Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

2023: A Year Reviewed

In this episode, Mark looks back at 2023 as a great year for the goals and prospects of the Mises Institute moving forward, but a very bad year for the State. Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Get your free copy of Murray Rothbard's Anatomy of the State at

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How the American Revolution Turned North American Foreign Trade on Its Head

[Chapter 1 of Rothbard's newly edited and released Conceived in Liberty, vol. 5: The New Republic: 1784–1791.] After peace came in 1783, the new republic faced a two-fold economic adjustment: to peacetime from the artificial production and trade patterns during the war, and to a far different trading picture than had existed before the war. The largest change between the two eras of peace was the shift in trading patterns resulting from...

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Sound Money Movement Strikes Gold in 2023

Against the backdrop of high inflation rates and geopolitical uncertainty, states are increasingly enacting measures that encourage saving in precious metals and even using gold and silver as money. With five bills signed into law in 2023, sound money reforms are gaining momentum across the United States. Money Metals Exchange’s Sound Money Defense League project has emerged as an influential force, actively engaging in legislative battles by...

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Time Is Running Out!

YOUR GIFT WILL HELP US DO MORE IN 2024. With your gift of $25 or more, you will receive a copy of Joe Salerno's The Progressive Road to Socialism. Recurring donors of $10 who give $100 will also receive a copy of The Progressive Road to Socialism and renew their Membership through 2024. Donate today!

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Central Banks Brought Inflation. Now they Bring Stagnation.

Although the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank’s message regarding interest rate cuts seems clear, reiterating their commitment to reducing inflation, the market is expecting between five and six interest rate cuts, between 125 and 150 basis points, in the next twelve months. This shows us the bubble bias of many investors. We live in a world where two generations of market participants have only seen rate cuts and massive liquidity...

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2023: A year in review

After the catastrophic covid crisis of 2020 and 2021, the extremely impactful and consequential Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, many hoped that 2023 would break this terrible bad spell and finally present us all with some hope, economically, geopolitically, socially, technologically. Unfortunately, it only offered further reasons for serious concerns on all these fronts.  Economically, even though the official inflation rate followed a...

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Warum wird Geld nicht als Schulfach unterrichtet?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Warum wird Geld nicht als Schulfach unterrichten? #geldalsschulfach #finanzielleintelligenz #matrix Thorsten Wittmann® Finanzielle Freiheit leben Du kannst dir die heutige Ausgabe hier auf YouTube ansehen oder auch bei deinem gewünschten Podcastanbieter anhören (Suche: Thorsten Wittmann / Faszination Freiheit). Hier geht es zu meinem Podcast: Gratis unsere besten...

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Federal Student Loans Drive Up College Tuition Levels

Like every other government program designed to make something “more affordable,” the student loan program has managed to drive college tuition to atmospheric levels and saddle students with massive levels of debt. Original Article: Federal Student Loans Drive Up College Tuition Levels

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Let them Merge: Foreign Acquisition of US Steel

Nippon Steel's proposal to merge with US Steel is meeting opposition from the usual suspects in Washington, not to mention Tucker Carlson. Their hysteria is off the charts. Original Article: Let them Merge: Foreign Acquisition of US Steel

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America’s Corn Crop Comes from “Corny” Subsidies

America's famous Corn Belt should better be known as the nation's Subsidy Belt.  Original Article: America's Corn Crop Comes from "Corny" Subsidies

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Tyler Cowen on the GOAT in Economics

Tyler Cowen is Holbert L. Harris Chair of Economics and chairman of the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. With Alex Tabarrok, he runs the popular economics blog Marginal Revolution. Tyler joins Bob to discuss his latest book. Tyler's New Book for Free: Tyler's Blog:   Join Tom DiLorenzo, Joe Salerno, and Patrick Newman in Tampa on February 17: code "Action24" for 15% off...

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The Bad Deal That Was the New Deal: FDR’s Assault on Individual Rights

The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights: The Untold Story of FDR’s Concentration Camps, Censorship, and Mass Surveillanceby David T. BeitoIndependent Institute, 2023; x + 379 pp. Few if any readers of this column admire Franklin Roosevelt, but as the historian David Beito reminds us in this outstanding book, most of his professional colleagues rank Roosevelt among our greatest presidents, second only to Abraham Lincoln. Those who accord him this...

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Dirk Müller: Whisky als Geldanlage – eine Einführung

👉 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐬.𝐜𝐨𝐦: 𝐉𝐞𝐭𝐳𝐭 𝟏 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭 𝐟ü𝐫 𝟏€ 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 ►► 📧 Gratis-Newsletter inkl. täglichem DAX-Update ►►► 🔴 YouTube-Kanal abonnieren ►►► Viele vormals als #Sachwerte gehandelte #Anlagen verloren aufgrund abnehmender #Nachfrage bei überbordendem #Angebot nach einer gewissen Zeit ihren hohen #Wert, man denke an #Briefmarken, #Telefonkarten oder antike Möbel. Das...

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When Medical Authorities Went Totalitarian: Understanding Covid Policies and Protocols

Review: The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State Senator Rand Paul mentions Aaron Kheriaty’s The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical State in his book Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up. Dr. Kheriaty’s online biography includes the following information: Dr. Kheriaty is a plaintiff in the landmark free speech case Missouri v. Biden challenging government censorship on social media. . .. Dr. Kheriaty also serves in teaching...

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Wie laufen die Börsen in 2024? Der Finanzmarktausblick mit Aktienexperte André Stagge

Börsenausblick 2024: Strategien für Investoren, Börsenentwicklung und Risikofaktoren Jahresausblick 2024: Klartext-E-Letter: Aktien und Börse, wo geht’s hin in 2024? Der Ex-2-M-r-d-Mann André Stagge ist einer meiner persönlichen Interview-Lieblingsgäste. Nicht umsonst, denn er liegt häufig sehr gut mit seinen Aussagen und Prognosen und...

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Was kannst du aus Lebenskrisen lernen?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Diese Botschaft ist für alle, die gerade in einer Lebenskrise sind oder wieder kommen werden, was sehr, sehr wahrscheinlich ist. Denn früher oder später haben wir alle Lebenskrisen. Diese sind große Chancen hinzuschauen: "Okay, warum, wieso, weshalb erlebe ich das gerade? Was kann, was sollte ich tun, damit ich es nie wieder zukünftig erleben werde?" Und dann sind sie eine gewaltige Chance. Ich hatte...

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A Message from Tom DiLorenzo: Help Us in Our Fight to Save Freedom in America

Please help us in our fight to save freedom in America—and indeed the rest of the world—by making as generous a donation as you can. I became a student of Austrian economics and libertarian philosophy by accident. In my first semester in college in 1972, I signed up for Principles of Microeconomics. In the classroom was a bookshelf that happened to have all the back issues of The Freeman published by the Foundation for Economic Education. I started...

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2024 Predictions (and New Years Resolutions)

On the final Radio Rothbard of 2023, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by Patrick Newman. At a recent Mises event, Newman made some bold predictions about the Federal Reserve's actions in 2024, some of which already look to becoming true. The three talk about what may be on the table for the new year for the economy, politics, and foreign affairs. "Are We Headed for a Recession in 2024?" by Patrick...

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Why Secession Offers a Path to Wealth and Self-Determination

[This article is chapter 5 of Breaking Away: The Case for Secession, Radical Decentralization, and Smaller Polities. Now available at Amazon and in the Mises Store.] One of the most consistent and enthusiastic defenders of human rights and “natural rights” in the twentieth century was the economist and historian Murray Rothbard. A self-described libertarian, Rothbard would also have fit in well among the more radical liberals of the nineteenth...

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