Category Archive: 5.) Charles Hugh Smith

The Tyranny Nobody Talks About

All the tricks to hide our unaffordable cost structure have reached marginal returns. Reality is about to intrude. There is much talk of tyranny in the political realm, but little is said about the tyrannies in the economic realm, a primary one being the tyranny of high costs: high costs crush the economy from within and enslave those attempting to start enterprises or keep their businesses afloat. Traditionally, costs are broken down into...

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Charles Hugh Smith The Fourth Estate’s Role in Thrusting America into Fascism

Charles Hugh Smith explains the “Fourth Estate” that refers to the press and news media, both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues.

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The Coming War on Wealth and the Wealthy

Here's looking at you, Federal Reserve--thanks for perfecting 'legalized looting' and neofeudalism in America.

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2020 Was a Snack, 2021 Is the Main Course

One of the dishes at the banquet of consequences that will surprise a great many revelers is the systemic failure of the Federal Reserve's one-size-fits-all "solution" to every spot of bother: print another trillion dollars and give it to rapacious financiers and corporations.

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2020 the “Worst Year Ever”–You’re Joking, Right?

So party on, because "the worst year ever" is ending and the rebound of financial markets, already the greatest in recorded history, will only become more fabulous.

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Big Media: Selling the Narrative and Crushing Dissent for Fun and Profit

The profit-maximizing Big Tech / Big Media Totalitarian regime hasn't just strangled free speech and civil liberties; it's also strangled democracy.

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When Social Capital Becomes More Valuable Than Financial Capital

This devaluation of financial wealth--and its transformation to a dangerous liability-- will reach extremes equal to the current extremes of wealth-income inequality.

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Can 20 Years of Deflation Be Compressed into Two Years? We’re About to Find Out

Extremes become more extreme right up until they reverse, a reversal no one believes possible here in the waning days of 2020.

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One Little Problem with the “All-Electric” Auto Fleet: What Do We Do with all the “Waste” Gasoline?

Regardless of what happens with vaccines and Covid-19, debt and energy--inextricably bound as debt funds consumption-- will destabilize the global economy in a self-reinforcing feedback.

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People Are Now Aware Of What Will Happen

Recently, people are more aware of what can happen. This awareness raises in economic conditions and political realities make people think. Every new choice is a new beginning for people.

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A Hackers Teleology by Charles Hugh Smith

"What every human wants is fairness, a chance to belong that offers everyone opportunities to get ahead by our own merit and a say when decisions are made. Even before the global upheavals, our system was failing—it wasn’t fair at all. Now that it’s unraveling, it’s time for a new arrangement that’s actually sustainable on our resource-depleted planet that doesn’t favor wealthy insiders. Hear it Here – Those...

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Charles Hugh Smith on Parallels of the Great Fire of Rome 64 AD to Today

Charles Hugh Smith on Parallels of the Great Fire of Rome 64 AD to Today Receive trading ideas weekly from Yra:

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2021 is Already Optimized for Failure

One sure way to identify a system "optimized for failure" is if all the insiders are absolutely confident the system is "optimized for my success". I often discuss optimization here because it offers an insightful window into how systems become fragile and break down.

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A Dimly Lit Thanksgiving

Our overweening faith and confidence in our wealth and power make this a dimly lit Thanksgiving. A public expression of gratitude by victorious sports stars, lottery winners, etc. is now the convention in America: coaches, teammates, family and mentors (or agents) are recognized as an expression of the winners' humility and gratitude for everyone that contributed to the success.

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In The World Change Process

The world is in the process of change. Especially in terms of health and economy, the world has experienced the biggest chaos of recent times. We are seeing signs of transition to the new economic order. What are the plans?

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Our Frustrations Run Far Deeper Than Covid Lockdowns

The reality is the roulette wheel is rigged and only chumps believe it's a fair game. It's easy to lay America's visible frustrations at the feet of Covid lockdowns or political polarization, but this conveniently ignores the real driver: systemic unfairness.

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Why I’m Hopeful About 2021

What we need is not a return to the corrupt, tottering kleptocracy of 2019, but a re-democratization of capital, agency and money. I'm hopeful about 2021, and no, it's not because of the vaccines or the end of lockdowns or anything related to Covid. The status quo is cheering the fantasy that we'll soon return to the debt-soaked glory days of 2019 when everything was peachy.

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Vaccines–Too Little, Too Late?

Trust in institutions, authorities and Big Pharma is scraping the bottom of the barrel, and rushing these vaccines into mass use with extremely high expectations of efficacy is setting up the potential for a devastating loss of trust in the vaccines should they fail to live up to the claims of 100% safety and 95% effectiveness.

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U.S. Healthcare Is Unraveling

The confidence that there will always be facilities and professionals to care for us is no longer realistic. I've covered the systemic problems of U.S. healthcare for over a decade, and as a result I've attracted numerous healthcare professionals as correspondents.

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Don’t Blame Covid: The Economy is Imploding from Over-Capacity and Corrupt Cartels

Now that the bubble has burst, the hope is that removing the pin will magically restore the burst bubble. Sorry, it doesn't work that way. Here's the fantasy: if we stop the shutdowns, the economy will naturally bounce back to its oh-so wunnerful perfection of Q3 2019. This is a double-dose of magical thinking and denial.

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