Category Archive: 5.) Charles Hugh Smith

CHARLES HUGH SMITH The Lower You Push Interest Rates The Longer You Can Keep The System Al


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Central Bankers Are Creating A World Where We Are All Serfs Charles Hugh Smith

Today’s Guest: Charles Hugh Smith Websites: Of Two Minds Books: Get a Job, Build a Real Career. Why. Thanks for ing. Thanks for ing. Central Bankers Are Creating A World Where We Are All Serfs Charles Hugh Smith. Today’s Guest: Charles Hugh Smith Websites: Of Two Minds Books: Get a Job, Build a Real Career.

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Regulating Cryptocurrencies–and Why It Matters

Nations that attempt to limit cryptocurrencies' ability to solve these problems will find that protecting high costs and systemic friction will grind their economies into dust. There's a great deal of confusion right now about the regulation of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. Many observers seem to confuse "regulation" and "banning bitcoin," as if regulation amounts to outlawing bitcoin.

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Charles Hugh Smith Says Every Type Of Money Does Not Need to Perform All The Functions Of

Please click above to subscribe to my channel Thanks for ing! Financial News Silver News Gold Bix Weir RoadToRoota Road To Roota Kyle Bass Realist News Greg Mannarino Rob Kirby Reluctant. Like the sun coming up in the morning, Central State planning and expansion predictably leads to state spending exceeding the rate of the real …

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RMR: Special Guest – Charles Hugh Smith – Of Two Minds (12/19/2017)

Charles Hugh Smith returns to share his wealth of knowledge in regards to fiat versus cryptocurrencies, crypto regulation and the potential for correction of Bitcoin. We are political scientists, editorial engineers, and radio show developers drawn together by a shared vision of bringing Alternative news through digital mediums that evangelize our civil liberties. Please subscribe …

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GoldSeek Radio – Dec 15, 2017 [CHARLES HUGH SMITH & JOHN EMBRY] weekly

GoldSeek Radio’s Chris Waltzek talks to Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds and to John Embry, Chief Investment Strategist at Sprott Asset Management.

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Could Central Banks Dump Gold in Favor of Bitcoin?

All of which brings us to the "crazy" idea of backing fiat currencies with cryptocurrencies, an idea I first floated back in 2013, long before the current crypto-craze emerged. Exhibit One: here's your typical central bank, creating trillions of units of currency every year, backed by nothing but trust in the authority of the government, created at the whim of a handful of people in a room and distributed to their cronies, or at the behest of their...

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Bitcoin vs Fiat Currency: Which Fails First?

What if bitcoin is a reflection of trust in the future value of fiat currencies? I am struck by the mainstream confidence that bitcoin is a fraud/fad that will soon collapse, while central bank fiat currencies are presumed to be rock-solid and without risk. Those with supreme confidence in fiat currencies might want to look at a chart of Venezuela's fiat currency, which has declined from 10 to the US dollar in 2012 to 5,000 to the USD earlier this...

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GSR interviews CHARLES HUGH SMITH – Dec 13, 2017 Nugget

GoldSeek Radio’s Chris Waltzek talks to Charles Hugh Smith from Of Two Minds

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[CHARLES HUGH SMITH] CRASH COMING – Three Bubbles! Strikes and You’re Out

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Charles Hugh Smith Is America Approaching Hyperinflation?

Charles Hugh Smith talks about the disparity in the government’s CPI index that states the cost of living is less than 2% per year when reality is different.

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A Radical Critique of Universal Basic Income

This critique reveals the unintended consequences of UBI. Readers have been asking me what I thought of Universal Basic Income (UBI) as the solution to the systemic problem of jobs being replaced by automation.To answer this question, I realized I had to start by taking a fresh look at work and its role in human life and society. And since UBI is fundamentally a distribution of money, I also needed to take a fresh look at our system of money.

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What Is Money? (Yes, We’re Talking About Bitcoin)

What is money? We all assume we know, because money is a commonplace feature of everyday life. Money is what we earn and exchange for goods and services. Everyone thinks the money they’re familiar with is the only possible system of money—until they run across an entirely different system of money.

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Shows Where To Invest When Almost Everything Is A Bubble CHARLES HUGH SMITH

Please click above to subscribe to my channel Thanks for watching! Financial News Silver News Gold Bix Weir RoadToRoota Road To Roota Kyle Bass Realist . Subscribe & More Videos: Thank for watching, Please Like Share And SUBSCRIBE!!! #jimrickards, #maneco64. Please Click Below to SUBSCRIBE for More Special Reports Videos Thanks for watching! Please click …

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The Cost Basis of our Economy is Spiraling Out of Control

What will it take to radically reduce the cost basis of our economy? If we had to choose one "big picture" reason why the vast majority of households are losing ground, it would either be the stagnation of income or the spiraling out of control cost basis of our economy, that is, the essential foundational expenses of households, government and enterprise.

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Stock Market 2018: The Tao vs. Central Banks

The central banks claim omnipotent financial powers, and their comeuppance is overdue. will be the first to admit that invoking the woo-woo of the Tao as the reason to expect a reversal of the stock market in 2018 smacks of Bearish desperation. With everything coming up roses in much of the global economy, there is precious little foundation for calling a tumultuous end to the global Bull Market other than variations of nothing lasts forever.

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Did Anyone Do Even a Minimal Check on the Sensationalist Bitcoin Electrical Consumption Story?

Check the context before uncritically accepting sensationalist conclusions. Let's start with a primer on how to write a sensationalist story that can be passed off as "journalism:" 1. Locate credible-sounding data that can be de-contextualized, i.e. sensationalized. 2. Present the data as "fact" rather than data that requires verification by disinterested researchers.

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Charles Hugh Smith Insights On Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies

Click here for the full transcript with slides:

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My Crazy $17,000 Target for Bitcoin Is Looking Less Crazy

The basis of this admittedly crazy forecast was simple: capital flows. I think we can all agree that bitcoin (BTC) is "interesting." One of the primary reason that bitcoin (and cryptocurrency in general) is interesting is that nobody knows what will happen going forward. Unknowns and big swings up and down are characteristics of open markets.It's impossible to forecast bitcoin's future price because virtually all the future inputs are unknown.

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The Asymmetry of Bubbles: the Status Quo and Bitcoin

Regardless of one's own views about bitcoin/cryptocurrency, what is truly remarkable is the asymmetry that is applied to questioning the status quo and bitcoin. As I noted yesterday, everyone seems just fine with throwing away $20 billion in electricity annually in the U.S. alone to keep hundreds of millions of gadgets in stand-by mode, but the electrical consumption of bitcoin is "shocking," "ridiculous," etc.

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