Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics


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The Problems with Post-Trump Populism

When Murray Rothbard established a realignment in libertarian thought, his standard was determined by sovereignty rather than bipartisanship. A right-wing populist platform might be the most popular campaign strategy in the last few years. Since Brexit, a trend has swept a wide range of the globe. The question remains what this political revolution should be called. If it were a daring step away from the establishment, spectators might be concerned...

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From Bastiat’s Defense of Exchange to Ideal Government

Frédéric Bastiat is justifiably famous among believers in liberty. His many classic contributions include The Law and his essays “Government” and “That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen,” not to mention some of the best reductio ad absurdum arguments ever (such as “The Candlemakers’ Petition” and “The Negative Railway”) and more. Less well known are other essays, such as his election manifesto of 1846, which illustrated what a principled...

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Kennst du die Spielregeln des Finanzsystems?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : "Wenn die Menschen das Finanzsystem verstehen würden, hätten wir eine Revolution vor morgen früh." Sagte nicht irgendwer, sondern Henry Ford bereits damals. Und er wollte Menschen damit aufrütteln, dass diese aufwachen und hinschauen, wie das ganze Finanzsystem wirklich ist und funktioniert. So Dinge wie Inflation und auch, dass Währungen kommen und gehen. Auch die Währungskriege dahinter beispielsweise,...

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Modern Portfolio Theory Is Mistaken: Diversification Is Not Investment

According to modern portfolio theory (MPT), financial asset prices always fully reflect all available and relevant information, and any adjustment to new information is virtually instantaneous. Thus, asset prices respond only to the unexpected part of information since the expected portion is already embedded in prices. For example, if the central bank raises interest rates by 0.5 percent, and if market participants anticipated this action, asset...

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Wie kannst du dich gegen Inflation und Bankenpleiten schützen?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Banken gehen insolvent und pleite und diejenigen, die nicht pleite sind, dort wird das Geld der Leute weg inflationiert, wo es 5 bis 10% Minimum weniger wird jedes Jahr. Und was machen die meisten Menschen? Nichts. Man könnte es vielleicht sogar dumm nennen, dass die Menschen selber zuschauen, wie man ihnen das Geld wegnimmt. Ist aber historisch ein ganz normaler Prozess, weil die meisten Menschen Schafe sind und...

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A Free and Open Internet Is a Threat to the Establishment

Last week, a video clip of Francis Fukuyama went viral. In the clip, the political scientist called freedom of speech and a marketplace of ideas “18th century notions that really have been belied (or shown to be false) by a lot of what’s happened in recent decades.” Fukuyama then reflects on how a censorship regime could be enacted in the United States. But the question then becomes, how do you actually regulate content that you think is noxious,...

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The State Does Not Compromise and Neither Will We

I often think of the great Henry Hazlitt, a hero and supporter of the Mises Institute. He was a tireless voice of reason. He once said at a Mises birthday celebration, “We have a duty to speak even more clearly and courageously, to work hard, and to keep fighting this battle while the strength is still in us. Even those of us who have reached and passed our seventieth birthdays cannot afford to rest on our oars and spend the rest of our lives...

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The State Does Not Compromise and Neither Will We

I often think of the great Henry Hazlitt, a hero and supporter of the Mises Institute. He was a tireless voice of reason. He once said at a Mises birthday celebration, “We have a duty to speak even more clearly and courageously, to work hard, and to keep fighting this battle while the strength is still in us. Even those of us who have reached and passed our seventieth birthdays cannot afford to rest on our oars and spend the rest of our lives...

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COP28: Climate Catastrophism Wins as the World Loses

World elites gathered in yet another attempt to remake the world in a different image, with so-called climate change invoked as the catalyst for the meeting. As one can imagine, their "good" society is not very good for those who are not elites. Original Article: COP28: Climate Catastrophism Wins as the World Loses

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The Immorality of COP28

As the delegates gather for COP28 to set an agenda to "fight climate change," we should remember what they are seeking to do: destroy the world's economy as we have known it. Original Article: The Immorality of COP28

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Will Powell’s Pivot Bail Out Biden?

With a doveish pivot, Jerome Powell is declaring victory over inflation. It would be extraordinarily naive to ignore the influence of next year’s presidential election on the Fed’s new outlook. Original Article: Will Powell's Pivot Bail Out Biden?

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Political Authorities and Covid: Creating Crises in the Name of Public Health

In the name of dealing with a so-called public health crisis, U.S. political and medical elites created even more crises. David Gordon reviews Tom Woods' new book that deconstructs the disastrous decisions made by progressive politicians and medical authorities. Original Article: Political Authorities and Covid: Creating Crises in the Name of Public Health

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El EMPOBRECIMIENTO de España es INEVITABLE – Mi charla con Lorenzo Bernaldo de Quirós

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Sustainability of Eden: Can the UN’s Sustainability Agenda Succeed in a World Full of Conflict?

To achieve sustainability, the world needs stability. Yet two-thirds of countries are facing major economic, political, and social problems. Most of them are also experiencing ethnic or civil conflicts, mass migration and poverty crises. The question is whether the UN's sustainability agenda can succeed in the context of ongoing or simmering conflicts. Paradoxically, preventing wars and conflicts isn't one of the UN's seventeen sustainable...

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Ob Sozialismus diesmal funktioniert?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Sozialismus hat historisch noch nie funktioniert. Es hat immer Leid gebracht, dass die Menschen herauswollten aus dem System. Das Fatale ist, wir befinden uns bereits in einer Art neuen Sozialismus, in einem grünen Sozialismus, wo vorgeschrieben wird, okay, so und so haben wir zu leben, so haben wir zu heizen, am besten so das mit dem Urlaub handhaben und dort viel, viel mehr Pressearbeit dafür gegeben wird, weil...

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The Economic Wisdom of Antony C. Sutton’s The War on Gold

I. Antony C. Sutton (1925–2002) was a British economist and economic historian who taught at California State University, Los Angeles. Sutton was also a research fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. His work focused primarily on the financial and commercial cooperation between major United States banks and corporates (call it “Wall Street interests”) and foreign states that were openly hostile to America. In his book Wall Street...

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2024’s Deficit Is Already on Track to Be the Worst Since Covid

Weakness in the US economy continues to hide behind surging debt levels and government spending. As noted last month by Daniel LaCalle,  [A] large part of the growth in GDP came from bloated government spending financed with more debt and inventory revaluation, adding 0.8 and 1.4 percentage points to GDP growth. ... The increase in gross domestic product between the third quarter of 2022 and the same period of 2023 was a mere $414.3 billion,...

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