus Zürich.

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