Category Archive: 5.) Charles Hugh Smith

Is the 9-Year Long Dead Cat Bounce Finally Ending?

Ignoring or downplaying these fundamental forces has greatly increased the fragility of the status quo. The term dead cat bounce is market lingo for a "recovery" after markets decline due to fundamental reversals. Markets tend to bounce back after sharp declines as participants (human and digital) who have been trained to "buy the dips" once again buy the decline, and the financial media rushes to reassure everyone that nothing has actually...

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Is Congress Finally Pushing Back Against Security Agencies’ Over-Reach?

The last time the U.S. Congress pushed back against the Imperial Presidency and the over-reach of the nation's Security Agencies was 43 years ago, in 1975. In response to the criminal over-reach of the Imperial Presidency (Watergate) and to the criminal over-reach of the security agencies (FBI, CIA, et al.), the Church Committee finally resusitated the constitutional powers of the Congress to serve the interests of the citizenry rather than the...

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Political Correctness Serves the Ruling Elite

No wonder the Ruling Elites loves political correctness: all those furiously signaling their virtue are zero threat to the asymmetric plunder of the status quo. The Ruling Elites loves political correctness, for it serves the Elite so well. What is political correctness? Political correctness is the public pressure to conform to "progressive" speech acts by uttering the expected code words and phrases in public.

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The Pie Is Shrinking for the 99 percent

The ensuing social disunity and disruption will be of the sort many alive today have never seen. Social movements arise to solve problems of inequality, injustice, exploitation and oppression. In other words, they are solutions to society-wide problems plaguing the many but not the few (i.e. the elites at the top of the wealth-power pyramid).

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Can We Finally Have an Honest Discussion about the Opioid Crisis?

The economy no longer generates secure, purposeful jobs for the working class, and so millions of people live in a state of insecure despair. The opioid epidemic is generating a lot of media coverage and hand-wringing, but few if any solutions, and this is predictable: if you don't face up to the causes, then you can't solve the problem.

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Charles Hugh Smith // What’s Your Job Worth / work, money and automation

Money & Work Unchainedm started when Charles asked himself: When we dream of the future of our society, are we hoping for the right things? The current conventional-wisdom. Money & Work Unchainedm started when Charles asked himself: When we dream of the future of our society, are we hoping for the right things? The current …

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CHARLES HUGH SMITH What we want to do is make society rich


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Central Banks: From Coordination to Competition

This is one reason why I anticipate "unexpected" disruptions in the global economy in 2018. The mere mention of "central banks" will likely turn off many readers who understandably have little interest in convoluted policies and arcane mumbo-jumbo, but bear with me for a few paragraphs while I make the case for something to happen in 2018 that will impact us all to some degree.

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RMR: Special Guest – Charles Hugh Smith – Of Two Minds (01/22/2018)

“V” and Charles have a great discussion regarding cryptocurrencies, the future of money and the current broken banking model. We are political scientists, editorial engineers, and radio show developers drawn together by a shared vision of bringing Alternative news through digital mediums that evangelize our civil liberties. Please subscribe for the latest shows daily! …

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It’s Time to Retire “Capitalism”

Our current socio-economic system is nothing but the application of force on the many to enforce the skims, scams and privileges of the self-serving few. I've placed the word capitalism in quotation marks to reflect the reality that this word now covers a wide spectrum of economic activities, very little of which is actually capitalism as classically defined.

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Charles Hugh Smith–What’s Your Job Worth? #3845

Money & Work Unchainedm started when Charles asked himself: “When we dream of the future of our society, are we hoping for the right things?” The current conventional-wisdom view of our soon-to-be future is rose-tinted: automation will free millions of people from the drudgery of work, then by taxing the robots doing all the work, we can …

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The Fascinating Psychology of Blowoff Tops

The psychology of blowoff tops in asset bubbles is fascinating: let's start with the first requirement of a move qualifying as a blowoff top, which is the vast majority of participants deny the move is a blowoff top.

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Charles Hugh Smith WARNS: Crash Is Coming Control Fraud Is the Core of our Political Syste

My advice is this: Settle! That’s right. Don’t worry about passion or intense connection. Don’t nix a guy based on his annoying habit of yelling Bravo! in theaters. Overlook his halitosis. Spread the word about PropellerAds and earn money! YouTube Tips and Triks to make real dollers: The Best Portable Bluetooth Speaker (.

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MUST LISTEN Charles Hugh Smith Can Trump pull a Rabbit out of a Hat or is US Economy Doome

MUST LISTEN Charles Hugh Smith Can Trump pull a Rabbit out of a Hat or is US Economy Doomed. Thank you for listening. Follow us on . Thank you for listening. Follow us on . MUST LISTEN Charles Hugh Smith Can Trump pull a Rabbit out of a Hat or is US Economy Doomed. ALERT! …

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Yes, But at What Cost?

This is how our entire status quo maintains the illusion of normalcy: by avoiding a full accounting of the costs. The economy's going great--but at what cost? "Normalcy" has been restored, but at what cost? Profits are soaring, but at what cost? Our pain is being reduced--but at what cost? The status quo delights in celebrating gains, but the costs required to generate those gains are ignored for one simple reason: the costs exceed the gains by a...

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Why the Financial System Will Break: You Can’t “Normalize” Markets that Depend on Extreme Monetary Stimulus

Central banks are now trapped. In a nutshell, central banks are promising to "normalize" their monetary policy extremes in 2018. Nice, but there's a problem: you can't "normalize" markets that are now entirely dependent on extremes of monetary stimulus. Attempts to "normalize" will break the markets and the financial system. Let's start with the core dynamic of the global economy and nosebleed-valuation markets: credit.

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Central Banks Have Manipulated The Markets Which Will Ultimately Crash Charles Hugh Smith

Thanks for ing. Today’s Guest: Charles Hugh Smith Websites: Of Two Minds Books: Get a Job, Build a Real Career. Why. Thanks for ing. Central Banks Have Manipulated The Markets Which Will Ultimately Crash Charles Hugh Smith ———————————- $ Help Finance News reach 1000 subscribers: Thanks for ing. Today’s Guest: Charles Hugh Smith Websites: Of …

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The Hidden-in-Plain-Sight Mechanism of the Super-Wealthy: Money-Laundering 2.0

Financial and political power are two sides of one coin. We all know the rich are getting richer, and the super-rich are getting super-richer. This reality is illustrated in the chart of income gains, the vast majority of which have flowed to the top .01%--not the top 1%, or the top .1% -- to the very tippy top of the wealth-power pyramid.

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“Wealth Effect” = Widening Wealth Inequality

Note that widening wealth and income inequality is a non-partisan trend. One of the core goals of the Federal Reserve's monetary policies of the past 9 years is to generate the "wealth effect": by pushing the valuations of stocks and bonds higher, American households will feel wealthier, and hence be more willing to borrow and spend, even if they didn't actually reap any gains by selling stocks and bonds that gained value.

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MUST : The ‘Wealth Effect’ Is Widening Wealth Inequality Charles Hugh Smith

Please click above to subscribe to my channel Thanks for ing! Financial News Silver News Gold Bix Weir RoadToRoota Road To Roota Kyle Bass Realist News Greg Mannarino Rob Kirby Reluctant. What does politics in the United States have in common with that of declining empires of ages past? Too much, argues Glenn Hubbard. The …

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