Category Archive: 5.) The Economist

Who should fix climate change? | The Economist

This is an excerpt from a longer event, exclusive to Economist subscribers. To watch this event in full or join a live discussion, go to the subscriber-events hub—you'll just have to subscribe to The Economist if you haven't already. 00:00 - Who should fix climate change? 00:55 - Hard problems are why we elect governments 01:29 - Which countries are leading? 03:00 - What is the role of companies? 03:57 - Companies innovate better than countries...

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The challenges facing Germany’s new leader | The Economist

Germany’s election marks the end of an era of stability and stagnation. What international challenges will Angela Merkel's successor face? 00:00 The coalition negotiations 01:00 Who are the kingmakers? 02:09: Who is Olaf Scholz? 03:09 Germany’s future global role 04:57 Germany’s relationship with Russia & China Like our video content? Take our survey to tell us why: Find The Economist’s most recent coverage on the...

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Is higher inflation cause for concern? | The Economist

Inflation rates have been rising all over the world, surprising many economists. While the rich world is paying higher prices for durable goods such as cars, in emerging markets soaring food prices are a greater worry. What is causing this unexpected bout of inflation, and will it last? 00:00 - What’s happening with inflation? 00:53 - What is inflation? 01:42 - Inflation rates are rising 02:47 - How much is too much inflation? 03:13 - Inflation in...

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How do carbon markets work? | The Economist

In theory putting a price on carbon emissions should incentivise businesses to stop polluting. So why have carbon markets failed to achieve their goal of reducing global emissions? Read more here: 00:00 - Has putting a price on emissions worked? 00:27 - Where do carbon markets come from? 01:42 - How does ‘cap and trade’ work? 03:22 - Why aren’t carbon markets reducing emissions? 04:15 - What are the loopholes? 05:24 - What...

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To see Germany’s future, look at its cars | The Economist

As the election approaches, Germany's carmakers will face the same challenges as its new leaders: a need to innovate, tackle climate change and reassess its trade relationship with China. How this world-renowned motor industry navigates the road ahead could tell a lot about Germany’s future. 00:00‌ ‌-‌ ‌Germany‌ ‌faces‌ ‌numerous‌ ‌challenges‌ ‌ 00:49‌ ‌-‌ ‌Can‌ ‌Germany’s‌ ‌cars‌ ‌reveal‌ ‌its‌ ‌future?‌ ‌(or‌ ‌whatever‌ ‌the‌ ‌title‌ ‌is)‌ ‌...

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Is America in decline? | The Economist

America is reeling from a failed war in Afghanistan, political polarisation and increasing social division. Could the superpower be in decline? 00:00 - America’s rising instability 00:45 - Is America in decline? 03:21 - America’s foreign policy failures 05:23 - Is this the end of American intervention? 07:02 - America’s domestic decline: what can be done? 09:09 - Will the infrastructure bill help? 10:40 - Is declinism inevitable? Did America...

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From 9/11 to covid-19: can New York recover? | The Economist

As New Yorkers commemorate the 20th anniversary of 9/11, they are also contemplating how to recover from covid-19. After 9/11, New York came back stronger—so what lessons can the city's leaders learn from that success to help the city bounce back today? 00:00 Can New York learn from 9/11? 00:33 Remembering 9/11 with Jon Fasman 02:45 Rebuilding after 9/11 06:48 Supporting small businesses during the pandemic 09:28 The age-old problem of racism...

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Covid-19: how tech will transform your kids’ education | The Economist

The pandemic not only disrupted education—it also thrust technology onto a sector which historically has been slow to adopt it. Will classrooms ever be the same again? 00:00 How the pandemic has affected education. 03:08 Why the education sector has been slow to adopt technology. 05:02 Technology helps children have a personalised learning experience. 07:50 How technology can help teachers 09:08 Could remote learning be here to stay? Read more...

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Covid-19: Can vaccines keep up with variants? | The Economist

The race between covid-19 vaccines and variants is on. Alok Jha, The Economist’s science correspondent, and Natasha Loder, health policy editor, discuss what this means for the future Read more of our coverage on coronavirus: Listen to our daily podcast, Gamechangers, on mRNA technology: Listen to “The Jab” podcast from Economist Radio: Watch our film about mandatory...

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Hydrogen: fuel of the future? | The Economist

It’s been hailed as fuel of the future. Hydrogen is clean, flexible and energy efficient. But in practice there are huge hurdles to overcome before widespread adoption can be achieved. 00:00 How hydrogen fuel is generated. 02:04 How hydrogen fuel could be used. 02:46 Why hydrogen fuel hasn't taken off in the past. 03:40 Is hydrogen fuel safe? 04:31 Hydrogen's advantage over batteries. 05:00 How sustainable is hydrogen fuel? 06:13 Why the hype...

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Afghanistan: how the Taliban weakened America | The Economist

The Taliban’s swift return to power in Afghanistan has shocked the world and humiliated America. What effect will this have on the international standing of the US and on global security? Our experts answer your questions. Further content: Find more of our coverage on Asia: Read more about the Taliban’s terrifying triumph in Afghanistan: Joe Biden is shirking responsibility for Afghanistan:...

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Should covid-19 vaccines be mandatory?

Most governments recognise that vaccination is the fastest way out of the pandemic, but in many places hesitancy is hindering the roll-out. Should employers—or even governments—force people to have the vaccine? We answer your questions. Read more of our covid-19 coverage: Listen to “The Jab” podcast from Economist Radio: Listen to our podcast about vaccine incentives: How...

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Should we be worried about technology? | The Economist

The covid-19 pandemic has reinforced humanity’s dependence on modern tech, but the same tools that enable remote working are also being used to spread disinformation and perpetuate cybercrime. Ambivalence towards technology is nothing new. Read more of our coverage of Science & technology: See our Technology Quarterlies: Why is pessimism about the impact of technology nothing new?...

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What is net zero? | The Economist

More than 50 countries around the world have pledged to become net zero. But what does net zero actually mean—and is it achievable? Find The Economist’s most recent coverage on climate change: Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest stories: Why do climate pledges fall short?: What are nationally determined contributions to curb...

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Henry Kissinger: how Biden should handle China | The Economist

Henry Kissinger is a titan of US politics and one of the best-known veterans of foreign policy. He spoke to “The Economist Asks” podcast in April 2021 about current threats to the world order—and, in particular, rising tensions between America and China. Read more here: Chapters 00:00 - Henry Kissinger: introduction 01:14 - Have US–China tensions risen? 02:28 - Can China and the US agree? 03:11 - What steps can Biden take?...

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Far right online: the rise of “extreme” gamers | The Economist

In America, the intelligence services deem far-right extremism a greater domestic threat than Islamist terrorism. The pandemic has exacerbated the spread of white supremacism and neo-Nazism. Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest stories: Find The Economist’s most recent coverage of what’s happening in the United States: Read more about far-right extremism:...

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Covid-19: why your life will never be the same again | The Economist

Across much of the world, covid-19 restrictions are starting to ease. The Economist has crunched the data to calculate how close countries are to pre-pandemic levels of normality—but will life ever be the same again? Read more here: Search the interactive normality tracker: How life is halfway back to pre-covid norms?: Read all of coronavirus coverage:...

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Mass extinction: what can stop it? | The Economist

The world’s animals and wildlife are becoming extinct at a greater rate than at any time in human history. Could technology help to save threatened species? Read our latest technology quarterly on protecting biodiversity: Listen to our Babbage podcast episode on the biodiversity crisis: Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter to keep up to date with our latest stories:...

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China’s economy: what’s its weak spot? | The Economist

The number of working-age people in China is shrinking. Could this threaten the country’s rise as an economic superpower? Read more here: Find all of our coverage about China here: Read our special report about Chinese youth: Is China’s population shrinking? Listen to an episode of “The Intelligence” podcast about China’s census:...

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Did covid-19 leak from a Chinese lab? | The Economist

For most of 2020 the theory that covid-19 leaked from a Chinese lab was dismissed as unlikely. In the past few months it has gained currency. Our experts explain why. Read more here: 00:00 - Where did covid-19 come from? 00:44 - What evidence is there? 02:06 - Why was the lab-leak theory dismissed? 03:23 - Could the lab leak have been deliberate? 04:07 - Could covid-19 be man made? 05:51 - How are the origins being...

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