Category Archive: 5.) Charles Hugh Smith

MACRO ANALYTICS – 06 03 16 – Bull in the China Shop – w/Charles Hugh Smith


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03 09 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – What The Trends Suggest – w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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MACRO ANALYTICS – 01 27 17 – The Great Rotation – w/Charles Hugh Smith


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Our Culture of Rape

These are the poisoned fruits of a neofeudal system in which power, wealth and political influence are concentrated in the apex of the wealth-power pyramid. Stripped of pretense, ours is a culture of rape. Apologists for the system that spawned this culture of rape claim that this violence is the work of a few scattered sociopaths. The apologists are wrong: The system generates a culture of rape.

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02 03 14 – Macro Analytics – THE RETAIL CRE DOMINO w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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06-01-13 Macro Analytics Transitioning to INNOVATION Driven w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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04 08 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – Nature of Work – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Video Content Abstract at: LINK

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03-23-13-Macro Analytics – Market Clearing Event – Charles Hugh Smith

QUESTIONS ON THE TABLE 1- How Large can Central Bank’s Balance Sheets actually get before too much is too much? 2- Is Public Debt Monetization A

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12 14 13 – Macro Analytics – 2014 Themes w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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07-13-13 Macro Analytics – Blown Opportunity – w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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09 15 15 MACRO ANALYTICS – Its Getting Ugly out there! w/ Charles Hugh Smith

with Charles Hugh Smith & Gordon T Long 28 Minutes – 21 Slides Charles Hugh Smith and Gordon T Long discuss the US Equity Market Technicals.

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06 28 14 Macro Analytics – Geo Political Turmoil w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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05- 04-13 Macro Analytics – PEAK CONSUMPTION – w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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MACRO ANALYTICS – 04 07 17 – MILLENNIALS: A Menacing Metamorphosis – w/Charles Hugh Smith


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09 06 14 – Macro Analytics – Why Crony Capitalism is Happening w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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MACRO ANALYTICS – 06 16 17 – Robotics & Chronic Unemployment w/ Charles Hugh Smith


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MACRO ANALYTICS – 10 02 15 – Helicopter Money w/Charles Hugh Smith

Video Content Abstract at: LINK Analytics.htm#Smith-10-02-15.

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MACRO ANALYTICS – 07 14 17 – The Road to Financialization w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Anyone interested in how we got to where we are today will enjoy this tutorial discussion of the chronology of US & Global Monetary Events regarding the

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02 09 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – The Next Peg To Fall – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Go to LINK: for supporting Interview abstract and slides.

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06 20 15 – MACRO ANALYTICS – Coming Era of Pension Poverity – w/ Charles Hugh Smith

Video Content Abstract at: LINK

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